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Eight examples of long-form digital content projects. In researching for last week's podcast on long-form journalism and digital opportunities, we came across a number of interesting digital projects - some which have been around for years and others yet to launch - which are focused on the production or curation of long-form content, from text and audio to video.

Eight examples of long-form digital content projects

Here is a list of just eight examples we came across (in no particular order) for anyone interested in in-depth content production, or reading, online. Feel free to suggest any others in the comments below. 1. The Atavist. Triple Canopy. A Shadow Remains by Phillip Toledano. How does the death of a child change a parent?

A Shadow Remains by Phillip Toledano

How does the death of a parent change a child? How do these moments change us as we develop and grow further away from who we were as children? Phillip Toledano is an artist who lives in New York City with his wife Carla and little girl, Loulou. WEB Documentaire.