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OpenData : la SNCF ouvre ses données sur les horaires des TER et Intercités. Dès lundi, de nouvelles données seront mises gratuitement à la disposition du public par la SNCF. Ces nouveaux fichiers concerneront plus particulièrement les horaires des trains TER et Intercités. Même si l'intérêt pour les particuliers peut sembler limité à premier abord, cette démarche pourrait éventuellement conduire à la naissance d'applications à la fois intéressantes pour les utilisateurs et pour la SNCF, qui pourrait par ce biais mettre en valeur ses services. La SNCF a annoncé jeudi qu’elle allait ouvrir au public de nouvelles données issues de ses bases de données.

Lundi, des informations concernant plus particulièrement les horaires des TER et des trains Intercités seront ainsi disponibles sur le site dédié L’intérêt de cette ouverture de données ? Des espoirs d'une application prenant en charge l'intermodalité Notons enfin que la RATP à quant a elle ouvert ses plans au public l’été dernier. Xavier Berne. » Open data in Chicago: progress and direction Ascent Stage.

In a wonderfully comprehensive overview of Government 2.0 in 2011 up at the O’Reilly Radar blog Alex Howard highlights “going local” as one of the defining trends of the year. All around the country, pockets of innovation and creativity could be found, as “doing more with less” became a familiar mantra in many councils and state houses. That’s certainly been the case in the seven-and-a-half months since Mayor Emanuel took the helm in Chicago. Doing more with less has been directly tied to initiatives around data and the implications they have had for real change of government processes, business creation, and urban policy.

I’d like to outline what’s been accomplished, where we’re headed and, importantly, why it matters. The Emanuel transition report laid out a fairly broad charge for technology in his office. Set high standards for open, participatory government to involve all Chicagoans. In asking ourselves why open and participatory mattered, we developed the following four principals. 10 exemples concrets d'utilisation des données pour construire des bases de connaissances et des outils d'aide. Ces 10 exemples d'utilisation des données dans le domaine des transports de marchandises (déchets notamment) et des personnes, préfigurent les futurs outils d'aide qui seront orientés en fonction des utilisateurs : citoyen, ménage, collectivité, entreprise, état... Traffic accidents in the U.S. between 2001 to 2009 ITO-Road fatalities USA An impressive work that collects all traffic accidents on different roads of the United States by type of accident (pedestrian, driver, year, etc..)

And all in one map that has accumulated a huge range of information for the period 2001 - 2009. The same team has prepared one for the UK. The long journey of trash Trash track I wrote some lines about this project from MIT some time ago. A public hire bike system in real time London Bike Share Map This map visualizes all bikes of the public hire schemes in London. The intense activity of a subway network Examining MetroCard usage Real-time use of bicycles London Hire Bikes animation Another one about bikes. San Francisco Data. A Case for Open Data in Transit. Ever find yourself waiting for the next bus, not knowing when it will arrive? Think it would be great if you could check a subway countdown clock from the sidewalk? Or get arrival times on your phone? Giving transit riders better information can make riding the bus or the train more convenient and appealing.

And transit agencies are finding that the easiest and least expensive way to do it is by opening data about routes, schedules, and real-time locations to software developers, instead of guarding it like a proprietary secret. I recently got the chance to dive into the topic of open data in transit with my colleagues at OpenPlans. We went up to Boston to see what transit riders got out of the transportation department's decision to open up its data. [intro music] Nick Grossman: [00:03] Transportation’s a natural for open data efforts to take route in cities because transportation touches everybody’s lives everyday. [music] Chris Dempsey: [02:19] We’re at J.P. Gale A. [music] Place d'Italie > Gare Montparnasse. TIMEMAPS. Plan de l'arrondissement. OneBusAway.

Swisstrains v2. FlightAware - Outil de suivi des vols/ Statut des vols/ Suivi des vols. 25 projets d’Open Data à travers le monde | Digital-In. L'arrondissement du Plateau-Mont-Royal – Rééquilibrez le budget à votre guise. : Inspections des aliments à Montréal. Exemple open data.