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Под кайфом и в смятении. «Под кайфом и в смятении» (англ. Dazed And Confused) — фильм режиссёра и сценариста Ричарда Линклейтера. В съёмках участвовали несколько будущих звёзд. Назван по одноимённой песне «Led Zeppelin», не звучащей в картине, так как «Led Zeppelin» обычно не дают разрешения на использование своих песен в кинофильмах. Картина собрала менее $8 млн в прокате, однако в последние годы приобрела культовый статус, особенно в университетских городках США. Квентин Тарантино включил его в свой список 12 величайших фильмов для журнала «Sight & Sound» [1]. 6 июня 2006 года в серии «Criterion Collection» вышло двухдисковое «подарочное» издание (только для США и Канады).

Сюжет[править | править исходный текст] В фильме уделено существенное внимание деталям, характерным для того периода и местоположения, в особенности автомобилям, сленгу и музыке — в саундтрек вошли столпы рок-музыки того времени. Интересные факты[править | править исходный текст] Примечания[править | править исходный текст] Полное затмение (1995. Borgen: Season 3 [DVD]: Sidse Babett Knudsen, Birgitte Hjort Sørensen, Pilou Asbæk: Film & TV. Fruitvale Station (2013. Children of Men (2006.

Подозрительные лица (1995. Mrs Henderson Presents. Mrs Henderson Presents is a 2005 British comedy film written by American playwright Martin Sherman and directed by Stephen Frears. It stars Judi Dench, Bob Hoskins, Kelly Reilly, and Pop Idol winner Will Young in his acting debut. Plot[edit] The film is based on the true story of the Windmill Theatre in London. Eccentric 70-year-old widow Mrs Laura Henderson purchases it as a post-widowhood hobby, and appoints autocratic manager Vivian Van Damm. Because the theatre's auditorium is below street level it is relatively safe during the bombing of London, and performances continue. Maureen, one of the cast, becomes involved at Mrs Henderson's instigation with a young soldier, one of the audience regulars.

Other scenes depict life in the theatre during the period. Cast[edit] Reception[edit] The film received mostly positive reviews. Awards[edit] Music[edit] References[edit] External links[edit] Notes on a Scandal (film) Notes on a Scandal is a 2006 British drama/psychological thriller film, adapted from the 2003 novel of the same name by Zoë Heller. The screenplay was written by Patrick Marber and the film was directed by Richard Eyre. The soundtrack was composed by Philip Glass. It was nominated for four Academy Awards – Best Actress, Best Supporting Actress, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Original Score.

When Sheba asks her not to tell the school administration until after Christmas as she wants to be with her family, Barbara explains she has no intention of informing, providing Sheba ends the relationship immediately. After the affair becomes public, Barbara and Sheba both lose their job because Barbara is accused of knowing about the affair and not notifying the authorities. Sheba runs outside with Barbara's journal to streams of reporters and photographers. Sheba leaves Barbara, placing the journal on the table. The film grossed $49,752,391 worldwide,[8] exceeding its £15 million budget.[9]