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Exercise and Fitness

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Facts Good to Know: Popcorn - A Healthy Snack? Popcorn is a healthy snack if it is not covered in butter, heavily salted or doused with caramel.

Facts Good to Know: Popcorn - A Healthy Snack?

Popcorn keeps you full for a long time and provides you with the necessary fiber content. Popcorn is rich in iron, protein, vitamin B 1, vitamin B 2, calcium and phosphorus.Nutrition in 4 cups of air-popped popcorn Fiber -5 gms Calories – 122gms Carbohydrates – 25 gms Fat – 1.4 gms Saturated fat – 0.2 gms Monosaturated fat – 0.4 gms Polyunsaturated fats – 0.6 gms B 1, B 2, B 3, B 6 and folic acid -6 % of RDA (recommended daily allowance) Magnesium – 16 % RDA Selenium – 8 % RDA Zinc – 10 % RDA Buy popcorn kernels and pop it at home with healthy oil.

How does a popcorn pop? References. How to Hire a Personal Fitness Trainer? Hiring a personal fitness trainer is a great way to achieve your fitness goals.

How to Hire a Personal Fitness Trainer?

There are certain things to keep in mind when you hire a personal fitness trainer. When you hire a personal fitness trainer there are certain things you should keep in mind. Hiring a personal fitness trainer will keep you on track and help you to achieve your fitness goals. When you work out with a personal trainer, the trainer will guide you with the right way of exercising and you will not injure yourself while exercising. All this can happen only when you hire a good personal fitness trainer. To make sure you are hiring a good personal fitness trainer keep the following points in mind - 1. If you are impressed then go with the same trainer that they have hired. When you have no clue about whom to hire the best thing to do is to ask for guidance from well reputed fitness centers who offer personal trainer one to one sessions.

Health Benefits Of Walking. Health benefits of walking are many.

Health Benefits Of Walking

Walking is a low impact form of exercise. It does not need any equipment and it is cost free. Make walking a part of your everyday routine to lead a healthy life. Walking helps you to burn calories and control your body weight. It also helps to tone the muscles of your leg, hips, buttocks and builds overall strength and endurance of your body. When you walk, your body is exposed to sunlight.

Walking makes your heart strong and prevents heart diseases and stroke. Walking lowers the levels of bad cholesterol and increases the levels of good cholesterol. Walking lowers blood pressure by helping the heart to function better and by improving blood circulation in the body. What is Pilates? Health Benefits of Pilates. Pilates is a system developed for physical fitness by Joseph Pilates.

What is Pilates? Health Benefits of Pilates

Pilates is built around the control of the body when exercising. The posture, breathing and movement of the body are very important while exercising. Pilates has many health benefits and an excellent form of physical exercise. An Introduction to Pilates Pilates is a system developed for physical fitness by Joseph Pilates. In the beginning chairs and tables were used for Pilates exercises. What is Pilates? Pilates is built around the control of the body when exercising. The focus of Pilates. Aerobic Exercise for Health and Fitness. Aerobic exercises target the heart and the lungs.

Aerobic Exercise for Health and Fitness

It is an excellent form of cardio vascular exercises. It strengthens the heart muscles and improves lung capacity. It helps to lose weight, ease stress and helps to prevent many health conditions. What is aerobic exercise? Aerobic exercise involves the continuous and repeated movement of large muscle groups. Aerobics is a very good form of cardio vascular exercise. Examples of aerobic exercises - Running, walking, swimming, rowing, jogging, cycling, skating, skiing, hiking, dancing Image Credit - freedigitalphotos Benefits of Aerobic Exercises Aerobic exercises along with a healthy diet helps to lose weight Increases stamina and fitness levels over a period of time Strengthens the heart and helps the heart to pump blood more efficiently Removes bad cholesterol from the arteries and boosts the levels of good cholesterol. How to drink water the right way. Did you know that drinking excessive water can be dangerous?

How to drink water the right way

Drinking excessive water over a short period of time leads to many complications and in some extreme cases untimely death. Your body is programmed to handle water as and when it enters the body. The body receives water in two ways – Ø the water that you drink directly and Ø water from fruits and vegetables that you eat When the body is suddenly pumped with excess water, it is shocked and does not know what to do. * Blood runs in delicate tubes (blood vessels) throughout our body. . * Kidneys flush out water and other impurities on a daily basis. . * Blood consists of water and electrolytes. The electrolytes in the blood and the electrolytes in the cell are well balanced.

When you drink too much water the blood becomes diluted and increases in volume. To maintain the balance of electrolytes present in the blood and the surrounding cells, the excess water will seep into the surrounding cells making them swell up. You may experience –