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100 Websites to Teach Yourself Photography - Photography College. So you are thinking of taking up photography as a hobby.

100 Websites to Teach Yourself Photography - Photography College

Where do you begin? The age of point and shoot is over. Everyone can create beautiful, easily processed photos with a digital camera. Maybe you aren’t as savvy s photographer as you’d like to be, but these 100 photography tutorials will bring you up to speed so your friends will be breaking down your door to photograph their wedding or big event. Basic Photography Tutorials. PHOTOGRAPHING THE AURORA BOREALIS. Auroras, sometimes called the northern and southern lights are natural light displays in the sky.


In order to see an Aurora, one usually needs a dark sky (no bright moon, no city lights) and relatively clear weather. Auroras usually occur near the magnetic poles of the earth and occur most often during the equinoxes. Note that the magnetic poles of the earth do not coincide with the geographic poles. For example, the Magnetic North Pole is located in the Arctic Islands of Northern Canada.

The Photo Argus - A Photographer's Resource.