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6 Java Libararies to save your Time « Semantic Java. ActiveMQ and Tomcat: Perfect Partners. Posted by bsnyder on December 13, 2010 07:04 AM This article is excerpted from the forthcoming book ActiveMQ In Action ( by Bruce Snyder, Rob Davies and Dejan Bosanac (Manning Publications, ISBN: 1933988940) At one time or another, every software developer has the need to communicate between applications or transfer data from one system to another. Not only are there many solutions to this sort of problem, but depending on your constraints and requirements, deciding how to go about such a task can be a big decision. Business requirements oftentimes place restrictions on items that directly impact such a decision including performance, scalability, reliability and more. There are many applications that we use every day that impose just such requirements including ATMs, airline reservation systems, credit card systems, point-of-sale systems and telecommunications just to name a few.

In a series of articles, you will learn about the integration of ActiveMQ and Tomcat. Graph Databases features: graph algorithms and how to use them with DEX. 0inShare There is large literature on graph algorithms studied in the theory of graphs that has been proven to give excellent results extracting information with graphs. In this article we’d like to share a description with examples using DEX 3.0 API of the most relevant graph algorithms. Traversal: You can move through the graph using BFS (breadth first search - starting at the root all its neighbors are explored and so on) or DFS (depth first search - starting at the root and selecting one node neighbors are explored as far as possible along each branch before backtracking). The former methods allow to restrict which node types do you want to visit and which way are the edge types navigable.

Use the traversal methods to obtain all the nodes in the graph ordered at your choice. This article is the first episode of the series of posts explaining the most exciting features of Graph Databases available at DEX 3.0 with examples of how to use them. MyBatis (formerly iBatis) – Examples and Hints using SELECT, INSERT and UPDATE Annotations. MyBatis is a lightweight persistence framework for Java and .NET. This blog entry addresses the Java side. MyBatis is an alternative positioned somewhere between plain JDBC and ORM frameworks (e.g. EclipseLink or Hibernate). MyBatis usually uses XML, but it also supports annotations since version 3.

The documentation is very detailed for XML, but lacks annotation examples. A simple SQL-Table I use a very simple table with two attributes. The Java class “SimpleInformationEntity” is a POJO which contains these two attributes. @SELECT-Statement The @Select annotation is very easy to use, if you want to use exactly one paramter. Final String GET_INFO = “SELECT * FROM simple_information WHERE info_id = #{info_id}”; @Select(GET_INFO) public SimpleInformationEntity getSimpleInformationById(int info_id) throws Exception; @INSERT-Statement You can use the object (which you want to be persist) as parameter. @UPDATE-Statement You cannot use more than one parameter within a method. Configuration static { 3 easy wins using Google Guava. Google Guava used to be known as Google Collections. It is a large set of utility methods used within Google. It aims to help you create concise and easy-to-read code. 1. Concise collection initialization - No example of Java being overly verbose is complete without showing a repetitive and noisy constructor like this: Java 7 intends to introduce a "diamond operator" which allows the code to be converted to this: This kind of change probably won't prevent any bugs, but in my opinion it greatly reduces code "noise".

Google Guava provides similar functionality, today, and it works all the way back to Java 5. 2. Current way: Using Multimap: 3. I've got to stop here, or I'll never finish. A new, simple and intuitive approach to interact with your database from Java - Introduction In this article, I want to announce the first stable release 1.4.2 of jOOQ, which stands for Java Object Oriented Querying. Find more information on Abstract Many companies and software projects seem to implement one of the following two approaches to interfacing Java with SQL The very basic approach: Using JDBC directly or adding a home-grown abstraction on top of it. A new paradigm I tried to find a new solution addressing many issues that I think most developers face every day. SQL is a good thing. How does jOOQ fit in this paradigm? Not only does jOOQ completely address the above paradigm, it does so quite elegantly. -- Select all books by authors born after 1920 from a catalogue: SELECT * FROM t_author a JOIN t_book b ON = b.author_id WHERE a.year_of_birth > 1920 ORDER BY b.title Now, from your single starting point - the "Factory" - jOOQ lets you assemble the same SQL statement in objects.

But that's not it! CheersLukas Eder. Yet Another Generic DAO:yagdao | Altuure Blog. Javatuples - Main. JTattoo.

