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Understanding Perfmon Counters while troubleshooting SQL Server Performance Issues - Vipul Shah's SQL Blogs. Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) Service Broker: Performance and Scalability Techniques. SQL Server Technical Article Writer: Michael Thomassy Contributors: Sanjay Mishra Technical Reviewers: Lindsey Allen, Lubor Kollar, Mark Souza, Thomas Kejser, Burzin Patel Published: March 2009 Applies to: SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2005 Summary: SQL Server Service Broker provides support for building asynchronous messaging and queuing applications with the SQL Server Database Engine. Microsoft SQL Server Service Broker provides native support to the SQL Server Database Engine for asynchronous, transactional messaging.

The Service Broker workload described in this paper is based on an actual customer workload that was simplified for testing purposes. Sending Messages Because it is a real customer scenario, there are many details left out of our test workload. Our workload sends messages immediately as they arrive. Receiving Messages Specifying the Service Broker service on the initiator will map a route to the target database where the messages are received and processed. Dialog Security. Service Broker Message Forwarding. Service Broker message forwarding allows an instance of SQL Server to accept messages from outside the instance and send those messages to a different instance. An administrator can use message forwarding to: Provide connectivity between servers in different trust domainsSimplify administration by creating a single centralized instance that holds the routing information for a domainDistribute work among several instances When forwarding is enabled, the routing table in msdb.sys.routes determines whether a message that arrives from another instance is forwarded.

If the address for the matching route is not LOCAL, SQL Server forwards the message to the address specified. Otherwise, the message is delivered locally. Each Service Broker message contains a maximum lifetime and a count of the number of times that the message has been forwarded. An instance that forwards a message does not acknowledge the message to the sender. The Official web2py Book. Ajax While web2py is mainly for server-side development, the welcome scaffolding app comes with the base jQuery library[jquery], jQuery calendars (date picker, datetime picker and clock), and some additional JavaScript functions based on jQuery. Nothing in web2py prevents you from using other Ajax libraries such as Prototype, ExtJS, or YUI, but we decided to package jQuery because we find it to be easier to use and more powerful than other equivalent libraries.

We also find that it captures the web2py spirit of being functional and concise. web2py_ajax.html The scaffolding web2py application "welcome" includes a file called views/web2py_ajax.html which looks like this: This file is included in the HEAD of the default "layout.html" and it provides the following services: "web2py.js" does the following: It also includes popup, collapse, and fade functions for backward compatibility. Here is an example of how the other effects play well together. Consider a test app with the following model: effects. Best practices - How did you find the slow performance in your application.

IBM doesn't care about node.js people - blog. I've been working with and contributing to the node.js community since 2009. I've authored a lot of modules, I've help recruit a lot of good people into the community, and I'm fortunate enough to have regular communication with all the core members. I remember when node's FS module required three nested asynchronous calls with insane arguments to actually read or write a file.

I remember having to beg people like Ry, Isaacs, Polotek, Mikeal, binary42, inimino, Jan, and Tim Caswell ( to name a few ) to teach me the basics. I remember when node was an obscure project with little support or documentation. For all of these reasons I list above, I become considerably disappointed when I see an article like this appear on IBM Developer Networks. Normally if I encounted such an unresearched and misleading article on the internet I'd just ignore it. Early in the article I found this line explaining how node.js works internally: The ambiguity and glossing over of the word "process" is wrong. Hacker News | Ask HN: Anyone using Python 3 in production? (2011 Edition) How to make Google index AJAX content (with Django) - Pornark.

SQL Server Service Broker: how to determine overhead or max performance. Why Twilio Wasn’t Affected by Today’s AWS Issues | Twilio Engineering Blog. Cloud Communications | Web Service API for building Voice and SMS Applications. Local phone numbers e.g.+1 -415-xxx-xxxx for San Francisco, United States $1 / mo phone numbers Connect with local numbers 1¢ / min and up to receive calls 2¢ / min to make calls Toll-free phone numbers e.g. +1-800-xxx-xxxx in United States $2 / mo phone number Connect with toll-free 3¢ / min to receive calls Connect with mobile numbers Taxes included in all pricing.

