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Speech and language development for infants with Down syndrome (0-5 years) Sue Buckley and Gillian Bird This module provides a programme of activities and advice designed to assist the development of speech and language skills for children with Down syndrome from birth to five years.

Speech and language development for infants with Down syndrome (0-5 years)

The advice and activities are based on knowledge of the processes affecting speech and language development in typically developing children, the identified difficulties of children with Down syndrome and current research findings from studies evaluating effective remedial strategies. It also includes checklists for evaluating and recording children’s development of interactive communication skills, speech sounds, vocabulary, sentences and grammar. The programme will enable parents, teachers and therapists to help children with Down syndrome to learn to talk, to talk in sentences, and to develop their speech clarity and conversational skills.

Buckley SJ, Bird G. Babies signing, Baby signs, Baby Signing Classes. Baby Sign Language – Resources to Teach Sign Language for Babies. Baby Signs ®, Señas del Bebé. Baby Sign Language, First Signs DVD, Books. Baby Signs. How to Baby Sign - Sign Language for Babies Signing Videos and Lessons.