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Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room. President's Daily Brief 1969-1977 The declassified President’s Daily Briefs (PDBs) from the Nixon and Ford presidential administrations in this collection include about 2,500 documents and 28,000 pages.

Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room

As part of this release, CIA held a symposium, "The President's Daily Brief: Delivering Intelligence to Nixon and Ford, " at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library in Yorba Linda, CA on 24 August 2016. The PDBs contain the highest level of intelligence on the president’s key national security issues and concerns. These documents were the primary vehicle for summarizing the day-to-day sensitive intelligence and analysis, as well as late-breaking reports, for the White House. As part of this declassification effort, the President’s Intelligence Checklists (or PICLs, pronounced “pickles”) and PDBs delivered to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson – some 2,500 documents and 19,000 pages – were released for the first time on 16 September 2015.

Домашнее задание от МТИ: пишем нейросеть для манёвров в дорожном трафике / Geektimes. DeepTraffic — интересная интерактивная игра, поучаствовать в которой может любой желающий, а студенты Массачусетского технологического института (МТИ), которые изучают курс глубинного обучения в беспилотных автомобилях, обязаны показать хороший результат в этой игре, чтобы им засчитали выполненное задание.

Домашнее задание от МТИ: пишем нейросеть для манёвров в дорожном трафике / Geektimes

Участникам предлагают спроектировать агента ИИ, а именно, спроектировать и обучить нейронную сеть, которая покажет себя лучше конкурентов в плотном дорожном потоке. В управление агенту даётся один автомобиль (красного цвета). Он должен научиться маневрировать в потоке наиболее эффективным способом. По условиям игры, в автомобиль изначально встроена система безопасности, то есть он не сможет врезаться или улететь с дороги. Задача игрока — только управлять разгоном/торможением и сменой полос. Изначально предлагается базовый код агента, который можно модифицировать прямо в игровом окне — и сразу запускать на исполнение, то есть на обучение нейросети. Базовый код. Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine.

38 Tools For Beautiful Data Visualisations. As we enter the Big Data era, it becomes more important to properly expand our capacity to process information for analysis and communication purposes.

38 Tools For Beautiful Data Visualisations

In a business context, this is evident as good visualisation techniques can support statistical treatment of data, or even become an analysis technique. But also, can be used as a communication tool to report insights that inform decisions. Today there are plenty of tools out there that can be used to improve your data visualisation efforts at every level. Below we list a non-exhaustive list of resources. Javascript Libraries Circular Hierarchy – D3.js Python Libraries – Mapsigraph – Node-link, treesMatplotlib – Most types of statistical plotsPycha – Pie chart, bar chart, area chartNetworkX – Node-link Java / PHP Web Applications TileMill – Running Map Programming Languages Hyperbolic Tree – NYTimes 365/360 Generated with Processing Desktop Applications.

Cambridge Intelligence. Essential Resources: Mapping applications, frameworks and libraries. This is part of a series of posts to share with readers a useful collection of some of the most important, effective and practical data visualisation resources.

Essential Resources: Mapping applications, frameworks and libraries

This post presents the many different options for visualisation spacial data. Please note, I may not have personally used all the packages or tools presented but have seen sufficient evidence of their value from other sources. Whilst some inclusions may be contentious from a quality/best-practice perspective, they may still provide some good features and provide value to a certain audience out there. Finally, to avoid re-inventing the wheel, descriptive text may have been reproduced from the native websites if they provide the most articulate descriptions.

Your feedback is most welcome to help curate this collection, keep it up to date and preserve its claim to be an essential list of resources! Медико-экологический атлас Воронежской области: Об атласе. Analyzing Time Series.


Data Mining Community's Top Resource - Aurora. Computers: Software: Databases: Data Mining: Tool Vendors. Pattern. Pattern is a web mining module for the Python programming language.


It has tools for data mining (Google, Twitter and Wikipedia API, a web crawler, a HTML DOM parser), natural language processing (part-of-speech taggers, n-gram search, sentiment analysis, WordNet), machine learning (vector space model, clustering, SVM), network analysis and <canvas> visualization. The module is free, well-document and bundled with 50+ examples and 350+ unit tests. Download Installation Pattern is written for Python 2.5+ (no support for Python 3 yet).

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Bank information. Data Visualization. Turning a Corner? - Interactive Graphic. OECD Business Cycle Clock. Data Visualization and Statistics. Animation/Cartoons.