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About the author of Bipolar Chronicles — Diana Grippo. Diana currently works in for sales for Apple.

About the author of Bipolar Chronicles — Diana Grippo

She has been dealing with bipolar disorder for more than three decades from the manias to the depressions. Now she shares her very personal journey along with practical techniques on tips of coping skills for both people who are depressed and/or manic and the people who support them in her book Bipolar Chronicles: From Crazed to Content. The Keys to Writing a Touching Story for Children - Lynda M. Daniele. The Keys to Writing a Touching Story for Children Stories play an important role in the development and growth of children.

The Keys to Writing a Touching Story for Children - Lynda M. Daniele

For one, stories serve as a great learning tool. Reasons to Make Time for Self-Reflection - Teresa Dye. Do you remember the last time you took the time to reflect on your life?

Reasons to Make Time for Self-Reflection - Teresa Dye

If you haven’t been for a long time, then this blog is for you. Self-reflection has been known to provide people a chance to look back at the things that have happened in the past. It is a great way for you to assess yourself in different aspects of life. As an important part of learning, reflection should be done daily. Vital Ways to Continuously Achieve Personal Growth - Judith Wright Favor. Just when you thought you had achieved the ultimate growth you need for your whole life, things start to shift.

Vital Ways to Continuously Achieve Personal Growth - Judith Wright Favor

One thing that you should learn about life is that you never stop growing because you learn something new every day. That is why many successful individuals—wherever they are in the world—place time and effort on continuous personal growth. Step-By-Step Guide to Write a Better Plot for Your Novel - Collette Jackson-Fink. Becoming a best-selling author has become the dream of many people.

Step-By-Step Guide to Write a Better Plot for Your Novel - Collette Jackson-Fink

Some would even dream of publishing their fictional works. If you have desired to write a book, and you have to spend sleepless nights coming up with plot ideas to make your narrative exciting, then this blog is for you. A good plot has several impacts on a novel. Thus, it has become one of the top priorities of authors. Character Arcs to Come Up with a Great Story - Welcome to A story could not come to life without characters.

Character Arcs to Come Up with a Great Story - Welcome to

They are the ones that serve as the driving force. Without them, readers will not be able to connect with a book. Many people dream of becoming a successful or a published author, and giving great structure to your characters is one way to achieve it. If you are one of them, then you should work on this factor. Excellent Ways to Write a Memorable Book - Thomas Delaney. A memorable book possesses specific qualities that make it memorable for its readers.

Excellent Ways to Write a Memorable Book - Thomas Delaney

Although these qualities are hard to achieve, the process can be fun for a passionate writer. If you are one, then make sure to get all the information right in coming up with a memorable storyline for your book. Book - Dr. Jack Hetzel. There is nothing more powerful than an idea.

Book - Dr. Jack Hetzel

Ideas created and now controlled a thought; when a thought is conceived, it is called a concept. Concepts are the material that dreams are made of and they serve as substance for living and interpreting life. Everything humans have made or invented was first preceded by an idea. As a matter of fact, inventions are often called one’s “brain – child.” The Keys to Writing a Powerful Memoir - Jack Weaver. Over the recent years, literature has seen a continuous increase in the popularity of memoirs among the reading public.

The Keys to Writing a Powerful Memoir - Jack Weaver

A memoir is a form of creative non-fiction in which an author recounts and narrates important experiences from his or her life. It is basically a collection of memories written from the perspective of the author himself or herself. It is worthy to note, however, that a memoir is different from a biography. In essence, a memoir is not a full historical accounting. Step-By-Step Guide to Write a Better Plot for Your Novel - Collette Jackson-Fink. A Beginner’s Guide to Writing Science Fiction - Author W. Scott Harral.

A Beginner’s Guide to Writing Science Fiction Science fiction is one of the most enduring genre of all time—wherein other genres are slowly fizzling out, sci-fi flourishes to the top of the genre chain.

A Beginner’s Guide to Writing Science Fiction - Author W. Scott Harral

Its popularity lies in its use as a tool to interpret the world around us and investigate areas of our life that are too complex, too implicit, too subtle to discuss due to the limitations of realistic fiction. While science fiction has been a beloved genre for years, it was not always an accepted one. About Uprooting the Poison Tree — Myra L. Weiner, PhD. Why did you write this book? I knew that my story was a good story that needed to be told. By sharing my struggles, triumphs, insights and search for meaning, I hope that this book will be enjoyed by and helpful to others.

How to Live a Soul-Centered Life - Judith Wright Favor. People from then till now are always searching for happiness, meaning, and purpose. They think that something is missing in their lives and long to fill this void. Many books made attempts to fill this need, but it’s Judith Favor’s Sabbath Economics that successfully helped. How You Grow in Your Spiritual Walk with God - Arline Westmeier.

When you are overcoming difficulties in your life, your personal strength needs to be steadfast. There are so many ways to strengthen your strength; one way is through nourishing your spiritual life. It will turn you into a person full of positivity, which can do so many good things in your life. People can become preoccupied because of the things that happen in life. Ways to Enhance Storytelling Skills. Daily Reminders to Make Better Life Choices - Charles Lewis Anthony.

Daily Reminders to Make Better Life Choices Every day, we make choices. Every move we make, there have to be options. These decisions matter, and they make significant changes in your life. The Making Process, Dr. Sharon Smith, DBC, DBS, MSC, Licensed with Federal Association of Christian Counselors and Therapists (FACCT), Counselor/Therapist.

The expression most uttered when facing difficult circumstances is “when life gives you lemons make lemonade”. From my experiences, not all lemonades have the flavor that is palatable for the taste buds. In the medical community lemons are sometimes referred to as the disinfectant for the body, and research is finding that hot water with lemons each morning is a great source for staying healthy. However, let’s face it lemons without the right sweetening source is “sour” and distasteful. The Positive Effects of Empowering Your Children. The Positive Effects of Empowering Your Children. Why You Should Get a Better Understanding of God's Word - Mark Spell. Ways to Avoid Pitfalls When Writing Fantasy Books - M.A. Haddad.

Strategies to Develop an Exciting Plot for Your Story - Thomas Delaney. Enhancing the Language Development of Young Children - Jo Ann Gramlich. A Guide to Science Fiction Subgenres - Rick Badman. Moon Luck - Story of astronauts living on the moon. Mystery Tropes Evident in Both Books and Television - JB Clemmens. A journey of street life survival - Charles Lewis Anthony. What Makes a Christian Book Valuable? - Frank Heelan. The Four Barriers Keeping You From Making Change - Charles Lewis Anthony. ReadersMagnet. The Song of Solomon The Snail by Caroleann Rice. A Major Hurdle - Patricia Sims.