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31 day nail challenge. This challenge is wearing me out!

31 day nail challenge

I'm almost finished and I can't wait till it's over, cause seriously, from the beginning of the challenge till now, I've been itching to try some other things that I've seen this past month! Also, I finally took the time to change my blog around a bit! There's still some things I want to fix, but need to figure out how to do it. I'm such a web illiterate person and cannot for the life of me understand the jibberish they call HTML. What do you think of the layout/design? Also, I've started up a tumblr (well I deleted my old account and made a new one) for my nail art.

It's still very naked... only in due time shall it be jazzed up! Today's theme is inspired by the supernatural. I was kind of out all day so I settled for something simple (mind you it still took long!). Shall we have a look at my mani? My favourite is the middle finger. What do you think of this mani? //Linda. 31 Day Nail Challenge. The 31 day nail challenge is not for the faint of heart!

31 Day Nail Challenge

Just kidding...mostly. It's a really fun, exciting way to expand your knowledge of nail art. Tons of nail bloggers have tackled this challenge and it's so much fun to see what they come up with every day. The hardest part is taking off your gorgeous manicures every day to do a new one. Looking at my challenge from start to finish, I can see how much I've grown and improved as a nail artist. What is the challenge? Others Who Have Completed The 31 Day Nail Challenge Chalkboard NailsThe NailasaurusNails and NomsLet Them Have PolishAdventures in Acetone Back to the Galleries. 31 Day Challenge » Nails and Noms. Happy Wednesday Everyone!

31 Day Challenge » Nails and Noms

I can’t believe this is the last day of the 31 Day Challenge!! It’s gone by so fast, and it’s been amazing sharing this experience with two bloggers I’ve admired even before I had my own blog! It’s been great having Cris and Sammy to run ideas by, share frustrations with, and shoot endless tweets to my heart’s content. This challenge forced me to push my boundaries and gave me a new love and appreciation for nail art! Copy That, Copy Cat. Hi everyone!

Copy That, Copy Cat

Finally did that new caviar trend manicure and I'm loving it - it's like candy on my fingers :) I decided to do a rainbow one 'cause they're the only colours I have (really want to do a black and blue one) and they still turned out great. Texture doesn't bother me too much, but they are kind of like having rhinestones on your nails, so if it bothers you, this isn't the mani for you! I did a full cover over every nail just last night and there have been casualties already haha.

Also, some of the microbeads are losing colour, so it looks like there are bald spots. Lucky me, took the pics before they started to look like clear beads. This mani is so simple to do, so if you're looking for something fun, definitely try this mani out. Nailside. Glitta Gloves. Chalkboard Nails. The Polished Perfectionist. Vampy Varnish: Makeup and Nail Polish Blog Featuring Swatches & Reviews! The PolishAholic. All Lacquered Up - A Nail Polish Fanatic's Resource. Chloe's Nails. Emerald Sparkled. PSHIIIT.

Vernis en Folie. Cela fait longtemps que je lorgne sur les vernis semi-permanents.

Vernis en Folie

Pas que j’ai viré ma cuti, non, non, mais je suis une éternelle curieuse ! Et avec le buzz fait autour de ces vernis qui n’auraient que des avantages, laissez-moi vous dire que je n’ai pas hésité très longtemps quand Sephora m’a proposé de tester le kit Striplac* by Alessandro. Pour vous parler de ce produit, j’ai décidé d’articuler ce billet sous forme de questions-réponses. C’est parti ! C’est quoi le kit Striplac ? Le maniement de la lampe, ça m’impressionne un peu. Concrètement, comment se passe la pose du vernis semi-permanent Striplac ? Après avoir appliqué une fine couche de Twin Coat sans toucher les cuticules ni la peau des bords de l’ongle, on passe sous la lampe pendant 60 secondes. As-tu des conseils pour bien réussir la pose ? Ça tient vraiment 10 jours ? Comment se passe le retrait ?

C’est d’ailleurs pour sa technologie "Peel-Off" que j’ai décidé de tester le kit Striplac et aucun autre. Verdict final ? SybliaŊails. Les ongles de Boboch* Le bout des ongles. Glitter and Nails : the girl who loves glitter and nailpolish.