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Anthropo des conflits et de la violence

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Concerning the Violent Peace-Police. I am writing this on the premise that you are a well-meaning person who wishes Occupy Wall Street to succeed.

Concerning the Violent Peace-Police

I am also writing as someone who was deeply involved in the early stages of planning Occupy in New York. 3quarksdaily: Interview with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, 92nd Street Y, New York. Interview with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, 92nd Street Y, New York by Shailja Patel Rockstar goddess of postcolonial studies.

3quarksdaily: Interview with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, 92nd Street Y, New York

Leading feminist Marxist scholar of our time. Gadfly of subaltern studies: her seminal paper, “Can The Subaltern Speak?” Seeded a thousand dissertations. I want to understand something about bypassing the necessity of good rich people solving the world’s problems. What Spivak does in Bengal is the opposite of philanthropy, or uplift. I take this idea extremely seriously, so I am obliged to critique it rigorously. This consistently brilliant calling out of liberal gospels is one reason non-scholars flock to Spivak’s talks, though we may comprehend only every 5th or 10th sentence. Consider. AGAINST CHOMSKY.

Contre la diversité des tactiques, en support de l’action directe « KKKanada. (traduit en français en collaboration avec l’«auteur») par Denis Rancourt disponible en version originale anglaise sur.

Contre la diversité des tactiques, en support de l’action directe « KKKanada

Une sociologie des Blacks blocs. Loin des nombreux clichés qui circulent à leur propos, l'ouvrage de Francis Dupuis-Deri, Les Black blocs – La liberté et l'égalité se manifestent, revient sur les questions que soulèvent la présence des "Blacks blocs" dans les manifestations.

Une sociologie des Blacks blocs

A propos de Francis Dupuis-Deri, Les Black blocs – La liberté et l'égalité se manifestent – ,3e ed., Montreal, Coll. L'instinct de liberté, Lux, 2007, 247 pages, 14 euros. The Cancer in Occupy. The Cancer in Occupy Posted on Feb 6, 2012 By Chris Hedges The Black Bloc anarchists, who have been active on the streets in Oakland and other cities, are the cancer of the Occupy movement.

The Cancer in Occupy

The presence of Black Bloc anarchists—so named because they dress in black, obscure their faces, move as a unified mass, seek physical confrontations with police and destroy property—is a gift from heaven to the security and surveillance state. The Occupy encampments in various cities were shut down precisely because they were nonviolent. Black Bloc adherents detest those of us on the organized left and seek, quite consciously, to take away our tools of empowerment. Voltairine de Cleyre-De l'action directe. Voltairine de Cleyre-De l'action directe. In defence of the diversity of tactics. Judy Rebick, from her office in downtown Toronto, complained that "when a spontaneous anger against the Black Bloc emerged on social media, people berated us for ‘dividing the movement.'" She says that, in fact, "it is the Black Bloc that is dividing the movement.

In defence of the diversity of tactics

" She is wrong. I have been involved in a wide array of coalitions on various issues over the past half decade, and never have I witnessed cross-movement solidarity like I have in the anti-Olympics campaign. In southern Ontario, as in Vancouver, radical groups from a variety of locations in the broader movement have come together to start to develop a shared anti-colonial analysis.

This solidarity and unity, on the anti-colonial front, is deeper and stronger now than it has been at any point in the last 10 years. A strong example of that solidarity was on display during the Feb. 12th "Take Back Our City" march. This 21st-century analysis is moving beyond the empty rhetoric of "revolutionary acts.

" Contre la diversité des tactiques, en support de l’action directe « KKKanada. Site du Centre de ressources sur la non-violence et la prévention de la violence - Ni diversité, ni tactique. Photo: Diana Jou Malheureusement, de sérieux glissements de logique ont présidé à l'établissement d'un cadre de manifestation appelé « Respect pour la diversité des tactiques ».

Site du Centre de ressources sur la non-violence et la prévention de la violence - Ni diversité, ni tactique

J'impute directement à l'approche appelée « Diversité des tactiques » l'échec de mobilisations comme celle qui voulait entraver la Convention nationale du Parti républicain (RNC) à St-Paul (Minnesota, USA) au mois de septembre 2008. Qu'est-ce que la « Diversité des tactiques »? « Ce que nous créons ici fera dévier la convention, si bien qu'elle ira se fracasser dans l'insignifiance. » Diversité des tactiques : Une tactique est une pratique pour atteindre un but. . — Énoncé du RNC Welcoming Committee et du site "Crash the convention".

