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Sneak Peek: HuffPost Brings Real Time Collaboration to the Newsroom | John Pavley. Trigger warnings: computer jargon, monster movie references If you’re a regular reader of the Huffington Post you might not have given much thought to the technology behind the news articles that you read, share, and comment upon on our site. Since 2005 the tech team at HuffPost has been working hand-in-glove with our editors to create the ultimate digital content delivery system. We call this system “MT” because it was originally based on Movable Type. Over the last eight years we have enhanced MT and its features to the point that they have morphed into a tool that puts every feature a modern tech-savvy journalist needs at her finger tips. MT won’t write a great story for you, but it levels the playing field in an increasingly competitive, crowded, and careening Internet.

MT is like those giant robots in the movie Pacific Rim: Tremendous monster fighting firepower with a human team at its heart. Eight years is a long time for an Internet application to live. Getting Started with elasticsearch and AngularJS: Part1 - Searching. The ability to deliver sophisticated client-side JavaScript applications is an important aspect of data discovery and visualization. It’s no secret that elasticsearch is phenomenal at extracting meaning from enormous data sets in near real-time. Exposing that power to end users requires equally impressive applications. Elasticsearch has made search more approachable by exposing Web friendly APIs (REST + JSON) that reduce the impedance mismatch associated with relational models, at no sacrifice to query capability.

On the other side of the equation, AngularJS simplifies the effort required to build highly interactive, data-driven Web applications. The goal here is to write a series of articles that help folks gain some insight into how these technologies fit together. I’ll start off with some basics behind AngularJS and build on that functionality in later articles. Getting Started Loading Data Application Module // app.jsangular.module('demo', []); Creating a Search Controller <! <! Wraping Up. Premiers pas avec ElasticSearch (Partie 1) Malgré une prise en main rapide et une documentation officielle très complète, l'utilisation d'ElasticSearch peut devenir rapidement complexe pour qui n'a jamais utilisé de moteur de recherche.

C'est pourquoi nous avons choisi de démarrer une nouvelle série d'articles, dans laquelle nous allons essayer de présenter les notions de base d'ElasticSearch et les fonctionnalités les plus utilisées de ce fantastique outil. Dans ce premier article, nous verrons comment installer et configurer ElasticSearch. Nous en profiterons pour introduire les concepts de nœud et de cluster, puis nous effectuerons nos premières indexations de documents et recherches par mots clés.

ElasticSearch : cool, bonsaï, cool ! ElasticSearch est un projet open source développé en Java sous licence Apache2. La première version a été mise à disposition du public en février 2010. La version actuelle est 0.19.11, mais ne vous fiez pas à ce numéro! Au cœur du projet, Apache Lucene Les fonctionnalités clés d'ElasticSearch Avec. Kibana 3. Elasticsearch - Le moteur de recherche élastique pour tous, pour David Pilato. Kennethreitz/heroku-elasticsearch. Premiers pas avec ElasticSearch (Partie 1)