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Introducción a ARToolKit por la Unidad - Biblioteca de ayuda ARToolworks. From ARToolworks support library Main Page > ARToolKit for Unity > Getting Started with ARToolKit for Unity Installation ARToolKit for Unity is distributed as a Unity package. A package is an archive of files which can be imported and unpacked into your Unity project. In this case, the package contains the plugin, scripts and resources necessary to integrate ARToolKit with your Unity application. The ARToolKit for Unity package is available to customers for download from ARToolworks. Download and store this package on your machine. You can import the package into a fresh or existing project. Assets -> Import Package -> Custom Package... Use the default (Import all) Your Unity project now contains the necessary files for augmented reality with ARToolKit. Package Overview The package contains: ARToolKit plugin: The native plugin implementation.

Scene Setup Basic Setup Dragging an instance of the "ARToolKit" script from the Asset browser onto an empty GameObject. Choose "Edit layers... " in Unity. Storytelling | Xtranormal. Vimeo, el lugar al que pertenecen tus vídeos. Triptico. Live video chat rooms, simple and easy. - Tinychat. Create timelines, share them on the web | Timetoast timelines.

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