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MIT Scientist Uncovers Link Between Glyphosate, GMOs And The Autism Epidemic. Autism is one of humanity’s most mysterious afflictions. The disorder, which can hinder communication, empathy and other social skills on a spectrum ranging from mild to severe, affects as many as 1 in 68 children born in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control, up from 1 in 150 at the turn of the century. No one knows exactly what has caused the increase, but one researcher is pointing her finger at a chemical called glyphosate, more widely known as the active ingredient in the ubiquitous weed killer Roundup. Agribusiness giant Monsanto introduced Roundup Ready soybeans to the United States in 1994, which are genetically modified to resist glyphosate so farmers can spray their fields with the weed killer without damaging their crops.

Today, some 90 percent of soy and corn grown in the country are Roundup Ready. Via: Marcin Balcerzak Now Dr. However, she claims that the chemical still effects humans even if it doesn’t act on our bodies directly. The Complete History of Monsanto, “The World’s Most Evil Corporation” Content From The Web:Content From The Web:Content From The Web:Content From The Web:Content From The Web: by E Hanzai Of all the mega-corps running amok, Monsanto has consistently outperformed its rivals, earning the crown as “most evil corporation on Earth!” Not content to simply rest upon its throne of destruction, it remains focused on newer, more scientifically innovative ways to harm the planet and its people. 1901: The company is founded by John Francis Queeny, a member of the Knights of Malta, a thirty year pharmaceutical veteran married to Olga Mendez Monsanto, for which Monsanto Chemical Works is named.

The company’s first product is chemical saccharin, sold to Coca-Cola as an artificial sweetener. Even then, the government knew saccharin was poisonous and sued to stop its manufacture but lost in court, thus opening the Monsanto Pandora’s Box to begin poisoning the world through the soft drink. Monsanto’s Disneyfied vision of the future: Monsanto partners with I.G. Why? Debatt: Hvor sunn er økologisk mat? | Naturlig Liv. Oikos Økologisk Norge arrangerte i samarbeid med flere andre organisasjoner, en debatt om hvor sunn økologisk mat faktisk er. Debatten Baserte seg på 3 studier som nylig er publisert. Klinisk ernbæringsfysiolog Inge Lindseth har skrevet en kommentar til presentasjonen til Vitenskapskommiteens leder, Jan Alexander og deres rapport. Gjesteinnlegg av Klinisk ernæringsfysiolog Inge Lindseth. Den 23. september arrangerte Oikos et seminar på Litteraturhuset med utgangspunkt i en rapport som våre myndigheter (Vitenskapskommiteen for mattrygghet, VKM) nylig har utarbeidet om helseeffekter av økologisk mat.

Videoopptaket av seminaret, med den avsluttende debatten kan ses her Selv om økologisk mat i rapporten vant på 21 punkter, det var uavgjort på 5 og konvensjonell mat vant på 2 punkter, kunne man lese i avisene etter at rapporten ble lagt fram at «økologisk mat er ikke sunnere». Ikke bare er det skammelig og uforståelig av våre myndigheter å gi en direkte feil framstilling av sine egne funn. Top-Rated, Safe and Natural Sunscreen for Babies and Kids.