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Solar Forest. Completely Off The Grid. Mike Strizki says he’s figured out how to store solar energy in a way that could provide the world with an infinite source of year-round, emissions-free power, but also says no one is listening to him.

Completely Off The Grid

For more news and information on the rapidly evolving energy industry, please sign up for the Breaking Energy newsletter. For the quickest updates, follow us on Twitter @AOLEnergy. At his house in the woods of western New Jersey, the civil engineer turned green energy evangelist uses fuel cells to convert the power generated by about 150 solar panels so that it can be stored in 11 hydrogen tanks about 100 yards from the house.

For eight or nine months of the year, the photovoltaic cells mounted on Strizki’s workshop roof and scattered around his yard generate more than enough electricity for a full range of domestic appliances including energy-guzzlers like a hot tub and a big-screen TV in his white-sided suburban home. A Dream No More. Vertical Axis Wind Turbines. Wind Turbines a Tourist Attraction in Atlantic City (Visitors Want Rooms with a Wind Farm View) – CleanTechnica: Cleantech innovation news and views. Clean Power Published on June 14th, 2011 | by Zachary Shahan There’s a lot of fuss made of wind turbines being an eyesore for people.

Wind Turbines a Tourist Attraction in Atlantic City (Visitors Want Rooms with a Wind Farm View) – CleanTechnica: Cleantech innovation news and views

ENERGY. Smart grid.