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Contrôle de la Pensée/ Mind Controle. Facebook, the CIA, and You. // Brainsturbator. After over a decade of being immersed in the conspiracy theory culture—and I’m still there wether I like it or not—my core beef remains the same.

Facebook, the CIA, and You. // Brainsturbator

It’s not something unique to conspiracy research. It’s a universal problem with all true believers: exaggeration for dramatic effect. Subtlety is interesting. Details are brainfood. Animal Behavior of Brainwashed America - Prepare for Austerity. 10 STRATÉGIES DE MANIPULATION DES FRANÇAIS 2011 2012 AVEC EXEMPLES. YouTube & your minds are controlled by an international banking cartel. The Guantanamo Guidebook [1/5] Camp Fema American Lockdown Full Length Film 1 of 10. Mobile Prison Guard Towers Coming to a Walmart near You! Unbelievable. Mind Control » Sousveillance.