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Health. The Vegetarian Resource Group (VRG) Vegetarianism Know How. Getting The Protein You Need. Photo by Kelly Rossiter Hands down, the number one response I get from people when I mention that my children are both vegetarian is "but how do they get enough protein? " Getting your daily requirement of protein is actually pretty easy. In fact, if you are eating meat, chances are you are consuming more protein than you need.

Eating any kind of balanced diet simply requires a little thought and a well stocked pantry. The Vegetarian Resource Group (VRG) What Is The Vegetarian Diet Pyramid? Body Mass Index calculator you'll like. Talking Moose Body Mass Index (BMI) can be used to indicate if you are overweight, obese, underweight or normal.

Body Mass Index calculator you'll like

It will, however, overestimate fatness in people who are muscular or atheletic. Because of these problems, this body mass index calculator shows extra statistics to help you be informed and judge your own body compared to others of the same height and age. Also offered are average weight and height charts and Body Mass Index charts, which show data you just can't find anywhere else. Women tend to believe they look their best at values between 20 to 22 and men are usually satisfied with a BMI of 23 to 25. Groovy vegetarian. Carbs Are Killing You [infographic] Healing foods reference database. How to Store Vegetables & Fruit Without Plastic. The Vegetarian Resource Group. Why Not Eat Meat - The Principle Hygienic Concern Is Optimal Health. Today's medical fad: The Genetic Myth (The cure for cancer, CF, AIDS and schizophrenia do not involve genes)

Today's medical fad: The Genetic Myth [Posted 26 October 2003, Last updated 16 November 2003] I have to admit...

Today's medical fad: The Genetic Myth (The cure for cancer, CF, AIDS and schizophrenia do not involve genes)

This article is inspired by TELEVISION, of all things. Either Thursday or Wednesday, I was at a Mexican restaurant having lunch when CNN Headline News ran two "medical" stories in the half-hour, blaming genetics for breast cancer and OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder). Now I know, as do most well-educated people, that TV news stories are often bogus, and I don't have time to respond to them. Big advertisers (think drug commercials) heavily influence news content, making independent radio stations and certain internet news services (see the news links on my main page) the last bastions of "honest" news, with their news largely uncontrolled by corporate advertising dollars. The NOTMILK Homepage! (MILK is a bad-news substance!) The Solution to World Hunger: Eat Less Meat. The earth’s population is very close to hitting 7 billion, out of which a billion people are chronically malnourished. It’s estimated that by 2050 there will be more than 9 billion people living on the planet.

If this wasn’t scary enough, our agricultural systems are degrading land, water, biodiversity and climate on a global scale. Without more sustainable practices in the horizon, our planet is going to become even less able to feed its growing population in the years ahead. A team of researchers from the U.S., Canada, Sweden and Germany set out to tackle this problem and came up with a plan to double the world’s food population, while reducing the environmental impacts of agriculture.

The results of this research was recently published in the journal Nature. One of the key suggestions in the plan relates to how everyone can contribute to the solution: EAT LESS MEAT! Image Source: Joost J. Resources. Distance Running on Vegan Fuel. Running a long way requires a lot of energy.

Distance Running on Vegan Fuel

We get energy from the food and drinks we consume. So far, this is not exactly complicated science. It’s a simple equation: the number of calories we take on board needs to balance the number of calories burned (which is likely to be upwards of 2500 for events of marathon distance and beyond). Daily Fuel For the Vegan Athlete. It has been a long, hard winter for many of us who prefer to achieve our fitness through outdoor activities.

Daily Fuel For the Vegan Athlete

Whether walking, running or cycling -- all of which felt nearly impossible this winter with the frigid temperatures and record snow fall. Science + Vegan Recipes = One Good Healthy Eating Book. I had the opportunity to catch one of the first screenings of Forks Over Knives in New York City last year.

Science + Vegan Recipes = One Good Healthy Eating Book

Besides loving the film myself, I came away feeling that I could show it, with confidence, to an omnivore of any background and feel confident that veganism was being presented in an accurate and inarguably rational and positive light. Yes! We need more media of this sort. Needless to say, as the film has been making its way around the country, it’s been starting up conversations and, we hope, changing everyone’s eating habits right and left. Recipes. LA MEMORIA. Per ricordarsi di un appuntamento di lavoro, c’è chi è solito annotarsi la data e l’orario sull’agenda, e chi, semplicemente, lo tiene a mente: in entrambi i casi si affida una informazione ad un sistema di memoria, sia esso esterno (agenda) o interno (mente).


LA PERCEZIONE. Quale processo cognitivo ci permette di riconoscere come parole alcuni tratti neri impressi su una superficie bianca?


È la percezione, frutto sia dell’informa zione sensoriale che raggiunge il nostro cervello, sia della nostra esperienza pregressa e della nostra conoscenza del mondo (es.: alfabetizzazione). LA DIGESTIONE DEGLI AMIDI. I nitrati e la loro presenza negli ortaggi e nelle verdure più comuni .