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The 5 Types of Work That Fill Your Day. Hacking work is all the rage these days, along with tips for managing email, taking notes, and running meetings. But, at a higher level, what can we learn from analyzing the different types of work we do and how we allocate our time? First, let’s take a look at the five kinds of work we do every day: 1.

Reactionary Work In the modern age, most of our day is consumed by Reactionary Work, during which we are focused only on responding to messages and requests – emails, text messages, Facebook messages, tweets, voicemails, and the list goes on. You are constantly reacting to what comes into you rather than being proactive in what matters most to you. 2. At other times, you need to plan how you will do your work. 3. Of course, there are many motions we go through every day that are neither reactionary nor strategic. 4. 5. Creativity becomes most important during Problem-Solving Work. The best workflows are highly personalized and occasionally borderline neurotic, but they keep us engaged.

Mind Over Body. SuperBetter. The Blog of Author Tim Ferriss. “Everyone’s looking for rules to follow, and the sooner you realize there aren’t any, the better art can be.”– Jerrod Carmichael Jerrod Carmichael is pushing the boundaries of comedy with his groundbreaking work in stand-up, television, and film. Now just 29 years old, what this driven North Carolina native has accomplished is mind-boggling, and 2017 is going to be his biggest year yet. Jerrod stars in the hit NBC series The Carmichael Show, which he also writes and executive produces. The third season of the show premieres in 2017. In March of 2017, Jerrod will star in his second stand-up comedy special on HBO, directed by Bo Burnham. He made his debut on HBO in 2014 with his critically acclaimed one-hour special, Love at the Store, directed by Spike Lee.

Love at the Store is the funniest standup special I’ve seen in many years, and it’s the reason I reached out to Jerrod. Jerrod recently announced his upcoming authorial debut with an as-yet-untitled memoir. Gestion du temps et organisation personnelle : sélection d'articles. D’aucuns diront que le temps est un concept… Ceci est plus que probable ! Toutefois, dans nos contrées, il faut bien faire avec... Celui qui serait tenté de ne pas en tenir compte se verrait bien vite rattrapé par l’horloge, le calendrier… Car s’il est tentant et délicieux de l’oublier pendant les vacances, il en est bien autrement dans la vie professionnelle où tous les protagonistes courent après des délais de plus en plus serrés.

Chaque jour, chaque heure, chaque minute est désormais comptée, décortiqué, comptabilisé, facturé… Mieux vaut donc passer maître dans l’art de la gestion du temps si vous ne voulez pas perdre le contrôle. Il existe de nombreux principes, techniques et outils pour parvenir à ses fins. Le plus difficile est peut-être de choisir quelques outils et de s'y tenir. Articles Halte à la tyrannie des urgences Jean-Louis Muller souligne que subir un état permanent d'urgence n'a pas de sens. Le Grand Blog de la VenteComment terminer à 18h tous les soirs (ou presque) ? eBook. Blog du Personal Branding | Fadhila Brahimi.