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Los proyectos de software libre más populares en Github durante 2012. GitHub, la plataforma colaborativa de revisión y desarrollo de software, realizó una publicación en su blog oficial donde se muestra el balance de la actividad que se registró en el servicio durante todo el año, es posible encontrarnos con números y gráficas bastante interesantes, además del recuento de los proyectos más populares.

Los proyectos de software libre más populares en Github durante 2012

Destaca que Actualmente hay 2.8 millones de usuarios en GitHub lo que significa un crecimiento en la plataforma de hasta un 133%, no solo incrementó la base de usuarios, también generaron bastante actividad ya que realizaron hasta 4.6 millones de repositorios nuevos que representan un incremento del 171% con respecto al año anterior. El top de Github se divide en dos categorías: Los proyectos que más estrellas recibieron por parte de los miembros de la comunidad y los que tienen más contribuciones en su desarrollo. How to Become a Top WordPress Professional. First, let’s set a few things straight: becoming a top WordPress [developer professional] is hard work — very hard work.

How to Become a Top WordPress Professional

It’s going to take a lot of time, energy and determination. If you’re looking for an easy checklist or some “fast pass” to the top, you’re going to waste your time. Being one of the best is hard, and statistically speaking, the odds are stacked against you.” If you’re a regular reader of Smashing Magazine, that will no doubt sound familiar to you. A few weeks back, Jonathan Wold wrote a post on how to be a top WordPress developer1. 2Image Credit: @cdharrison3 In this article, I’m going to take a look at how you can be a top WordPress professional — this advice could apply to developers, but equally to bloggers, support reps, designers and everyone in between. But why bother with WordPress in the first place? “With WordPress you’re not sleeping on someone else’s couch. WordPress makes it easy for people to publish a blog or website; it democratizes Web publishing. (cp)


Everything You Never Knew About CSS Floats. What do floats really do anyway?

Everything You Never Knew About CSS Floats

How do they affect the box model of the elements involved? How do floated elements differ from inline elements? What are the specific rules governing the position of floated elements? How does the clear property work and what is it for? Floats can trip up even experienced developers and understanding their behavior can really set you free from many of the woes that you face with CSS. What Is a Float? Some elements in CSS are block level elements, which means they automatically start a new line.

One way to cheat this model of layout is to use floats, which allow a given element to shift to one side of its line and have other content flow down its side. The classic example is when you toss an image in with a paragraph and want the two to appear side by side rather than stacked. Alone, this code does not produce the effect that we want. We can change this behavior by floating our image to the right. How the Box Works Crazy Float Rules Translation Required.


Responsive. HTML 5. PHP. Javascript. Explaining The Different HTTP Status Codes. When a URL is requested by the client to a server the server will return the resource and a HTTP Status code. The status code will let the client know different information about the request, if it was success, if it failed or if the resource has moved. Here is a list of all the HTTP codes and what they mean. 100's are informational codes200's are success codes300's are redirection codes400's are client error codes500's are server error codes 100 - Continue This code means that the request header has been received and that the request body can continue to be sent. 101 - Switch protocols This code means that the server has asked for the client to switch protocols. 102 - Processing This code means that the server is processing the request from the client. 103 - Resume request This code means that the server can proceed to process POST requests. 122 - Exceeds maximum characters This code means that the URL requested exceeds the maximum 2083 characters. 200 - Successful 201 - Created 202 - Accepted.