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Why you should learn just a little Awk - A Tutorial by Example. In grad school, I once saw a prof I was working with grab a text file and in seconds manipulate it into little pieces so deftly it blew my mind. I immediately decided it was time for me to learn awk, which he had so clearly mastered. To this day, 90% of the programmers I talk to have never used awk. Knowing 10% of awk's already small syntax, which you can pick up in just a few minutes, will dramatically increase your ability to quickly manipulate data in text files. Below I'll teach you the most useful stuff - not the "fundamentals", but the 5 minutes worth of practical stuff that will get you most of what I think is interesting in this little language.

Awk is a fun little programming language. It is designed for processing input strings. For our examples, assume we have a little file (logs.txt) that looks like the one below. Awk works like anything else (ie: grep) on the command line. I hope some of that was useful. Birds of a Feather.


Processing. Wolfram|Alpha?Computational Knowledge Engine. DCI. Zen in the art of IT: Learning to Drool... Part 2. In Part 1 I went through the basic syntax and requirements to get a rule developed and tested. Now to extend that, the Drools documentation is actually quite good, there is just a ton of it, so I will try to just focus on some of the main topics.

First a little thing I had to do to get the rules to run from your tests using maven, the .drls are not in the classpath by default, a simple way around that was to add the following to the POM: Now more rules scenarios and usages: Collections: Querying the contents of a can be done in 2 ways, contains and memberOf, the difference is that the collection used in conjunction with memberOf must be a variable. The drl: Regular Expressions: You can use a regex as a selection criteria as well with the key words Matches and Not Matches.

Global Variables: You can define global variables, they should not be used as the are sometimes in code, to pass information between methods or in this case rules. The test: C3/D4: Notes heading and the actual notes. Atomo. Anic - Project Hosting on Google Code. Anic is the reference implementation compiler for the experimental, high-performance, implicitly parallel, deadlock-free general-purpose dataflow programming language ANI. Portably written using the GNU toolchain, anic works on all of the popular operating systems, including *nix, Mac OS X, and Windows (via Cygwin). The project is free and open; you can get a copy of the anic source anytime: The Fast Track Want to get started with ANI programming right away? Got burning philosophical questions? Have something to say? Want to know more about the project? The Quirks ANI is probably unlike any programming language you've encountered; it does away with state, variables, commands, stacks, and memory itself, as we know it.

Crazy? Hello, World! The language couldn't possibly be simpler... "Hello, World! " Dining Philosophers Problem - A Complete, Well-Written, Correct Program ...or any more powerful... getChopsticks = [--> ?] NumPhils = 5; (for a more detailed explanation of why this works, see the FAQ) Jt7.0 - Java Design Pattern Framework for Android - Jt7.0 has been released. Jt is a design pattern framework for the rapid implementation of Java and Android applications. Jt implements many well-known patterns including Data Access Objects (DAO) and GoF design patterns. The framework addresses the following goals and requirements: A) The design pattern framework implements and/or facilitates the implementation of well-known design patterns like GoF design patterns. The framework itself is conceived and implemented based on design patterns (from the ground up). The framework facilitates and accelerates the implementation of applications based on design patterns.

B) The framework architecture is based on a messaging design pattern (MDP): framework objects are able to interchange information and perform computations by sending, receiving and processing messages. C) The framework lego/messaging architecture provides transparent access to remote components: remote framework objects is treated as local objects. The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure Project.


Dinamic langage. Funcional programing. The problem-solving process in dynamic vs. static languages. This post is about why not to used static languages. It will outline the creative process used when starting to attack a problem and implementing its solution in code, and why that very process is hindered greatly by static languages. You know what I mean, when I say static languages (Java, Scala, C++, et.c.).

I know that I've read about similar ponderings to these on the web earlier but a) I can't find them right now and b) It struck me anew on a personal level when I tried to understand why I work so much quicker when developing code in a dynamic language (especially JavaScript). The dynamic development process When I start to formulate a solution to a problem in JavaScript, I focus on the algorithm, on the classes that operate on the data and their methods - on the flow of function calls between different parts of the system I build.

This lets me stay 'in the zone' and focus on the problem I'm trying to solve. The first barMethod argument is an object. The static development process.

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