All pricing for Canada The tables below contain all voice pricing for the country. Make calls Receive calls Features out of the box Twilio Voice includes a rich set of features that enables you to build powerful applications. Call phones around the world Twilio is connected to mobile carriers globally so that you can make calls to your users wherever they are. Automatic volume pricing in Canada When your application reaches volume scale, you'll automatically get volume pricing. Create an account. Thanks, we'll be in touch! Twilio Voice Applications with Amazon AWS S3 and EC2. Quartz 2.0支持Fluent Configuration API和工作调度的监控了. Now Open: AWS Region in Tokyo.

I have made many visits to Japan over the last several years to speak at conferences and to meet with developers. I really enjoy the people, the strong sense of community, and the cuisine. Over the years I have learned that there's really no substitute for sitting down, face to face, with customers and potential customers. You can learn things in a single meeting that might not be obvious after a dozen emails. You can also get a sense for the environment in which they (and their users or customers) have to operate.

For example, developers in Japan have told me that latency and in-country data storage are of great importance to them. Long story short, we've just opened up an AWS Region in Japan, Tokyo to be precise. Although I can't share the exact location of the Region with you, I can tell you that private beta testers have been putting it to the test and have reported single digit latency (e.g. 1-10 ms) from locations in and around Tokyo. All of the enStratus AMIs are available. 云托管/存储工具箱:选择&工具. 云托管,存储&内容分发网络是最近几年非常受欢迎的服务,这是非常正常的,它们能在运行+服务的Web应用程序中提供一系列的优势。 依托云计算的应用程序: 轻松的扩展(立即部署&API控制实例,无限的磁盘空间,等等)由内容分发网络(CDN)支持的更快的文件服务更好的可用性(强大的SLAs) 随着越来越多的提供商以及创建的工具,云托管越来越简单。 大多数的情况下,使用云计算将为成长中的网络应用节省大量的时间与资源。 你不需要去考虑硬件,更好的系统资源反应和带宽使用率,正确的为你的使用提供服务。

这里搜集的受欢迎的选择&工具能帮助你在云中托管你的应用 。 云托管&存储选择 亚马逊网络服务(AWS) 亚马逊弹性计算云(Amazon EC2) - (hosting) Amazon EC2 是提供配置你所需要的操作系统环境即时开展(或移除)新服务(实例)的网络服务,使缩放web能够用程序容易得多。 此项功能可以有效的通过网络服务APIS或者在本文中所提及的工具控制。 按照某一时段服务(实例)工作或者带宽使用,承担资源消耗 Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) (storage) Amazon S3 是提供不限文件数量,可反复存储的AWS云存储服务选择。 他可以通过提供的API或者各种工具来使用(本文提及的). 服务定价是由用户的要求所制定的,存储的数据量与贷款的使用(EC2 & S3间传输是免费的) AWS 还提供其他的服务,由EC2 & S3提供: Amazon CloudFront: 内容分发网络,通过分布在各地服务器更快的向终端用户分发存放在S3上的文件Amazon CloudWatch: 监测EC2资源, 如处理器,内存,磁盘读写及更多Amazon SimpleDB: 基于Web的简单数据库,提供基本的db 动能 GoGrid Hosting 像S3一样, GoGrid 也准备部署提供各种的配置(Linux & Windows)下的图片服务。

