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Php. Homepage - Milwaukee. Sell used books. Search for used books. 4 Tips to Turn Textbooks Into Cash. E-textbooks have been threatening to win the hearts and wallets of college students for years, but a recent survey from the National Association of College Stores shows three-quarters of college students are sticking with traditional textbooks. There’s plenty of advice out there on buying textbooks cheaply, but not as much on how to sell them for as much as possible. So if you (or a family member) have recovered from finals week and want to get rid of that 100-pound stack of textbooks, here’s how to turn them into cash… 1. Avoid e-books and rentals Since most college students are sticking to the printed page, let’s forget about e-textbooks for the moment. What about renting textbooks instead of buying them? While textbook rental site Chegg claims it can save you “up to $400 a year” by renting from them, I found I could save more by buying books used and then selling them online before the next edition comes out.

. $165.49 new$155.49 used$117.99 as an e-book$50.99 for a rental copy 2. 3. 4.