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Syria | War Child - The charity for children affected by war. War Child has staff on the ground in Lebanon – where many of the refugees from Syria have fled. Homs is only 25 miles from the Lebanese border, and many families who were besieged in their homes by the shelling and snipers have escaped into Lebanon. We're also expanding our presence in Jordan - home to Zaa'tari, the second biggest refugee camp in the world. Many of the refugees have been integrated with the local community and are staying with families rather than in refugee camps. Being dispersed makes it harder to provide services for them. Yet most fled with little more than the clothes on their backs and now find themselves needing to pay for their rent and food. It’s a bewildering and scary time for many of the children.

Creating child-friendly 'Safe Spaces' in Lebanon We created 8 'Safe Spaces' for over 1,000 Syrian and Lebanese children in northern Lebanon. Children of Syria. Donate to Support Child Refugees Since the beginning of the conflict, Syrian children have been the forgotten victims of the horrific war. Today, over 5 million children are in need of assistance, including over 1 million Syrian children who have sought refuge in neighboring countries. These children are at risk of becoming a "lost generation" and cannot be ignored. We must save Syria's children. Syrian children, vulnerable girls and boys need you to support Save the Children. Syria continues to be one of the toughest places in the world to be a child. If we are to save Syria’s children, we must help Syria - provide nutritious food for Syrian kids, support education in Syrian refugee camps and much more.

ShelterBox USA: - About Us. Some 9 million people have been forced from their homes in war-torn Syria, according to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), having been exposed to violence and unremitting fighting. Many now remain within the borders with no home to go to and no possessions. There are over 3 million refugees, three quarters of them being women and children, seeking safety and shelter across neighboring countries. Many are living in flimsy cramped makeshift shelters. The vast majority of fleeing families arrive with little more than the clothes on their backs. So far ShelterBox has sent aid to support over 5,000 families in Syria, Iraqi Kurdistan, Lebanon and Jordan. The need for protection is critical and we are aiming to provide shelter and supplies for a further 5,000 families over the coming months - we urgently need your help today. How did this civil war happen? Protecting Syria's children | Mercy Corps. As the number of Syrians forced to flee the country's civil war continues to grow, one number stays the same — over half of them are children.

There are more than one million Syrian refugee children. And every day, thousands more kids are ripped from their homes and schools, left with painful memories of violence and confusion over what they've lost. Meet some of the children we're helping ▸ Mercy Corps has been focused on protecting these youngest refugees since the start of the crisis.

We created safe spaces and developed constructive activities where they can heal from trauma, build friendships and develop critical life skills. We are helping meet their families' basic needs, while continually finding new ways to ensure their emotional health and development are not forgotten. Learn more in a Q+A with our child protection expert ▸ The reality is that we don't know when this crisis will end. These are stories from the children we've met and the staff who are dedicated to helping them. Syria—What We're Doing to Help - Mercy-USA. According to recent U.S. government reports, there are 12.2 million people in need of humanitarian assistance inside Syria’s borders; there are 7.6 million Internally Displaced Persons, and 3+ million Syrians displaced in neighboring countries. 5.5 million children are affected by the crisis. [1] The situation for the Syrian people becomes more desperate by the day as access to food, and medical services and supplies becomes scarce due to deadly armed conflict.

Since October 2012, Mercy-USA for Aid and Development’s Syrian relief workers have been providing food aid inside Syria. Currently, we are assisting 1,000 displaced and vulnerable families with monthly food baskets and infant formula in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo. In addition to the reliable, monthly food distribution these families are relying on, Mercy-USA has also distributed seasonal aid in the form of winter clothing, mats, sleeping mattresses, blankets and Ramadan iftar food baskets.

Help Syrian Refugees - Life for Relief and Development. Syrian Refugee Families Need Your Help Imagine how hopeless you would feel if you lost your home, your sense of security, your family, your job, food and all other means.This is a reality for Syrian refugee families that had to flee from their homes in Syria to seek security in a neighboring country. Since the crisis in Syria began, Life has been providing Syrian refugee families with food, hygiene kits, mattresses, bedding and kitchen utensils.

Thousands of Syrian refugee families are living in tent camps and in less than adequate housing in Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq and need help to survive. You can help a Syrian refugee family now by clicking here. International Orthodox Christian Charities. International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC) supports one of the largest established networks to deliver life-saving humanitarian aid inside Syria where more than 10.8 million people are currently in need of assistance, 6.5 million of which are internally displaced. In addition to its work inside Syria, IOCC staff is working regionally to address the growing needs of more than 3.2 million refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Armenia as well as people in need in those host countries.