系统可以通过基于网络的图形用户界面或者API进行控制。 它还提供一个名为Cloud Connect,结合弹性云计算与个性化专用服务器的统一解决方案的服务。 存储 GoGrid Cloud Storage 可以通过安装的驱动器和任何服务器联系起来(支持的协议: SCP, FTP, SAMBA/CIFS, 与RSYNC). Mosso CloudLayer. 使用Amazon CloudFront实现质优价廉的CDN加速网络 « 写一点. 发现我自己好像和Amazon的云服务杠上了,在使用S3云存储服务备份并保管自己的文档后,昨天晚上我又瞄上了Amazon的另一个云服务:CloudFront。 CDN是什么? CloudFront又是什么? 这一节内容适合非技术型用户。 如果您是技术型用户,或者已经对CDN有了基本了解,可以跳过这一节直接阅读下文。 CDN是Content delivery network(内容分发网络)的简称,这一技术以往只应用于大型商业性网站。 这一系列过程都是完全自动实现的,并且在配置好后,对于网站的内容提供方(例如正在写这篇文章的我)也是完全透明的。 简而言之,通过使用CDN,可以有效提升全球各地访客打开网页的速度。 CloudFront则是由Amazon提供的一套覆盖全球的CDN网络。 根据介绍,Amazon的CloudFront目前在全球下列地区建立了提供CloudFront服务的数据中心: 美国 维吉尼亚周,阿什本 德克萨斯州,达拉斯/沃斯堡 佛罗里达州,杰克逊维尔 加利福尼亚州,洛杉矶 佛罗里达州,迈阿密 纽约 新泽西州,纽瓦克 加利福尼亚州,帕罗奥图 华盛顿州,西雅图 密苏里州,圣路易斯 欧洲 阿姆斯特丹 都柏林 法兰克福 伦敦 巴黎 亚洲 香港 东京 新加坡 因此只要使用CloudFront服务,就等于可以通过上述遍布全球主要地区的缓存服务器,为您的网站提供加速服务。

如何收费? 首先有一个问题需要注意:如果使用CloudFront服务,等于需要创建一个“来源服务器-AmazonS3-缓存服务器”这样的路径。 因此来说,这种工作模式下,对于S3,等于需要支付在S3中存储所有缓存内容的费用(按月收取),支付S3的传入和传出网络流量,以及S3的传入和传出请求处理费用各一次(从来源服务器传入S3的请求收取一次,从S3传到某一台缓存服务器的请求收取一次)。 听起来比较复杂,关键这里面涉及到S3的相关处理,以及CloudFront缓存服务器的相关处理。 至于具体的费率,可以在这里看到: 针对不同地区的缓存服务器,具体的流量和处理费用有略微差异,其中日本的费用最贵。 本网站的整个目录下所有文件,包含php,以及png等,全部加起来大概在257 MB左右,就算整200 MB。 因此每月,通过CloudFront分发15 GB数据的费用为:15 GB * $0.201/GB = $3.015 如何使用? 如何使用? 两种方法的对比. Wicket - Navomatic. The Navomatic application shows the use of border components and links to create a navigation component that can easily be dropped into any web page. In all the Wicket examples, you have to put all files in the same package directory. This means putting the markup files and the java files next to one another. It is possible to alter this behavior, but that is beyond the scope of this example. The only exception is the obligatory web.xml file which should reside in the WEB-INF/ directory of your web application root folder.

The link in the navigation to the current page is automatically turned into italic text to indicate to the user what page they are on. The first screen capture shows the Page1 page with the Page1 link in italics. When you click on the Page2 link, you get the following screen. As you can see, Page1 has no special style anymore, and Page2 is now displayed in italics. Border markup <html><body><wicket:border> First <wicket:body/> Last </wicket:border></body></html> Search Result for: aws | Jim的blog. 在Amazon的EC2上部署 *Not applicable to ICANN fees, taxes, shipping and handling, sale priced domains and transfers, bulk domains and transfers, premium domains, Sunrise/Landrush domain registrations and pre-registrations, memberships or maintenance plans, additional disk space and bandwidth renewals, additional email addresses, additional AdSpace advertising funds, Managed Hosting, custom page layouts, brand identity services, Go Daddy branded merchandise or gift cards.

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