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Anatomia para Escultores. Grande dica de meus amigos Eric Kenji e Vinicius Eros. O site Anatomy4Sculptors condensa em um único lugar várias daquelas anotações que provavelmente muitos de nós já fizemos em diversos pedaços de papel ou salvamos em algum arquivo perdido em nosso computador. E claro, não é só isso. Itens como proporções, videos, segredos, livros e forums complementam o aprendizado, que já é bastante agradável através da própria organização do site, dividida em figura, torso, cabeça e pescoço, mãos e braços, perna e pés. Realmente bastante útil. VISITE: Anatomy4Sculptors. TABELA DE CORES. Peru: Kingdoms of the Sun and the Moon | Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. Joe Murtagh: Deathly Sexy. View Images: Weird Science. Gothic Architecture Pictures. All text and pictures © QT Luong. See conditions for use of pictures. There are 28 pictures on this page out of 228 pictures of Gothic Architecture. Gothic Art | Thematic Essay.

Sketchbook 2010 (vol. 2) Surreal Paintings Cloak People in Landscapes. Berlin, Germany-based artist Moki finds inspiration in Japanese artist Hayao Miyazaki's work (Spirited Away) as well as in nature. Her acrylic paintings are filled with images of northern landscapes or as she describes more specifically as "isolated Scandinavian and Icelandic terrain, a subarctic frozen lake continent, untouched caves and moss meadows, and mountains sculpted into anatomical shapes by wind and water.

" Moki merges humans with nature, cloaking them in lush green meadows or a calm sea of water. When asked why she combines humans with nature, Moki said, "The beings disappearing in my paintings illustrates the state of mind when you cannot distinguish between you and the other, that feeling of awareness for what surrounds you. Chinese philosopher Zhang Zhou wrote about the Zhuangzi butterfly in one of his books, "Once Zhuangzi dreamt he was a butterfly, a butterfly flitting and fluttering around, happy with himself and doing as he pleased. Moki's website. MWM Graphics | Matt W. Moore. Time lapse speed landscape painting in acrylic on canvas by Tim Gagnon. Art Hist.


100 Awesome Art Lessons on YouTube. Whether you’re getting your bachelor’s degree in painting, graphic design or sculpture, there’s so much to learn about art — from its lush history to materials — that it can sometimes feel overwhelming. Yet art students shouldn’t fret. There’s a whole lifetime ahead to learn and numerous resources both in the classroom and outside of it for expanding your knowledge. One great place to seek out help with becoming a better artist is on YouTube. There, other artists, teachers and experts share their lessons on just about everything you could want to know.

Here are a just a few of the thousands of art-related videos on YouTube to get you started with your creative education. Drawing From how to sketch parts of the body to the best materials to use, these videos will help educate you on all things drawing-related. Painting There are many kinds of paint, from oil to watercolor, so it can take a long time to truly become a master at any one of them, let alone multiple media. Illustration Sculpture.