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Free CAE practice reading and use of English exercises tests relevant to Cambridge Advanced Certificate. BBC Learning English | For Teachers | Funky Phrasals. Top Tips CAE. GuidetoCAEtasktypesHowtoreviseforCAE Multiplechoice Youreadatextorlistentoarecordingandthenan~we:questions.Eachquestionhasthreeorfouroptions,onlyoneofwhich thecorrectanswer. (Reading:Parts and Listening:Parts1and3) Gappedtext Youaregivenatext with someemptyspace's.Therearesomeparagraphsiafterthetext,andyouhavetochoosethecorrectoneforeachgap. (Reading:Part2) Multiplematching Youreadaseriesofquestions!

(Reading:Part Listening:Part CI~z~ Youaregivenatextwithgaps,wherewordsorphrasesaremissing.Therearetwotypesof'doze'intheUseofEnglishpaper.Part isamultiple-choicedozetask,whereyouchoosefromthefouroptionsgiven.Part2isanopendoze,Whereyouhavetothinkoftherightwordforthegap. (UseofEnglish:Parts and2) Wordforma.tion Atextcontaininganumberofgaps,witheachgapcorrespondingtoaword.A'prompt'wordisgivenattheendoftheline,whichyoumustchangetoformthemissingword.

(UseofEnglish:Part3) (UseofEnglish:Part4) Keywordtransformation (UseofEnglish:Part Sentencecompletion (Listening:Part Longturn Youaregiventhreepicturesandyouhaveto.talkabouttwo. Exercises – articles | English for Advanced Students. Passive – By Phrases. Art Heist One night in 1990, only two watchmen were responsible for guarding hundreds of millions of dollars of art at the Gardner Museum. One could say the job was pretty uneventful, even boring. But on St. Patrick’s Day weekend in 1990, the watchmen’s usual routine was dramatically changed by two thieves. Two men who were dressed as Boston Police officers rang the doorbell. Going against rules, a watchman let them into the museum. Within minutes he and the other watchman were tied up by the thieves, who had free reign over the museum. On this night, these two thieves would pull off the greatest art heist in history. More than two decades later, visitors to the museum can still see the empty frames of the stolen paintings that hang on the walls.

To this day, the art work has never been found, the thieves never caught. Why would these criminals steal valuable works of art if they weren’t going to make any money off of them? And who were these thieves? Advanced - Phrasal Verbs. Phrasal Verb Generators These have a slightly different approach to phrasal verb learning. Two boxes contain a) the most common verbs that make up phrasal verbs b) the most common particles that make up the second part of phrasal verbs.

Students work together to "generate" as many legitimate phrasal verbs as possible. As a back-up, a gap-fill exercise follows where students have to use phrasal verbs to fill the spaces. Come and join esl-lounge Premium. High quality PDF lesson plans. Premium Home Page | Free Samples | Why Join | FAQ | Sign Up! ★ Summer Coupon Discount★$8 off Lifetime Membership. Phrasal Verbs - The Participle "Out" This will help your students to focus on the different meanings of the participle "out" used for phrasal verbs. Phrasal Verb Gap-Fill Worksheets These have been divided according to the alphabet. Self-Study Idiom Quizzes. Idioms/Quizzes. 480 questions and answers Try these fun quizzes to check your understanding of English idioms. You can choose from mixed quizzes or quizzes categorized by the type of idiom. There are 480 questions, with 10 questions in each quiz set. Answers are available online. Printer-friendly You can print these quizzes out in printer-friendly format.

Just find the quiz you want and start printing. The printed version will print in black and white and be stripped of all background colours and unnecessary text, ads etc. More about Idioms English Idioms Forum:Ask questions about and discuss English Idioms.