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- Here is a video Grav-Mass greeting. On December 25, Isaac Newton's birthday, we celebrate the existence of comprehensible physical laws. Remember, Gravitation is a well-established scientific theory, but Intelligent Falling is just religion pretending to be science. Here's a gallery of Grav-Mass cards that you can contribute to. One way to celebrate Grav-Mass is to decorate a tree with apples and other fruits. Another way to celebrate Grav-Mass, in a group, is by telling each other about scientific knowledge and understanding, or discussing what kind of experiment could answer an unresolved question about the world. There is a Grav-Mass discussion group. We have one Grav-Mass carol, We Three Laws.

The Symphony of Science. The Ten Days of Newton. Also, The Galaxy Song by Monty Python. In Bahasa Indonesia: Selamat Hari Gayaberat. I think the idea of Grav-Mass was conceived by science fiction writer James Hogan. Here's info about their family Grav-Mass celebration in 2012. A holiday message from Ricky Gervais: 'Why I'm a good Christian' Last Christmas I wrote a little essay entitled: "A Holiday Message from Ricky Gervais: Why I'm an atheist. " The Wall Street Journal ran it, and it caused quite a stir. I was even asked to answer some of the comments. So for Easter I thought I'd do another one. Here it is. A Holiday Message from Ricky Gervais: Why I'm a good Christian The title of this one is a little misleading, or at least cryptic. I am of course not a good Christian in the sense that I believe that Jesus was half man, half God, but I do believe I am a good Christian compared to a lot of Christians.

It's not that I don't believe that the teachings of Jesus wouldn't make this a better world if they were followed. Gandhi summed it up really. I have always felt this way, even when I believed in God, and in a weird way I feel I am still a pretty good "Christian" who doesn't believe in God. To the Christians' God by the way, it's just as bad to believe in the wrong God as no God at all. So remember. Jesus was a man. I never do. Does God Exist? Ricky Gervais Takes Your Questions. Fact Sheet on the ADL. The ADL is " of the ugliest, most powerful pressure groups in the U.S...Its primary commitment is to use any technique, however dishonest and disgraceful, in order to defame and silence and destroy anybody who dares to criticize the Holy State ('Israel').

" --Noam Chomsky, Professor of Linguistics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL) gave an award Nov. 18, 1998 to the city of Coeur d'Alene. City Fathers assume this is something to be proud of and have unthinkingly rolled out the red carpet for the ADL. They think that an imprimatur from the ADL, a prominent Jewish group with a multi-million dollar budget and substantial media clout, is a kind of certification of our area's goodness. But in point of fact, hosting the ADL and its regional Seattle director at the Coeur d'Alene Resort is a shameful blot on our region. The ADL is a branch of the masonic B'nai B'rith (Sons of the Covenant), which was established Oct. 13, 1843. End Notes. Eric Hoffer.

Eric Hoffer (July 25, 1902 – May 21, 1983) was an American moral and social philosopher. He was the author of ten books and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in February 1983. His first book, The True Believer, published in 1951, was widely recognized as a classic, receiving critical acclaim from both scholars and laymen,[1] although Hoffer believed that his book The Ordeal of Change was his finest work.[2] In 2001, the Eric Hoffer Award was established in his honor with permission granted by the Eric Hoffer Estate in 2005. Biography[edit] Hoffer was born in 1902 the Bronx, New York City, to Knut and Elsa (Goebel) Hoffer.[3] His parents were immigrants from Alsace, then part of Imperial Germany. Hoffer was a young man when he also lost his father.

Hoffer left the docks in 1967 and retired from public life in 1970.[10] In 1970 he endowed the Lili Fabilli and Eric Hoffer Laconic Essay Prize for students, faculty, and staff at the University of California, Berkeley. The Green Light - Creationism. Saying that chapters 1 to 11 of Genesis make up a science text book is not only an affront to scientists, atheists, non-Christians and non-believers, but is deeply insulting to the intellect of the many theologians and believers who see the Bible as an inspired work of literature that explains the relationship between God and Man. The sites here provide some answers to the creationist nonsense listed at The Millenium Project.

Articles and other comments in The Millenium Project about creationism. Some articles by other people. 72 books about Creationism. Books relating to other categories can be found here. There are 27 sites listed in this category. Answers in Science The Critic's Resource on Antievolution " provides concise and accurate information for those who wish to critically examine the antievolution movement" The Antiquity of Man (Mikey Brass) The complete work of Charles Darwin The Darwin Correspondence Project Darwin Manuscripts Project Diffusion Radio.

Altruism, Egoism and Altruism again: How to properly reduce human ethics? | Christian Spahn. Features that separate us from nature. I want to argue that we should avoid falling into this simplistic, dualistic trap bylooking more closely at the history of the framing of ‘Darwinian nature’ and the broadethical consequences that one might draw from it. It is helpful to take a look at two of the most important paradigmatic views, that of Darwin himself and that of sociobiology, as spelled out in Dawkins’s famous book . Behind the differenceconcerning ethical optimism lies a paradigmatic shift in the view of nature and selection.Simply put, early biology, from Darwin to the school of ethology, tends to emphasise apossible harmony between nature and ethics : strong social instincts and cooperation are necessary for the survival of the group.

