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Translate. Presentation Patterns: MVC vs. MVP (once again) Presentation Patterns are one of my classical examples how unsophisticated we still are in our industry. MVC, MVP, PresentationModel, M-V-VM... everybody is supposedly using them but everybody has another concept how those patterns are realized. This is like the different revolutionary groups in Life of Brian: Judean People's Front, People's Front of Judea, Popular Front of Judea ... they all look the same, they all have the same purpose, sometimes they are even the same people ... but the difference is still more important than everything else! I blogged about this before: The same but different and Sophisticated Vocabulary: MVC Today in the .Net web world there is basically ASP.NET Webforms and ASP.NET MVC. ASP.NET MVC is a clean and opinionated implementation of the MVC pattern. ASP.NET Webforms does not really imply a presentation pattern. However there is the Web Forms MVP project that presents a Webforms based framework realizing the MVP pattern.

Good Practices for Rich Web Applications. By Anders Janmyr - Uncategorized Use jQuery jQuery is the best thing that has happened to Javascript since it got first class functions in version 1.2. The library is elegant, powerful and has exactly the right level of abstraction for working with the DOM. There is nothing more to say. Learn it and use it. Learn Javascript Javascript is the programming language of the web. Learn CSS Many programmers think that CSS is the language of designers and not programmers. Unfortunately, many designers don’t care about how code looks, as long as the design looks good on the surface.

As an additional benefit you will become better at jQuery. Bulletproof Web Design is a good book web design, including CSS. Decide how “Rich” your application should be How rich should your application be? The important thing is to make a decision. Organize your code Javascript Make sure that all your Javascript code is namespaced properly. You should also separate your Javascript code into different files. HTML is code! <! Induction 1.5.0b released! Induction is a powerful, high performance, Java MVC web application framework. Induction supports dynamic application reloading, type-based dependency injection and dependency analysis between models, views and controllers. The goal of Induction is to simplify the task of building complex, high performance, maintainable web applications using Java™ technology.

Induction has an extensible architecture including support for controller, view and redirect resolvers, plug-in configuration loaders and plug-in templating engines. Induction belongs to the class of Java web application frameworks usually referred to as request-based frameworks. Induction is compatible from JDK 1.4 to JDK 1.6 (Java 6).

Induction is a new and compelling alternative to other web application frameworks including Struts 2 and Spring MVC. New release! This release contains an important feature fix in the URL resolvers and a bug fix in the form parser. Induction: v1.5.3b (Sep 2012) Induction: v1.5.2b (May 2011) General. FxObjects JavaFX application development framework is released. Developing enterprise applications today using JavaFX is a challenge. The industry has not matured enough to identify patterns and practices. Consequently practioners (architects and developers alike) commit the same mistakes again and again. There is a complete lack of non-UI frameworks that make JavaFX application development easy and fast.

FxObjects attempts to address that gap. What is FxObjects In a single short line - "FxObjects makes Enterprise JavaFX development easy, elegant and fast"Framework is built from the grounds-up with Test Driven Development in mind. Major components of FxObjects Command Framework Command framework is a FxObjects subproject that provides lightweight and small footprint (50K) library for: Automated Xml to JavaFX round-tripping with zero code. Model View Presenter (MVP) FxObjects brings MVP style development to JavaFX. Controller Chain Using Dependency Injection.