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Untitled. La civilización micénica, que floreció en el Mediterráneo oriental entre los siglos XVII y XII a.


C., nos ha dejado un legado en forma de impresionantes fortificaciones. Gracias a ellas conocemos cómo fue aquel pueblo de guerreros y, por extensión, sabemos un poco más acerca de un período fascinante de la historia de la cultura occidental. Los centros micénicos más importantes se concentran en la península griega del Peloponeso. Tirinto (también llamada Tirinte) fue uno de ellos, así como Micenas (ciudad que da nombre a la civilización), Argos y Pilos.

Los orígenes de la Tirinto micénica enlazan con los acontecimientos que tuvieron lugar en la Grecia continental a finales del III milenio a. Pros y contras La ciudad que el autor de la Ilíada y la Odisea calificó como “la bien amurallada” se ha desvelado menos impresionante en hallazgos y de dimensiones más reducidas que otros yacimientos micénicos, pero, en contrapartida, salió a la luz en un estado de conservación muy bueno. Untitled. 1º ESO - Greek art (Architecture and scupture) ATHENS VS. SPARTA. PREZI - ANCIENT GREECE. Destripando la Historia.


La Antigua Grecia en 15 minutos. La Antigua Grecia - 5 cosas que deberías saber - Historia para niños - Grecia. GREEK ART. HOMER. ECONOMY IN ANCIENT GREECE. REVISION ACTIVITIES- ANCIENT GREECE. Los Grandes Pensadores Griegos (Español) Los primeros filósofos - Educatina. No veas este vídeo si vas a votar hoy : #WHYDEMOCRACY. Alexander the Great (All Parts) Persian empire map. The Greek Hoplite. Dioses de la mitología griega y romana. The Battle of Marathon and Salamis. Ancient Greeks Facts in 1 Minute. Ancient Greece Reading Comprehension. Ancient Greece spans hundreds of years of history starting at about 800 BC.

Ancient Greece Reading Comprehension

Ancient Greece is unique in many respects. First of all, it is the first period with historiography. This means it is the first time-period about which we have historical accounts written by people who lived back then. Herodotus, born in present-day Turkey in the 400s BC, is considered the father of history. The Greece of the past is not how we know it today.

Warring and feuds between the city-states were very common. Sparta was the most militarily powerful of the city-states beginning in 650 BC. Athens, in turn, was the most populous city-state at over 360,000 people in 431 BC. Greek Heroes in Ancient Greek Mythology. The Greek heroes were playing a significant part in the Greek myths and folk tales.

Greek Heroes in Ancient Greek Mythology

They usually were characters with a daring personality and extraordinary abilities, mostly arising from the Trojan War. Women of Greece. Trade & Commerce in Greek City-States & the Mediterranean Region. Alexander the Great - Encyclopedia channel. Troy. Legend of the Trojan War for Kids (Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts) - Ancient Greece for Kids. There is an old saying - Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.

Legend of the Trojan War for Kids (Beware of Greeks Bearing Gifts) - Ancient Greece for Kids

This saying comes from the legend of the Trojan Horse. Guerra de Troya y Guerras Medicas by Karen Osuna on Prezi. Las Guerras Médicas. This is Sparta: Fierce warriors of the ancient world - Craig Zimmer. ATHENS AND PERICLES. Sparta and Athens. Athens and five minutes or less. Qu'est-ce que la démocratie athénienne représentait vraiment ? Greco-Persian Wars. COLONISATION. The Ancient Greek Poli - reading lesson for kids. Khanacademy. Ancient Greece - History, mythology, art, war, culture, society, and architecture. Classical Greece - Ancient History. Pericles also used the tribute money to support Athenian artists and thinkers.

Classical Greece - Ancient History

For instance, he paid to rebuild the parts of Athens that the Persian Wars had destroyed. Knossos - the minoan ruins. The Minotaur. School Radio - Tales from Ancient Greece, 3. Theseus and the Minotaur. Ancient Greek Myth: Theseus and the Minotaur, for kids - Ancient Greece for Kids. An Ancient Greek Myth As the story goes ...

Ancient Greek Myth: Theseus and the Minotaur, for kids - Ancient Greece for Kids

Once upon a time, a long time ago, there lived a king named Minos. King Minos lived on a lovely island called Crete. King Minos had everything a king could possibly want. In the ancient Greek religion and Greek mythology, the Twelve Olympians are Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Hades, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hermes, Ares, Hephaestus, and Hestia.

Like this: Like Loading... Lesson GreekMythology. Ancient Greek Gods and Myth for Kids and Teachers - Ancient Greek & Roman Gods for Kids. Ancient Greek Gods & Goddesses Facts For Kids. Ancient Greek Gods Welcome to our Greek Gods and Goddesses page here on History for Kids.

Ancient Greek Gods & Goddesses Facts For Kids

We have some fun facts and pictures for you to color. You will learn some interesting facts about each God as you read down the page. Take your time there is a lot of information on this page, check out the quick facts also if you just need a quick understanding and characteristics of each one. Athena. DAILY LIFE.

Ancient Greek Architecture Facts for Kids. Ancient Greek Architecture Architecture is the art of designing and creating buildings.

Ancient Greek Architecture Facts for Kids

Greek architecture is a very specific and influential type of design, which was based off of the post-and-lintel system. The post-and-lintel system is made up of columns, which are large upright posts, with a roof, or architrave, over the top. This type of architecture began with the Greeks, but has persisted throughout the ages to live on today. Even though it may seem simple, the Greeks created a wonderful and lasting legacy of architecture. These are some important terms to learn about Greek architecture: Greek buildings were all built in a very methodical order. Minotaur. In Greek mythology, the Minotaur was a monster with the body of a man and the head and tail of a bull.


The Minotaur was the offspring of the Cretan Queen Pasiphae and a majestic bull. Due to the Minotaur's monstrous form, King Minos ordered the craftsman, Daedalus, and his son, Icarus, to build a huge maze known as the Labyrinth to house the beast. The Minotaur remained in the Labyrinth receiving annual offerings of youths and maidens to eat. He was eventually killed by the Athenian hero Theseus. Ancient Greece - History of Ancient Greek World, Time Line and Periods, Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic.

The history of Greece can be traced back to Stone Age hunters. Later came early farmers and thecivilizations of the Minoan and Mycenaean kings. This was followed by a period of wars and invasions, known as the Dark Ages. In about 1100 BC, a people called the Dorians invaded from the north and spread down the west coast. In the period from 500-336 BC Greece was divided into small city states, each of which consisted of a city and its surrounding countryside. Ancient Greece for Kids and Teachers - Ancient Greece for Kids. Ancient Greece - The British Museum.