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Practical Biology. This website is for teachers of biology in schools and colleges.

Practical Biology

It is a collection of experiments that demonstrate a wide range of biological concepts and processes. Experiments are placed within real-life contexts, and have links to carefully selected further reading. Welcome - Science & Plants for Schools. Search and share chemistry. Virtual Sound Level Meter. Online Tone Generators - Highest Quality. Definition Also known as a test oscillator, function generator or waveform generator, a signal generator delivers an accurately calibrated output with adjustable frequency and amplitude.

Online Tone Generators - Highest Quality provides various signal generators optimized for use in audio and acoustics applications. Those specialized signal generators are often referred to as tone generators. Virtual Oscilloscope: Interactive Simulation of an Analogue 20 MHz Oscilloscope - How to use an oscilloscope / how to use the oscilloscope (manual, oscilloscope simulation / oscilloscope tutorial)