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Shrink plastic ring tutorial. Thank you to everyone who requested a shrinkydinks ring tutorial! This tutorial is an experimental method, not an exact science – you should have fun playing with it… UPDATE: Since posting this very popular tutorial in 2008, I’ve answered every question imaginable in the comments of this post. If you have questions, you’re welcome to trawl back through the hundreds of comments to find my answers, or, to make things easier, I’ve compiled a 3-page shrinky rings FAQ, which is available exclusively when you donate $1 or more towards my tutorial (this also entitles you to further help from me by email, should you need it).

Please see the end of this post for more details about this policy Please note: if you’ve come here via the lovely bird ‘ring’ picture on Pinterest, read this post to answer your questions. This tutorial is Donationware – the instructions are available for free, but if you like it please consider sending me a donation to show your appreciation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. That’s it! Make This - Beaded Rings - Luxe DIY - How Did You Make This? These rings are pretty, surprisingly quick to make, and a great way to learn peyote beadwork stitch if you’ve never tried it before.

There’s no bead loom or other specialty gear involved here. Just some beads, a needle and thread. Materials and Equipment: - Delica Glass Seed Beads – Delicas are perfect little cylinders and lack the rounded edge that other kinds of seed beads have. You can use any size 11 or smaller seed bead for this, but I like the Delicas for the crisp finish they give. - Beading Needles – My all time favorites are John James size 12 needles.

Whatever you get, make sure they’re thin and buy a few, they’re fragile and you’ll probably break one. - Beading Thread – This is a brand called Nymo, and the size is OO. If you’re working at a table you’re good to just pour out beads like this, but if you’re working on a lap tray it’s wise to keep your beads in some small, shallow bowls or a similar container. Temporarily use one of your beads as a “knot.” Bonus tip! DIY Weekly - Crystal Ring. DIY Adviento 24 y una Feliz Navidad! DIY - trajes, accesorios y zapatos de blog de Dana Moda. Liebe Leserinnen und Leser (ja, die gibt es auch!!!) , ich wünsche euch allen frohe Weihnachten, eine wunderbare Zeit mit euren Liebsten, viel Freude beim Geschenkeauspacken und erholsame, stressfreie Feiertage.

Wir sind beim letzten DIY-Adventskalender-Türchen für das Jahr 2010 angelangt und dahinter verbirgt sich ein kleines Tutorial für einen Zipper-Ring. Material und Werkzeug – für dieses DIY-Projekt brauchst du: Circa 15 Zentimeter langer Reißverschluss (nur eine Seite)Ring-Rohling (Bastelgeschäft-Schmuckabteilung)ZangeFilz-Kreis (circa 3-4 cm Durchmesser)StrasssteinSchereHeißklebepistole Schmuck DIY Tutorial – Bastelanleitung DIY Schritt 1 Vom Zipper den Stoffteil abschneiden. DIY Schritt 2 Reißverschluss wie auf dem Bild verknoten … DIY Schritt 3 … und die Enden miteinander verkleben.

DIY Schritt 4 Auf die Rückseite des verknoteten Zippers den Kleber auftragen und auf den Filz-Kreis (in die Mitte) kleben. DIY Schritt 5 Den Strassstein in der Mitte des Ringes anbringen. DIY Schritt 6. Button Statment Rings | - StumbleUpon. It’s September and that means it’s time to add another statement piece to your collection…. obviously! I heart almost every piece Nicole Richie designs for House Of Harlow 1960, especially her oversized rings.

As amazing as these rings are they’re also an easy DIY. My friend Jenni, from I Spy DIY, did a project a few months back where she transformed buttons into earrings. #SuperFab This got me thing…let’s transform buttons into statement rings! Buttons, buttons everywhere!! Someone please tell me why I’ve collected all these buttons. Materials: Buttons, Clippers, Glue, Rings With Flat Tops (available at the jewelry supply store) Use your clippers to remove the shank from the back of the button. Once you’ve made the back of the button flat, use an ample amount of glue to secure the ring to the back of the button.

Here’s another hint: If you can’t find a flat ring base, Ring Pops are a fun alternative. Once the base has dried, glue on the button.