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Architecturem Luca. Fakultät für Architektur: Kurzinformation. Persönlicher Status und Werkzeuge Kurzinformationen Druckansicht Kontakt StudienberatungMarga Zentrale Lehrstuhl für Gebäudetechnologie und klimagerechtes BauenProf. SemesterübersichtLink Bewerbung und ZulassungInformationen und Links © 2016 TUM Technische Universität München. Leibniz Universität Hannover - Studieninhalt. Studienprofil Der Wunsch nach mehr Selbständigkeit und Verantwortung für den persönlichen Weg eines jeden Master-Absolventen ist Anlass, einen bedeutenden Anteil der Studienleistungen inhaltlich durch die Studierenden selbst bestimmen zu lassen.

Auf der Basis eines ständigen Lehrangebotes der Institute orientieren sich die Studierenden nach ihren Neigungen, Fähigkeiten, selbst gefundenen Fragestellungen etc., um möglichst fakultätsübergreifend, eventuell auch hochschulübergreifend, weitere Angebote in ihr Studium zu integrieren. Dieser individuelle Anteil nimmt mit der Studiendauer zu und endet in der Master-Thesis.

Jeder Studierende wird auf seinem persönlichen Weg von einer Mentorin oder einem Mentor begleitet, die oder der beratende Funktion einnimmt und die Kommunikation in und mit der Fakultät unterstützt. Studiendauer Regelstudienzeit: 4 Semester Studieninhalt Das Curriculum ist auf die Stärkung der Kompetenzen ausgerichtet, die z. Prüfungsordnungen Praktikum Auslandsaufenthalt. Universität Stuttgart - Architektur & Stadtplanung: Architektur und Stadtplanung. Start zum WS 2013/14 Der konsekutive Masterstudiengang "Architektur und Stadtplanung" der Universität Stuttgart zielt auf den umfassend gebildeten Architekten, der alle Kriterien zur internationalen Berufsqualifi­zierung erfüllt. Das Masterstudium hat eine Regelstudienzeit von vier Semestern und beginnt jeweils zum Wintersemester. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, im Rahmen des Studi­ums einen Studienschwerpunkt Städtebau zu belegen. Mit diesem Abschluss weist der Studie­rende eine mindestens 5-jährige Ausbildung nach und ist qualifiziert für besonders verantwortungs­volle, komplexe und innovative Tätigkeiten im Bereich der Architektur und der Stadtplanung.

Die Studierenden des Masterstudiengangs können aus einem breiten Spektrum ihren Vertiefungs­schwerpunkt wählen. Der Studiengang wird mit dem akademischen Grad "Master of Science (M.Sc.) abgeschlos­sen. International Cooperation in Urban Development M.Sc. 2014-II – Technische Universität Darmstadt. Brief Description The international and interdisciplinary Master of Science in International Cooperation in Urban Development adresses the challenges of rapid urbanization. The internationally oriented degree course is part of the master program Mundus Urbano, which is jointly offered by four European universities.

The first two semesters take place at TU Darmstadt, while during the second half of the degree course students specialize in a specific subject of urban planning at one of the four program-universities. The four universities are: TU Darmstadt (program host), Université-Pierre-Mendès-France (in Grenoble, France), Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (in Barcelona, Spain) and Università degli Studi Roma Tor Vergata (in Rome, Italy). The program is structured in four areas: Urban PlanningUrban Development Studies Urban ManagementInternational Cooperation and Project Skills Main areas of specialisation at the different study places are: Advice for prospective M.Sc. students Financing. Dual Degree - Studiengänge: Dual Degree Urban Design.

Page Content © Urban Design General Information The Master Program Urban Design is also offered as Dual Degree Programm in cooperation with the Tongji University in Shanghai/China. All courses are in English and up to 20 students can start. 10 of them are for Chinese students only. All program's participants study together one year in Berlin and one in Shanghai. The winter term is the start of the program. The process and content of the study is based on the master study Urban Design.

Aim of Qualification In addition to the professional qualifications of the Master study Urban Design the Dual Degree Alumnis get an understanding of the diffferent urban design issue in China/Asia and Germany/Europe. Dual Degree The Alumnis are awarded the Master of Science in Urban Design from the TU Berlin and the Master of Engineering with Specialization in Urban Design or the Master of Architecture from the Tongji University. Intercultural Exchange Language Course At the TU Berlin: Costs Application Dates.

Fakultät VI Planen Bauen Umwelt: Institut für Landschaftsarchitektur und Umweltplanung. Inhalt des Dokuments © baikonur Das Institut für Landschaftsarchitektur und Umweltplanung mit seinen Fachgebieten befindet sich im historischen "Erweiterungsbau" (EB) der TU-Berlin direkt am Ernst-Reuter-Platz. Der Geschäftsführende Direktor Prof. Dr. S. Studienfachberatung - Landschaftsplanung und Landschaftsarchitektur David Nissen, Malgorzata Joanna Faron & Maurice Jouba Keskin Tel.: 030 / 314 - 28 173 Auf der Homepage der Studienberatung finden Sie die aktuellen Sprechzeiten sowie die aktuelle Studien- und Prüfungsordnung.