Given natural selection the progress of culture, virtue might likely be triumphant, as Darwin already claims. Sociobiology and the selfish-gene theory emphasise however a deep rooted conflictbetween nature and ethics: selfishness either st Century Anthropology. Bö se Hö. Michael Zimmerman, Ph.D.: Why Battling Creationism Matters: Learning to Question. I'm often asked why I care so much if creationism is taught in public school science classrooms and laboratories. My passionate response touches on a host of important issues, issues that most people living in a democratic society really should care about. The nonsensical battle between creationists and scientists is important because its very existence demonstrates just how scientifically illiterate so many citizens are. Indeed, evolutionary theory represents the best science has to offer. Ever since Darwin published "On the Origin of Species" in 1859, evolutionary theory has offered numerous testable predictions, predictions that have consistently been supported by reams of data from paleontology to molecular biology and from developmental biology to genomics.

Creationism, on the other hand, in all of its guises, makes no falsifiable predictions and offers no insight into the structure of the world around us. Let's return to the evolution/creation controversy. Richard Dawkins Review of Blueprints: "Ignorant, Stupid, Insane, Wicked" Comment in Context. Richard Dawkins Review of Blueprints: Solving the Mystery of Evolution New York Times, April 9, 1989 Richard Dawkins, a fellow of New College and lecturer in zoology at the University of Oxford Review of BLUEPRINTS: Solving the Mystery of Evolution by Maitland A. Edey and Donald C. “Do you realize,” said Don, “that nearly half the people in the United States don't believe in evolution?”

This sentence epitomizes both the provocation for and the odd provenance of the book under review. In other places, especially in the sections on molecular genetics and bacterial evolution, there is an odd role reversal: "Don" comes off as pupil, his colleague as master. Following a history of Darwin and his predecessors, the large middle section of the book covers the important science of genetics, from Gregor Mendel through the American geneticist T. The chapters on human evolution display predictable expertise on fossils, but it is also good to see Mr. If that gives you offense, I'm sorry. Intelligent Design. Earth Explained: Why Young-Earth Creationism is Wrong. Earth Explained: Why Young-Earth Creationism is Wrong.

Response to John Dickson – Opinion – ABC Religion & Ethics. In a recent article, John Dickson chastised me for an array of scholarly misdemeanours allegedly committed in my piece on religious instruction in state schools. I was dismayed by his article, a composition of misrepresentations, factual howlers, confusions and defective scholarship, marked by a nasty personal edge. But I was even more dismayed by the generally favourable reception from many of its readers who seemed to imagine that Dickson's piece is a work of scholarship that strikes a telling blow against atheist ignorance.

In this circumstance there seems little alternative but to work through Dickson's article systematically and expose its many deficiencies. Unfortunately, given the range of Dickson's errors, this will have to be a protracted exercise. I want to say a few preliminary words about Dickson's main charge against me, something he calls a "tendency to competency extrapolation," before I turn to deal with the associated issues in more detail. Dickson then observes: And so: British Centre for Science Education • View topic - An attempt to deal with a creationist.

The rather rude Beazley continues not to disappoint, but this post is to report the latest shedload of empty hot air from the evasive fraud who is John C Heininger the creationist Director of the Australian Evangelical Apologetics Society: ... hisHelpful "Ashley, it seems has, like all true Darwinian fundamentalist believers, appealed to "methodological naturalism" to support his failed evolutionary hypothesis. And, along with Levin, has yet to discern the difference between an unverifiable hypothesis, and verifiable operational science.

When they both discern the difference between "Methodological naturalism" and "philosophical naturalism", on which Darwinism is based, they will see the difference between real verifiable science, and unverifiable evolutionary scientism. In contrast, Darwinism is based on "unobserved" past events that cannot be repeated. Thus, the Darwinian continuum exists only in the mind of the faithful. Global Prayers - Wissenschaftler diskutieren über | Studiozeit • Aus Kultur- und Sozialwissenschaften. Wissenschaftler diskutieren über länderübergreifende religiöse Bewegungen Von Andreas Beckmann Im Haus der Kulturen der Welt diskutierten über 50 Wissenschaftler über die "Global Prayers". (Sabine Wenzel) Ob Christen, Hindus oder Muslime. Für westliche Ohren fast unvorstellbar, für afrikanische geradezu alltäglich: Das Klangbild einer Millionen-Stadt wird dominiert von religiösen Feiern, die in zahllosen Gotteshäusern stattfinden und wegen des massenhaften Andrangs nach draußen übertragen werden.

