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Is Your Target Audience On Twitter, Facebook, Or LinkedIn? How to Use Blog Lists for Your Social Media Strategy. My recent post 52 Cool Facts About Social Media seems to have been a bit popular.

How to Use Blog Lists for Your Social Media Strategy

Hopefully it helped show some of the reasons why social media is a platform that all businesses should take seriously, and at the very least investigate whether they should be active or not. One of the things I saw as a result of the post were a few emails that said, “Great stats, but how would you use information like that for your business?” Now, it’d be tempting to say, “Easy – hire my company!” But instead here are a few ways on how you could use a stat from each platform. Facebook - Stat: The average Facebook user is connected to 60 Pages, Groups and Events. - Strategy: It’s clear that Facebook Pages or Groups offer a great opportunity for your business, either by having one or targeting those where you could both benefit.

Or use Facebook Search to find Groups or Events that your business can help, and get to know the folks involved. Think of what you can offer to receive. Twitter LinkedIn YouTube Blogging. Social Media and The Tale of Two Professions. InShare79 Over the years I’ve written about the maturation of social media within business and how we were, and still very much are, starting to realize its potential and its impact.

Social Media and The Tale of Two Professions

And the truth is, we’re just getting started. What’s upon us now is nothing short of the beginning of the end of business as usual.Where we are today and where we’ll stand a year from now and the year thereafter are worlds apart. The socialization of business requires new doorways between the walls that currently divide us. From the onset of social media, many were skeptical, others were baffled or indifferent, and the passionate few were inspired. But then… We faced tough questions where answers fell outside of our realm of responsibility. We witnessed anger and negative sentiment. We were sucked into political conversations within the organization where management questioned our authority and intentions.

We wrestled with other divisions to win the right to “own” social media within the organization. LinkedIn: Crossing Borders and Connecting People. LinkedIn vs. Xing – ein quantitativer Vergleich der Dax 30 Konzerne « LinkedInsider Deutschland. Herleitung [Update: Dieser Artikel ist 2010 entstanden...aber immer noch aktuell.

LinkedIn vs. Xing – ein quantitativer Vergleich der Dax 30 Konzerne « LinkedInsider Deutschland

Die Zahlen zu 2011 finden sich hier] In Deutschland sind zwei soziale Netzwerke im Business Bereich besonders aktiv: das deutsche Xing und das amerikanische LinkedIn. In meinem persönlichen Umfeld haben gerade Führungskräfte oft gar kein Profil – nirgendwo. Wenn aber eins vorhanden ist, dann eher auf LinkedIn. Also wollte ich versuchen, mal einen quantitativen Massstab zu finden. Bis jetzt gab es nur einen Versuch des CIO Magazines, dieses zu messen. Ausschlag für den Vergleich gab allerdings ein Headhunter, der behauptete, LinkedIn wäre in Deutschland wichtiger. Dax 30 Ermittlung Mitarbeiter und Follower Aus den Angaben habe ich zwei Sachen verglichen: Wie viele Mitarbeiter haben ein Profil bei LinkedIn / XingWie viele folgen einem Konzern?

Mitarbeiterprofile von Konzernen im Vergleich Im folgenden eine Übersicht aller Dax Konzerne und die Anzahl der vertretenen Mitarbeiterprofile: In Summe bedeutet das: Fazit.