41_23_conway.pdf. Panthers, pacifists and the question of self-defense. As we evaluate the successes and errors of past organizations in order to shape more effective movements today, it is vital to be careful and precise about what lessons remain relevant.

Panthers, pacifists and the question of self-defense

Certain organizations, such as the Black Panthers, have amassed so much interest and subsequent mythology that it is often particularly difficult to sort through the hype. White nonviolent activists, furthermore, have an added burden; if we are to be valued participants in building successful mass movements for social change we must be extremely careful to provide as much principled solidarity as we do criticism. George Lakey’s recent essay, “The Black Panthers’ ‘Militarist Error,’” spotlights an important fact, delivered by a person with many years of anti-racist experience: Many leading former Panthers recognize a strategic error in their glorification of the gun.

This obscuring has been a major factor in our movement’s inability to properly assess the lessons of that period. The Black Panthers’ ‘militarist error’ Huey Newton and Bobby Steale, via Wikimedia.

The Black Panthers’ ‘militarist error’

The Black Panther Party was an African-American radical organization founded in Oakland, California, in 1966. Originally it was called the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, and even though it emerged in the North, it was responding to the same anger and frustration as the Deacons for Defense felt when watching black people get punished for standing up for themselves in the South. The Panthers’ immediate goal was to protect black neighborhoods from police brutality. The group evolved from black nationalism to a broader revolutionary socialism. It rapidly expanded to many cities, still mainly in the North, and became influential.

Not nearly enough notice has been taken of the Panthers’ effort, as a revolutionary organization, to include alternative institutions in their program. Some of my friends protested: “You had the right to defend yourselves. I understood the complaint in cultural terms. Still, the 1 percent had more cards to play. Articles : On and By Gandhi. Bhagat Singh as ‘Satyagrahi’: The Limits to Non-violence in Late Colonial India. The collapse of the non-cooperation movement.

Bhagat Singh as ‘Satyagrahi’: The Limits to Non-violence in Late Colonial India

The workers of theNJBS organized lectures on moral, literary and social subjects: they were explicitly concerned with uniting Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs,and organized inter-communal dinners to that end. Although theirradical views on religion and agrarian reform ensured they had alimited reach, they had the perspicacity to organize public meetingson topics of common interest such as a public meeting denouncingthe exhibition of Indians in the Berlin Zoo: a subject of considerableoutrageinthecolony. ThattheyoungmenoftheNJBSwerecriticalof the shape and tenor of Punjab politics is also revealed in an incident in .

Bhagat Singh was also engaged in rebuilding the HindustanRepublic Association (HRA) along with the revolutionary Chandrasekhar Azad in Kanpur. S was a period of intense and continualpolitical change. Unit11_6.pdf. Revolution in Reverse (David Graeber) Revolution in Reverse (or, on the conflict between political ontologies of violence and political ontologies of the imagination) “All power to the imagination.” “Be realistic, demand the impossible...” Anyone involved in radical politics has heard these expressions a thousand times. Usually they charm and excite the first time one encounters them, then eventually become so familiar as to seem hackneyed, or just disappear into the ambient background noise of radical life. Rarely if ever are they the object of serious theoretical reflection.

It seems to me that at the current historical juncture, some such reflection wouldn’t be a bad idea. Here is the gist of my argument: Right and Left political perspectives are founded, above all, on different assumptions about the ultimate realities of power. Let me take these one by one. Chers occupistes (diversité des tactiques III) Ceci est une traduction libre d'une lettre envoyée par des anarchistes au mouvement « occupiste »[1] de Wall Street. Je pense que ça peut s'appliquer aussi au mouvement occupiste de Montréal, mais aussi aux autres mouvements qui sont actuellement en branle au Québec. Files/pap_imposed.pdf. Site du Centre de ressources sur la non-violence et la prévention de la violence - Ni diversité, ni tactique. Site du Centre de ressources sur la non-violence et la prévention de la violence - Diversité des tactiques.

Rien d'étonnant : les forces policières paient depuis longtemps des agents provocateurs pour infiltrer des manifs. Rappelons l'histoire de nombreux mouvements sociaux : mouvement syndical (les frères Boivin dans la CSN), bombes de la GRC au nom du FLQ, manipulation de la cellule Germinal à la veille du Sommet des Amériques en 2001... Voyons donc. Même le petit chaperon rouge se doute que depuis des années, les forces policières se servent de la tactique des "Black Blocks" pour : discréditer le message altermondialiste comme ses messagers;justifier leur immense appareil répressif et les budgets qui y sont associés.

Concerning the Violent Peace-Police.