Praktikantenamt. International Cooperation in Urban Development M.Sc. 2014-II – Technische Universität Darmstadt. Brief Description The international and interdisciplinary Master of Science in International Cooperation in Urban Development adresses the challenges of rapid urbanization and tries to find out decisive problem-solving approaches for those. The internationally oriented degree course is part of the master program Mundus Urbano, which is jointly offered by the following four European universities: TU Darmstadt (program host), Université-Pierre-Mendès-France (in Grenoble, France), Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (in Barcelona, Spain) and Università degli Studi Roma Tor Vergata (in Rome, Italy). The first two semesters take place at TU Darmstadt, while during the second half of the degree course students specialize in a specific subject of urban planning at one of the four program-universities. The degree course Master of Science in International Cooperation in Urban Development is structured in four areas: Main areas of the different study places are: Financing Doctoral Studies.

Studiengänge – Technische Universität Darmstadt. International Cooperation in Urban Development M.Sc. 2014-II – Technische Universität Darmstadt. MSc Integrated Urbanism & Sustainable Design (IUSD) | Program. Program Objectives German and Arab specialists will be equipped with conceptual and practical tools to develop holistic (rather than purely technology-oriented) approaches towards sustainable urban planning — combining environmental and social approaches to urban transformation.

The program will provide access to a wide range of advanced expertise in the fields of participatory planning and building, energy-efficient construction, integrated aspects of landscape and infrastructure planning, urban management and governance. It will thus enable students to combine principles of ecology-oriented science and engineering with a social approach to the design of urban landscapes and buildings, and to urban and regional planning.

The MSc IUSD Double Degree program is hosted and organized by the two partner universities University of Stuttgart and Ain Shams University, Cairo. Teaching Philosophy 1) Knowledge-based learning 2) Application-based learning. Master Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems. The Master’s Programme educates specialists who can assume the responsibilities of designing our living space for sustainable development. The programme provides a wide-ranging, university-level education and considerable practical orientation for prospective specialists who want to contribute to solutions of sustainable design and development. Structure The masters’s degree course comprises compulsory courses, specialist courses and elective courses. In addition to coursework, students undertake an interdisciplinary group project.

The master’s thesis completes the course of studies and leads to the degree. Students compile an individual curriculum with their tutor. Specialisations Traffic planning traffic systems spatial development; andscape and environmental planning. Master’s programme in Urbanism Studies. This one-year Master’s programme is aimed at graduates from the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, urban design and city planning who are specifically concerned with design issues of the public realm and the effects these have on social life and human behaviour.

Our focus is to deepen theoretical and design knowledge, changing the mindset of professionals regarding the importance and value of the public realm in the design of our cities. Programme outline The rationale behind Urbanism Studies is for professionals to understand and work in interdisciplinary design and planning teams, coupled with the growing desire for cities to establish different, new forms of urban living. As the goal of this programme is to move design thinking from objects to places, our core Urban Studios differ from traditional studios in several ways. Our approach involves in-depth explorations of urban design issues by combining five topic-based modules situated within the three studio courses. Downloads | Master's Program Infrastructure Planning - MIP | University of Stuttgart.

Homepage de l'Université libre de Bruxelles. Portail - Accueil - Accueil. Juristische Fakultät - LMU München. Welcome to the University of Stuttgart. Shedding light on cold Higgs For the first time physicists at the University of Stuttgart provide experimental proof of a stable and well-defined Higgs mode in superconductors – a direct analog to the Higgs particle, discovered only recently at the world´s largest particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider at the CERN – however, using not more than a table-top experiment. Mehr... Power Electronics Institutes of the University of Stuttgart win the „Little Box Challenge Academic Award“ With the „Little Box Challenge“ Google and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) called for the development of an extremely compact inverter with a power density of at least 3 watt per cubic centimeter. A prize of one million US dollar will be awarded to the winners of this competition.

For the first time 15 gigabit/second over a distance of 15 kilometres How Paramecium protozoa claw their way to the top. Ruhr-Universität Bochum | menschlich - weltoffen - leistungsstark. Linköping University. Professor Jill Trewhella, world-leading researcher in structural biology, will come to Linköping to work closely with Professor Maria Sunnerhagen's structural biology research group. On the agenda are projects about the function of the heart muscle, gene regulation signalling in cancer and immune defence, antibiotic resistance, inflammation, neurodegenerative diseases and biomaterial. Article in full Thanks to this year’s Nobel Prize winners in Physics we now have low energy, cheap and bright lamps that can, for example, be run on solar cells.

And at Linköping University world-leading research is being carried out on blue LEDs – in close collaboration with two of the prize winners. Article in full More news from Linköping University. TU Berlin: Technische Universität Berlin. Home – Technische Universität Darmstadt. Welcome — Ghent University.