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Artistes contemporains. Animation. Titam et le beau siècle. Titam et le Sirop d'Érable. Différenciation pédagogique. Little Mermaid. The Fairies Return: Or, New Tales for Old (Oddly Modern Fairy Tales) is officially released today although it has been shipping for a few weeks, I think. I received a review copy of this one from the publisher and realized I was completely unaware of the original edition. How did I miss that? It's a happy addition to my folklore library, of course. The stories, oddly enough, reminded the most of the work of Anne Thackeray Ritchie who set her own fairy tale retellings in her current times without the magic or fantasy.

There is about a fifty year gap between her work and the stories collected here which makes it all an interesting study of Britain's literary history, too. Her work is historical fiction now just as these collected stories are to us, but it's intriguing to see how past authors used fairy tales in their modern fiction. Book description: You can read a PDF of Maria Tatar's introduction on the Princeton University Press's website to give you a preview of the book. . .

The Kissed Mouth. La boite verte : Site de découverte sur la photographie, la science, les arts et tout ce qui est insolite. Musees 2.0. Banque images libres. You, Me & Charlie – is a creative digital playground for users to inspire each other as friends and artists. | You, Me & Charlie. Collections numérisées. Hébergeurs images. GUILLEMINOT René - COLLECTION LOUIS GUYARD : art brut.. art naïf.. figuration libre..

.René GUILLEMINOT Bagneux 1900 - Midi de la France 1975 Ancien champion de catch, René Guilleminot commence à peindre à vingt-quatre ans, mais ce n'est qu'à la suite d'une grande exposition en Suède à l'âge de la retraite, que sa notoriété se développe... Figure notamment dans "L'ART NAIF, Encyclopédie mondiale" où l'une de ses oeuvres "les Boulistes" est reproduite. (Musée du Vieux-Château à Laval). Huile sur toile 38 x46 nnn ART BRUT.., ART NAÏF.., et FIGURATION LIBRE.. René GUILLEMINOT © tous droits réservés - Avec l'autorisation de Louis Guyard pour la collection.