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Victor Manuel Herrera

A simple man... an ordinary idiot... but not like everyone

Rock music. Sumer. The irrigated farming together with annual replenishment of soil fertility and the surplus of storable food in temple granaries created by this economy allowed the population of this region to rise to levels never before seen, unlike those found in earlier cultures of shifting cultivators. This much greater population density in turn created and required an extensive labour force and division of labour with many specialised arts and crafts. At the same time, historic overuse of the irrigated soils led to progressive salinisation, and a Malthusian crisis which led to depopulation of the Sumerian region over time, leading to its progressive eclipse by the Akkadians of middle Mesopotamia.

Sumer was also the site of early development of writing, progressing from a stage of proto-writing in the mid 4th millennium BC to writing proper in the 3rd millennium BC (see Jemdet Nasr period). Origin of name[edit] City-states in Mesopotamia[edit] Map of Sumer Other principal cities: History[edit] Fertile Crescent. The Fertile Crescent at maximum defined extent, with the names of ancient civilizations found there. The Fertile Crescent is a crescent-shaped region containing the comparatively moist and fertile land of otherwise arid and semi-arid Western Asia, and the Nile Valley and Nile Delta of northeast Africa. The term was popularized by University of Chicago archaeologist James Henry Breasted.

Having originated in the study of ancient history, the concept soon developed and today retains meanings in international geopolitics and diplomatic relations. In current usage, all definitions of the Fertile Crescent include Mesopotamia, the land in and around the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The modern-day countries with significant territory within the Fertile Crescent are Iraq, Kuwait, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Palestine, Cyprus, and Egypt, besides the southeastern fringe of Turkey and the western fringes of Iran.[1][2][3] Terminology[edit] Languages[edit] Geography[edit] Vegetation[edit] Fertile Crescent. Rosie, Sharon, Alex, Robert & The Work. 4th way library. HarmoniousDevelopments : In Search of Miraculous Emergence. 2009-02-15. Rmation | george gurdjieff. Harmonious Awakening | Dennis Lewis: Explorations into Breath, Awakening, and the Wholeness of Life.

Enneagram2. Georges I. Gurdjieff. Georges I. Gurdjieff Leben[Bearbeiten] Begegnungen mit bemerkenswerten Menschen[Bearbeiten] Gurdjieff kam im griechischen Viertel der zum zaristischen Russland gehörigen Stadt Alexandropol (heute Gjumri, Armenien) zur Welt. Die in seinen Pässen aufgeführten Geburtsdaten reichen vom 1. Januar 1864 bis zum 28. Dezember 1877.[2] Sein Vater, Ioannis Georgiadis (griechisch Ιωάννης Γεωργιάδης) war ein wohlhabender Viehbesitzer und wirkte als Aschoch (Barde), seine Mutter war Armenierin. Nachdem die Herden der Familie an einer Seuche zugrunde gingen (vermutlich 1872/73), eröffnete der verarmte Vater einen Holzhandel, mit dem er jedoch 1877 scheiterte. 1883 zog Gurdjieff nach Tiflis. 1908 ließ er sich in Taschkent nieder, wo er begann, in der Öffentlichkeit zu wirken.

Um der Oktoberrevolution und deren Folgen zu entkommen, zogen Gurdjieff und seine Studenten über den Kaukasus nach Tiflis, wo er im September 1919 ein erstes Institut eröffnete. Der aufgebahrte Leichnam Gurdjieffs Werk[Bearbeiten] Ultimate Classic Rock.