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Lifehacks. Litemind. Lifehacker, tips and downloads for getting things done. The Top 100 Productivity and Lifehack Blogs for College Students. Having a little trouble getting motivated? From school responsibilities to personal calendars and social commitments, college students find themsselves stretched in too many directions. To give you a little boost, we've generated a list of the top 100 productivity and lifehack blogs for college students. Here they are, arranged by category, but in no particular order. Most Popular Following is a collection of some of the most sought after blogs about productivity on the Web. 43 Folders: Productivity guru Merlin Mann gives advice on "simple ways to make your life a little better.

" Organize your life with the advice and tools found on these informative blogs. Your Life. Get more done at the office with helpful tips and advice from these bloggers. The Daily Saint: Avoid being a workaholic with the tips found on this blog, which urge readers to find the right work-life balance. Let the experts share their professional approaches to organizing your life at home and at work.

Did I Get Things Done? Academic Productivity.