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EVEN MORE AR-POWERED SHOPPING EXPERIENCES. The global pandemic accelerated everything virtually and forced a lot of industries to move towards the future, including retail.


Embracing new technologies is key for businesses to be able to stay competitive and operate in the ‘new normal’ – a trend that is expected to continue even after the pandemic is over. Augmented reality (AR) apps have been on the rise providing consumers the opportunity to try the products before they buy. From furniture to luxury fashion, AR has become an essential technology for retailers. 51% of consumers say that they are more likely to shop online if the store provides such technology to assess products. Retailers are using augmented reality technology to help enhance the digital shopping experience through virtual storefronts. Augmented reality shopping apps Here are some augmented reality apps and examples that provide an engaging and convenient experience for consumers to try before they buy a wide range of products. Programmatic Advertising in Singapore. It is estimated that 82% of the total population in Singapore has access to the internet.

Programmatic Advertising in Singapore

The country has one of the highest smartphone uses globally, and it is known that most people in Singapore prefer using mobile devices to access the internet. When you look at these facts, it is not hard to see why businesses are willing to spend thousands of dollars on digital marketing services. What is Programmatic Advertising? Programmatic Advertising is the real-time purchasing and selling of digital advertising space. The transaction takes place automatically on a sophisticated AI platform. This is a long way away from conventional advertising that could take days or even weeks to be finalized. Why is Programmatic Advertising becoming the future of advertising? Enterprise AR. 2020 saw a sharp rise in digital collaboration tools following the global shift to remote work.

Enterprise AR

The use of augmented reality (AR) technologies has allowed co-workers to sit at a standard (if virtual) table or work on a design collaboratively from their own home. But the pandemic has also cast a dark cloud over the predicted future of AR, with only mitigating progress towards the goalposts laid out last year. While enterprise audiences welcomed new hardware, software, and wireless technologies, the pandemic has thinned the AR herd, even if the list of players remains similar. Growing Leadership and Organization-Wide Comfort with AR Concepts A decade ago, augmented reality was still a technologist’s dream; but that was before Google and Microsoft invested in experimental hardware and convinced enterprises to try early Glass and HoloLens headsets. Continued Improvements in Enterprise AR Hardware. 2D & 3D Animation Production Company Singapore, Animation studio.

360 Content Productions Company, 360 VR/AR Productions, 360 Filming & Studio – Untitled Project. How Extended Reality Can Boost Retail Performance. In today’s world, retailers have had to propose increasingly creative customer experiences to make their brand stand out.

How Extended Reality Can Boost Retail Performance

Moreover, the rise of virtual living has led to a boom in digital consumption, with IBM estimating that the pandemic also accelerated the shift to digital shopping by five years. But questions remain – like how can you replace trying on a particular shade of make-up or prodding a mattress before buying it? To answer these, augmented shopping and extended reality (XR) have been multiplying and rapidly turning into the “new normal” of retail experiences. AI in Marketing – Personalized Shopping Experiences, at Home or Offline. Using technology, data, and analytics to personalize shopping experiences holds great marketing potential, yet it is still an intimidating concept for many retailers.

AI in Marketing – Personalized Shopping Experiences, at Home or Offline

According to a recent McKinsey survey, only 15% of senior marketing leaders think their company is on the right track with personalization. Yet techniques like singular channel product recommendations and triggered communications have been found to drive 5 to 15% increases in revenue and 10 to 30% increases in marketing-spend efficiency. Three major shifts in the development of personalization should help marketers adopt AI for marketing: Digitization of Physical Spaces. Untitled Project SG — Video Production Services By Untitled Project... 2D & 3D Animation Services. VIRTUAL REALITY CGI ANIMATION 360 FILM. VIRTUAL REALITY CGI ANIMATION. App Development, Singapore. Mixed Reality Applications for Mobile, Desktop and HoloLens The mobile is the frontier that most marketers fail to crack.

App Development, Singapore

It is the most intimate of mediums, and a place where brands are usually unwelcome, unless they have something to contribute. We help brands stand out in a crowded market place by creating app that work. Our work is measured on success judged by sales and ROI. Engage New Audiences We design our apps to entertain, engage and enlighten and to give our audience something of lasting value. Augmented‌ ‌Reality‌ ‌in‌ ‌2021‌ Augmented‌ ‌may‌ ‌have‌ ‌started‌ ‌with‌ ‌the‌‌ ‌gaming‌ ‌industry‌ ‌(Microsoft‌ ‌Kinect,‌ ‌Pokemon‌ ‌Go…),‌ ‌but‌ ‌it‌ ‌has‌ ‌now‌ ‌won‌ ‌over‌ ‌virtually‌ ‌every‌ ‌industry,‌ ‌from‌ ‌automotive‌ ‌to‌ ‌health,‌ ‌education‌ ‌to‌ ‌retail.‌ ‌

Augmented‌ ‌Reality‌ ‌in‌ ‌2021‌

Recent‌ ‌figures‌ ‌show‌ ‌the‌ ‌‌AR‌ ‌market‌ ‌size‌‌ ‌is‌ ‌projected‌ ‌to‌ ‌reach‌ ‌$36664.5‌ ‌Million‌ ‌by‌ ‌2026,‌ ‌with‌ ‌endless‌ ‌potential‌ ