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Homemade Workouts

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How to build muscle and strength without lifting weights. There are tons of at-home workouts you can do with no equipment with positive effects, but it’s tough to make those workouts add bulk and muscle mass to your physique.

How to build muscle and strength without lifting weights

The key, according to trainer Brian Nguyen, is not only doing the right exercises, but also doing them in quick progressions that force your muscles to be explosive. Nguyen trains Mark Wahlberg and has worked with several other celebrities and star athletes, such as Will Ferrell and Kobe Bryant. He is also the co-founder of Brik Fitness, which plans workout programs for a number of stars, Olympic athletes and collegiate teams. This training routine, encouraged by Nguyen, is a great way to work out at home when you can’t make it to the gym, unless you already do most of your workouts outside that setting. Regardless, the exercises and movements utilized here maximize results by constantly testing your strength against gravity while also working on stamina in various muscle groups. 1. 3. 4.

5 Ways to Work Out Without Weights - Build Muscle and Lose Fat Faster. With all the knowledge that’s out there now about exercise, there’s really no excuse for not achieving your fitness goals.

5 Ways to Work Out Without Weights - Build Muscle and Lose Fat Faster

You can’t argue that you don’t know what to do because there are hundreds of coaches offering thousands of different programs (pick one!). People love to say they don’t have time to work out, but there are dozens of routines that can be completed in minutes. The one defense I do hear come up again and again that has some merit is a lack of equipment. If you don’t have a gym membership or haven’t gotten around to outfitting your home with some dumbbells or bands, you have to train with your own body weight, and that can be confusing to people.

Of course you can do pushups, pullups, situps, and body-weight squats, but they do get boring after a while. Here's how. 1. Most of us fall into a rut with pullups and dips. 9 Mistakes Skinny People Make Trying to Get Bigger. I’ve been trying to get bigger for as long as I can remember.

9 Mistakes Skinny People Make Trying to Get Bigger

It started when I was 17, days after being cut from the basketball team. What began as a simple quest to pack on a bit of muscle and feel a bit better about myself eventually evolved into a love of health and fitness (and ultimately, Nerd Fitness!). We receive a few emails every day from skinny men (and some women) who are trying to get bigger. As a former very skinny guy, I’ve made all the mistakes one can make over the past twelve years. In the past 18 months, after a decade of making inconsistent progress, I’ve cracked the code, and figured out how to finally gain some muscle.

Make sure you’re not making these mistakes! Get Your FREE Nerd Fitness Resource Kit 15 Fitness traps you should avoid Comprehensive beginner's guide to Paleo diet BONUS: How to level up your life and be the hero of your own story 1. If you’re not getting bigger, you are not eating enough. If you don’t eat enough calories, you won’t get any bigger. 2. 3. 4. 9 Quick Total-Body Workouts, No Equipment Needed. Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness. These nutrition programs are for an average 180-pound male looking to maintain and build muscle, but the themes throughout are consistent for any gender, any size; just tailor your own programs to your individual caloric needs.

Vegan Bodybuilding & Fitness

These are simply examples and have not been approved by the FDA or other governing body. They are purely based on my experiences and observations as a competitive and champion vegan athlete over the past 15 years. Listed after these meal programs from my book are custom made meal programs for women based on general fitness, not bodybuilding per se. Men’s Meal Program #1 Meal #1 Bowl of oatmeal Green protein smoothie 16 ounces of water Meal #2 3 pieces of whole fruit 1 cucumber Meal #3 Large green salad with mixed greens and Vega Omega 3-6-9 EFA Oil 2 artichokes and bowl of mixed beans and sprouts Protein drink (Vega Whole Food Health Optimizer) Meal #4 Celery sticks with almond butter Meal #5 Meal #6 Tofu “chicken” sandwich with vegan mayonnaise, lettuce, and tomato Bowl of oats.

3 Easy Ways to Make a Homemade Weight Set. Steps Making Lighter Homemade Weights <img alt="Image titled Make a Homemade Weight Set Step 1" src=" width="728" height="546" class="whcdn" onload="WH.performance.clearMarks('image1_rendered'); WH.performance.mark('image1_rendered');">1Use a milk jug.

3 Easy Ways to Make a Homemade Weight Set

Fill a clean, plastic gallon jug with water, sand, rocks, or concrete. Make sure that the jug has a handle; you will use this to complete your exercise reps. Use the handles to lift and lower the jug like you would any hand weight or dumbbell.[1]With milk jug hand weights, you can do bicep curls, tricep exercises, and shoulder raises.