Responding to one of the worst humanitarian and refugee crises in history, IOCC is one of the few international nongovernmental organizations working on the ground across Syria to provide aid to people who have been displaced inside the country by the civil war. In providing this aid, IOCC works in close partnership with the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East. EMERGENCY AID — Distribution of dry food parcels, infant care kits, clothing, mattresses, blankets, and bedding. Donate to our Syria Emergency Response Efforts - International Medical Corps. Please notify us if you are having trouble with this page; during business hours call – 310 826-7800 x119, after business hours email – International Medical Corps has received tax-exempt status as a publicly supported organization as provided by the Internal Revenue Code under section 501(c) (3) and the California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 23701 (d).

International Medical Corps' tax identification number is 95-3949646. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. A copy of International Medical Corps' latest financial report can be obtained at Charitable solicitation disclosure statement. Syrian Humanitarian Relief – Islamic Relief USA. The Syrian conflict has now entered it’s fifth year (it began in March 2011). The situation is disastrous—entire towns and neighborhoods have been decimated or isolated, and many Syrians have been living in daily turmoil. In many communities, people are reluctant to step outside of their homes because they can’t guarantee what doing so will mean—danger lurks almost everywhere. Others have been pushed out of their neighborhoods to try to find refuge in adjacent areas.

They cannot commute to work, school and other places of business, or get supplies or medical care. This makes life unbearable for people who already have little access to food, water, medical care and electricity. To protect their families, millions of Syrian refugees have fled to neighboring countries, such as Jordan and Lebanon. The latest reports indicate that the registered Syrian refugee population outside Syria is more than 3.9 million.

SEASONAL —Ramadan food packages were distributed in 2013, and 2014. Syria Crisis. Humanitarian Crisis in Syria: Concern Responds. Millions of Lives Are At Risk Now in its third year, the Syrian civil war has sparked one the greatest population exoduses in modern history, with some 2.4 million Syrians fleeing to neighboring countries. Inside Syria, some 6.5 million people are estimated to be displaced and one-third of Syria’s housing is thought to be destroyed. The devastation to Syria’s infrastructure also contributed to a polio outbreak in 2013—a disease not reported in the country since 1999. According to UNHCR, in 2013 alone, some 1.7 million refugees have been registered—an increase of more than 340 percent compared to last year. By the end of 2013, some 2.4 million Syrian refugees are estimated to be living in Lebanon (905,000), Jordan (575,000), Turkey (562,000), Iraq (216,000), and Egypt (145,000).

The war shows no sign of abating, and the United Nations estimates Syrian refugees could number as many as 4.1 million—more than 2 million of them children—by the end of 2014. Providing Lifesaving Support for Syrian Refugees | Catholic Relief Services. Seven-year-old Raghed, a Syrian refugee, stands on a trash pile at an informal refugee settlement in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley.

Photo by Sam Tarling for CRS Syria is at the center of the world's most devastating humanitarian emergency. Once a vibrant hub of Middle Eastern culture and history, Syria has been besieged by internal conflict that has uprooted millions of innocent families. Of those, 3.2 million Syrians have fled across the border into Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey and Egypt. More than 75% of Syrian refugees are women and children. CRS response Catholic Relief Services is providing more than 700,000 Syrian refugees across the region with urgent medical assistance, food, shelter, living supplies, hygiene, counseling and education for children. Our response is comprehensive and addresses people's needs to survive and live in dignity. Medical support includes immediate interventions for life-threatening wounds as well as care for chronic needs, like diabetes and maternal/child care. Syria Humanitarian Crisis. FAQs: War in Syria, children, and the refugee crisis.

Nearly 2 million Syrian children are refugees, the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) reports. An upsurge in fighting has complicated aid efforts as the conflict enters its fifth year. Here’s background on the humanitarian needs in Syria and among refugees in the region How many people have fled their homes? About 3.9 million have fled as refugees to neighboring countries and more than 7.6 million people are internally displaced (IDPs) within Syria. Does the number of refugees show any sign of slowing? No. From January 2 to March 10, about 200,000 more people fled Syria for neighboring countries. What are the refugees’ greatest needs? Refugees need food, clothing, stoves and fuel for heat and cooking, and basic household and hygiene items.

Children need a safe, protective environment and a chance to play and go to school. Adults need employment options to provide for their families while displaced. Where are the refugees living? More than 1.1 million refugees are in Lebanon. Learn more.