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Free Online English Course - Unit 35. Elementary Grammar | Comparative Structures. Comparison : Comparative Adjectives Exercise. Diana was much taller ............... Charles. than like asThis one is better ............... that one. than as likeThis hamburger is bad, but that one is ................ . badder wurst worseMoscow is a long way away but Sydney is ................ . further more far fatherShe's beautiful I agree, but her mother is ............... . beautifuller most beautiful more beautifulTexas is big but Alaska is ................ . biger more big biggerAmerican Beauty was the ............... film that year. worse best betterOf all the sofas I've seen so far, this one is ............... .

Most nice the nicest nicerI'm not short. I'm just ............... tall as Hans. like than asSamantha is just as rich ............... David. as than likeMozilla Firefox is ............... than Internet Explorer. better gooder bestMexico is ............... country in Central America. the bigest the biggest biger. Complète les phrases suivantes avec AS ou MORE ou THAN : As or like? As and Like Exercise at Auto-English. UCL/FLTR/DIGE - GRAMLINK - ANGLAIS. Same & different. Comparatives with ‘as’ | Free English Grammar, Vocabulary and Phrase Tests. Mparatives and Superlatives. (Not) as ... as. Key Word Transformation. Advanced Grammar | The/The Comparatives.