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Social Media 101

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Rich User Experiences As early as Pei Wei's Viola browser in 1992, the web was being used to deliver "applets" and other kinds of active content within the web browser. 8 Stages of Listening: Social Media Tips from Jeremiah Owyang. On June 15th, MarketingProfs hosted a webcast, titled “8 Stages of Listening: How to Monitor, Analyze and Participate in Customer Conversations using Social Media”, featuring Jeremiah Owyang from the Altimeter Group.

8 Stages of Listening: Social Media Tips from Jeremiah Owyang

This one hour webcast was jam packed with information and to help make it easier to digest it was broken down into three main topics: 8 Stages of Listening, Developing a Listening Program and Identifying Specific Business Objectives. Below are a recap and the social media lessons learned from Jeremiah Owyang. 8 Stages of Listening No Objectives at All: This first stage involves a listening program however there is no specific goal or actionable items taken from the data. 4 Steps to Developing a Listening Program.

Armano and Solis talk social media

Shel Holz Answers Questions on Social Media.