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Сообщество "Управление знаниями" RKM-2012 :: RKM| Rosatom Knowledge Management | Менеджмент знаний и инновации. Технологии управления знаниями Кузнецов Сергей Валентинович. 3.1. Технологии систематизации. Для разрешения этого противоречия разработан комплекс технологий, адаптированный к нарастающему потоку изменений, возможностям человека и вычислительной техники. С целью своевременной выявления проблемы и поиска вариантов ее разрешения необходимо обеспечить автоматизированное слежение за изменениями в области интереса личности или органа управления, а также поиск и изучение всего прошлого опыта. Использование многомерных классификаторов знаний (подобных УДК - международной Универсальной Десятичной Классификации) и механизма содержательной фильтрации потоков информации позволяет создавать, развивать и поддерживать в режиме реального времени систематизированные базы данных (далее - "СБД").

В качестве предмета классифицирования могут выступать обычные тексты и любые гипермедиа объекты (звук, графика, фото ..., любые их комбинации и временные ряды), снабженные текстовыми аннотациями. 3.2. Извлечение знаний. 3.2.1. 3.2.2. Класс понятия: объект 3.2.3. 3.2.4. 3.3. 10 Things Extraordinary Bosses Give Employees. Good bosses have strong organizational skills. Good bosses have solid decision-making skills. Good bosses get important things done. Exceptional bosses do all of the above--and more. Sure, they care about their company and customers, their vendors and suppliers. But most importantly, they care to an exceptional degree about the people who work for them. That's why extraordinary bosses give every employee: 1. Great organizations are built on optimizing processes and procedures. Engagement and satisfaction are largely based on autonomy and independence.

Plus, freedom breeds innovation: Even heavily process-oriented positions have room for different approaches. Whenever possible, give your employees the autonomy and independence to work the way they work best. 2. While every job should include some degree of independence, every job does also need basic expectations for how specific situations should be handled. 3. Plus, goals are fun. No one likes work. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. No employee is perfect. Knowledge Management at Siemens - Knowledge Management Best Practices, Knowledge Enterprise Case Studies, Knowledge Resources. What is knowledge? According to Webster's Dictionary, knowledge is "the fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience or association". In practice, though, there are many possible, equally plausible definitions of knowledge. A frequently used definition of knowledge is "the ideas or understandings which an entity possesses that are used to take effective action to achieve the entity's goal(s).

This knowledge is specific to the entity which created it. " An understanding of knowledge requires some grasp of its relationship to information. In recent times, theoretical objections to the concept of truth (e.g. by post-modernists) or to that of reliability (e.g. by positivists) have led to some blurring of the distinction. In assessing attempts to define knowledge it can be helpful to remember that the human mind has often been seen as capable of two kinds of knowledge — the rational and the intuitive.

References Nonaka, Ikujiro and Hirotaka Takeuchi. Guest lecture 'Knowledge management: Japanese approach' by Prof. Hirotaka Takeuchi - Video Gallery - St. Petersburg State University Graduate School of Management - Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University. Knowledge_management.pdf. Multimedia Knowledge Management Network | Events. The purpose of this workshop is to explore possible future directions of Multimedia Knowledge Management from the perspectives of different areas: Information Retrieval, Databases, Semantic Web, Industrial Applications, Human-Computer-Interaction and the Arts. Experts in these respective areas have agreed to give a short talk and discuss in a panel session with the audience at the future and synergies that these research area might hold: This workshop is designed to bring together exponents from different, but related multimedia knowledge management areas, share knowledge, explore possible interactions, understand different perspectives, and take first steps towards developing future collaborations.

Please submit an author list, a title and a one-paragraph abstract for your poster to Dawei Song by 15 Jan 2008. If accepted, this information will appear on the web and you should then bring an A1-poster to be displayed on 14 Feb. Annual Lecture at CASS Business School, London, 24th January 2011. Well, it’s that time of the year again. For the third year running, I gave my annual Knowledge Management lecture to 2nd year MBA students at CASS Business School, City University. I always enjoy this time, primarily because it is very refreshing, always, to talk with students who have their lives and careers ahead of them, versus senior management of corporates, who, naturally through life long business experiences, have a more pragmatic, and even cynical business view.

But, of course, we need the balance of fresh new, creative, no limits thinking, and knowledge and experiences from practical business realities. But this year, I was even more conscious of the ‘one way’ channel of lecturing. This is because I am so much more conscious of the added power of more rapid, interactive, two-way, open discussion as a faster and richer way to learn. At least, my lecture objectives for the students, were achieved.

I look forward to my next CASS KM lecture. More information at my website Ron Young. Dr. Dan's Knowledge Management. About José Carlos | Knowledge Management in Action. Jose Carlos is head of Knowledge Management at GMD SA, a leading IT solutions outsourcing firm based in Lima Peru. An information scientist, Jose focuses on developing KM in a practical and efficient manner. He is recognized in the region as one of the leading subject matter experts and authors. His blog, Knowledge Management in Action, goes beyond exploring the basic principles of Knowledge Management. It provides different models, methodologies and lessons learned that all managers must be aware of in order to effectively develop Knowledge Management. Previously, José was in charge of KM at GMI Consultant Engineers (MAKE 2013 nominee) and ECOTEC, an environmental consultancy firm associated with GMI.

Here´s a link that demonstrates José´s work at GMI Consultant Engineers. Getting KM right: speak the business jargon | Knowledge Management in Action. Over the past few days I have been receiving a lot of emails of people asking me how they can solve the “what´s in it for me” issue. Getting leadership buy in apparently is hard and it gets even harder when we try to get people involved and make them part of a knowledge sharing culture. What we need show is how KM can actually improve business line results and not just in terms of participation: we need to prove with clear economic metrics how KM is allowing the business to reach key goals. We need clear goals, activities and metrics. People already have a tight agenda so don´t make them lose time.

Show them how KM will help to get their work done faster and more effectively. Don’t speak to them in the KM jargon; they don’t need to understand what tacit and explicit knowledge is; forget about the KM models and build a new one based on what the company and workers need. Get people to develop the KM model. So, how are you handling the “what´s in it for me issue?” AnecdoteOurTakeOnKM.pdf. Technological Systems for Hotels, Conventions and Events: Lecture slides Knowledge Management.

Slides for Knowledge Management Systems. Organization.ppt - Organization.pdf. Slide copies of Knowledge Management Lecture 2012/13. Introduction to Knowledge Management. Knowledge Management Lecture Slides | Sharing Knowledge and Experience.

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