So wie im nigerianischen Lagos prägt die christliche Pfingstkirche in vielen Metropolen Schwarzafrikas den Alltag. "Bei allen drei Phänomen geht es darum, dass sie in den 70er, 80er-Jahren ihren Aufschwung erlebt haben mit ... dem Scheitern unseres Fortschrittsgedanken. Religiöse Heilslehren ersetzen das Fortschrittsversprechen der Moderne – diese These hatte schon Jürgen Habermas mit seiner Diagnose vertreten, wir lebten in einer postsäkularen Gesellschaft. "Es geht um Gott! Religious narcissism. Religious Fanaticism and Poly-behavioral Addiction.

By Dr. James Slobodzien Surveys show that religion and spirituality play a central role in the lives of most of the population in human experience. Gallup (2004) found that 59% of adults nationwide say religion is a very important part of their lives. An additional 26% of Americans say religion is fairly important to them. Researchers however, report that some individuals seem to get fanatical about thier religion and develop maladaptive behaviors.

Religious problems can be as various and complex as mental health problems. Research in the area of religious addiction is deficient, however there were a few older related studies found in the literature. The few research studies aforementioned seem to suggest that religious people develop a dependency on religious practices for social approval. There are a variety of definitions for the concept of religious addiction. Spirituality can also have pathological aspects to it. Multiple Addictions Poor Prognosis Diagnostic Delineation Conclusion. The Religious Fanatic. The Religious Fanatic Religious fanaticism comes not from deep faith, but from a lack of it. What is a religious fanatic, at heart? The fanatic is someone who is convinced that just believing in God and living a moral life is simply not enough. The fanatic feels compelled to engage in behaviors that demonstrate his faith.

He believes that the magnitude of those behaviors must be commensurate with the strength of his faith. The more he believes, the more he has to do to show it. It's all a matter of degree, because every religious person feels he has to do something, and it's only a question of how much. It might be going to church on Sunday, or keeping a kosher home, or praying five times a day. It might be devoting one's life to serving the poor, or donating large sums of money to the church, or becoming a priest. It might be crashing jet planes into tall buildings. The only thing religious fanaticism really demonstrates is weakness on the part of the fanatic. We see this all the time. 2450.Article-InPraiseOfTheSecularIdealInAustralia'sPublcShools.pdf (application/pdf Object) Value of religious schools. Church planting. History of church planting[edit] “Church planting has been happening for nearly twenty centuries.”[1] The first place that the church spread from Judea was Samaria.[2] Christianity spread to other areas because persecution forced the Christians to leave Jerusalem.[3] Christianity then spread to the Gentiles largely because of the Apostle Paul, who had formerly been a Pharisee and a persecutor of the church.[4] In the Bible, the book of Acts describes Christianity as spreading by the preaching of it in public areas.

It then describes the believers of Christianity as gathering together regularly in homes and, at least in the beginning, at the Temple in Jerusalem.[5] This period is known as the Apostolic Period. During this period, and up until the late second century, there is no record of church buildings. Instead, there are references to house churches. Models of church planting[edit] There are several different models of church planting. Advocates[edit] C. Practical objections[edit] Missional living. Understanding Missional[edit] The missional living concept is rooted in the Missio dei (Latin, "the sending of God"). In 1934, Karl Hartenstein, a German missiologist, coined the phrase in response to Karl Barth and his emphasis on actio Dei ("the action of God").

In their view, missional activities stemming from God.[2] The Triune God is the primary acting agent in the world and within the church. According to Lesslie Newbigin and Jesus' statements in the Gospel according to John, every Christian has been sent by Jesus with the gospel together in community to those in the surrounding culture for the sake of the King and His kingdom: “The Church is sent into the world to continue that which he came to do, in the power of the same Spirit, reconciling people to God.”[3] Jesus said, “As the Father has sent Me, I am sending you” (John 20:21).

"No one can say: ‘Since I’m not called to be a missionary, I do not have to evangelize my friends and neighbors.’ Sent[edit] Cross[edit] Community[edit] Debunking Christian Circular Arguments and Assumptions. Dispensationalist Dementia / Doomsday Dispensationalism Study Archive @, The Internet's Only Balanced Look at Preterism. SIZERchriszion.pdf (application/pdf Object) What if the Oslo terrorist was Ahmad Breivik? - The Drum Opinion. Was Abraham Ethical? Madman or Something Worse (1 of 2) 50 Famous Academics & Scientists Talk About God.

Christian Apologetics and Apologists. Religiosity as Neurosis. Contesting Evolution: European Creationists Take On Darwin - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International. Antony Loewenstein. Evolution & Kreationismus. MARTIN LUTHER SUPPORT FOR RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION AND ANTISEMITSM Quotes. An Index to Creationist Claims. Common fallacies. Australianperspective.pdf (application/pdf Object) Psychotic Entelechy: The Dangers of Spiritual Gifts Theology. How Christian Apologists Work.