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Linux for Beginners

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Creating multi-page PDF files with GIMP and `convert` « Patrick's WebLog. Occasionally I have to sign some document (old style, with a pen) and send it electronically. Sometimes those are multi-page documents. Since it is uncommon to send it back as multiple image files after scanning, and multi-page image formats are uncommon as well, I’d like to send them as PDF file. Before I discovered this method, I used to insert the scanned images into OpenOffice Writer, and then create the PDF with it.

This works, but it is a bit cumbersome to tell OpenOffice Writer to maximise the images (eliminating page borders, etc.), especially when there are a lot of pages. It just doesn’t feel like a real solution. So, here we go: Prerequisites: GIMP (I’m currently at version 2.6.8, but this will probably work with older versions as well)GraphicsMagick (tested with 1.3.8) or ImageMagick (tested with Procedure: Get the scanned pages opened as layers of one image in GIMP. That’s it – you now have your PDF file ready for sending!

UsingTheTerminal. "Under Linux there are GUIs (graphical user interfaces), where you can point and click and drag, and hopefully get work done without first reading lots of documentation. The traditional Unix environment is a CLI (command line interface), where you type commands to tell the computer what to do. That is faster and more powerful, but requires finding out what the commands are. " -- from man intro(1) This page gives an introduction to using the command-line interface terminal, from now on abbreviated to the terminal. There are many varieties of Linux, but almost all of them use similar commands that can be entered from the terminal. There are also many graphical user interfaces (GUIs), but each of them works differently and there is little standardization between them.

Experienced users who work with many different Linux distributions therefore find it easier to learn commands that can be used in all varieties of Ubuntu and, indeed, in other Linux distributions as well. In Unity In GNOME . fo #! Learning the shell - Lesson 2: Navigation. In this lesson, I will introduce your first three commands: pwd (print working directory), cd (change directory), and ls (list files and directories). If you have not worked with a command line interface before, you will need to pay close attention to this lesson, since the concepts will take some getting used to. File System Organization Like that legacy operating system, the files on a Linux system are arranged in what is called a hierarchical directory structure. This means that they are organized in a tree-like pattern of directories (called folders in other systems), which may contain files and other directories.

The first directory in the file system is called the root directory. The root directory contains files and subdirectories, which contain more files and subdirectories and so on and so on. Most graphical environments today include a file manager program to view and manipulate the contents of the file system. Pwd [me@linuxbox me]$ pwd /home/me [me@linuxbox me]$ ls cd. GIMP keyboard shortcuts. Apt - How do I resolve unmet dependencies. Ubuntu Linux: How do I install .deb packages? I am a new Ubuntu Linux user. I need to install a package called package.deb. I know I can use Synaptic front-end package management tool to install packages from the CD or Internet. But, I would like to install a special .deb file. How can I install .deb package from the terminal using command line option in Ubuntu Linux or Debian Linux? You need to use the dpkg command, which is a package manager from shell/command prompt for Debian and Ubuntu Linux.

Syntax The syntax is as follows: dpkg -i package-name-here.deb dpkg --install package-name-here.deb dpkg -i -R /path/to/dir/name/with/lots/of/dot-deb-files/ dpkg -i --recursive /path/to/dir/name/with/lots/of/dot-deb-files/ Where, -i or --install : Install the package. How do I install .deb file? To install a single package file called /tmp/package.deb type the following commands. Install all packages from /nfs/pkgs/ubuntu-builds directory Recommended readings: How to know the directory / folder of Linux applications / programs? Where is the Linux's Program Files ? Or, at which locations the programs in Linux installed?

Exactly the same question was asked by one reader. There are no such file or folder named Program File (as in Windows) in Linux, and Linux program do not store most of their files in one such location and, in general, they do not ask you the dumb question - where to install your program files. Yes, Linux Programs are intelligent enough to install their files in pre-defined required directories. But, at times you need to know where these files are? Well, most of the Linux programs places either binary or their link to locations like - /bin, /sbin, /usr/bin, /usr/share/bin etc. Here is a command that rescues you in such situations - whereis For example, you want to know where GIMP program's executable is located. #whereis gimp The output will be like this- gimp: /usr/bin/gimp /etc/gimp /usr/lib/gimp /usr/share/gimp Related Reading : How to create program link in your Linux desktop Digg this.

Fixing ‘Updating player…’ issue in Amazon Instant Video on Linux « God, Your Book Is Great !! I have been a happy Amazon Prime customer for the last couple of years. One of the biggest perks of using it the availability of large number of videos available for instantly watching. Infact, I watched almost all episodes of Star Trek (TOS to Voyager) using this method. Sometime in the second or third week of January, this method broke down.

Whenever, I tried to play the episodes of Voyager, I got an error in Flash player. Basically, it will open a dialog box saying ‘Updating Player’ which will soon error out saying "an error occurred and your player could not be updated”. If you retry, it will get stuck with ‘Updating Player’ . I was using Ubuntu 11.10 on a 64 bit machine. Sudo apt-get install libhal1 hal Few of my friends also had this issue and installing these packages seems to fix the issue. Like this: Like Loading... How to upgrade R in ubuntu. How To Upgrade Packages In Ubuntu From the Console or Terminal. Use cat Command In Linux / UNIX. How do I use cat command in Linux? How do I use cat command in UNIX? How can I use cat command in UNIX or Linux shell scripts?

The cat command is considered as one of the most frequently used commands on Linux or UNIX like operating systems. It can be used for the following purposes under UNIX or Linux: Display text files on screen.Copy text files.Combine text files.Create new text files. cat command Syntax The syntax is as follows: cat filename cat options filename cat file1 file2 cat file1 file2 > newcombinedfile Displaying The Contents of Files To read or read the contents of files, enter: $ cat /etc/passwd The above command will display the contents of a file named /etc/passwd.

Concatenate files Concatenation means putting multiple file contents together. How Do I Create a File? You can use cat command for file creation. This is a test. To save and exit press the CONTROL and d keys (CTRL+D). How Do I Copy File? Cat command options cat Command Abuse. Linux: Remove a Program with apt - GROK Knowledge Base. How To: Remove Programs Compiled from Source Code in Linux. You have successfully compiled and installed a piece of software from source code. Now you no longer have a need for the program. This is how you remove the program from your system. Quick key: $ = denotes a new command line. Don't type '$' '#' or '---' = my way of indicating notes/important information. [ENTER] = be sure to press enter after typing every line. Step 1: Always R.T.M.F. Always Read The Manual First. Open a terminal: Applications > Accessories > Terminal $ cd /path/to/program/file $ ls --- # to reveal the contents of the file: Look for: 'README', 'READ_FIRST', 'UNINSTALL', etc $ gedit README --- # 'gedit' being the text editor I use # If the document fails to address software removal, then read on.

Step 2: Make Uninstall Hopefully when compiling the program you kept the 'makefile' . $ make uninstall The terminal should fill with text. Step 3: Manual Removal If 'make uninstall' did not work, then set aside an afternoon and some patience to manually remove each file individually. 1. 2. Things To Tweak After Installing Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot. Update: for Ubuntu 12.04, see: Things To Tweak After Installing Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin Back when Ubuntu 11.04 was released, we wrote a post about stuff you may need to tweak or fix. Some of those tweaks still work but since this is a new version, there are new things that need tweaking so I've decided to make a new post with some popular old tweaks as well as some new ones. Read on! General tweaks (for both GNOME Shell and Unity) Change themes, fonts and more with GNOME Tweak Tool In Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot you can only switch between the default GTK themes by default.

Sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool Once installed, GNOME Tweak Tool should show up as "Advanced Settings" in the menu. No screensaver in GNOME 3.2 GNOME 3 doesn't have a screensaver, just a black screen. Sudo apt-get remove gnome-screensaver sudo apt-get install xscreensaver xscreensaver-gl-extra xscreensaver-data-extra Then search for "Screensaver" in the menu and tweak its settings to your needs. Nautilus search. Manila Standard Today -- -- 2011/november/8. Installing package from source with Linux. Unusable Partition. Getting to Grips With SSH – Part 5: Vim | CatN. Control Panel, Getting Started, vCluster Get up and running quickly by following this guide for creating a new vCluster account within the Control Panel.

Control Panel, MySQL, vCluster In this guide we show you how to access phpMyAdmin for administering your vCluster database. WordPress This guide explains how to install WordPress manually using an FTP client to connect to your vCluster and upload the app files. Importing from another WordPress blog is a quick way of copying your site to a new WordPress instance. Learn a number of approaches for building links to your website and avoiding bad practices frowned on by Google. MySQL Read our best practices list to ensure you are getting the most from your database and not leaving yourself open to attacks.

Control Panel, vCluster You can host multiple websites on a single vCluster account using vhosting and multi-site. Sometimes you may need more than one FTP user. Access.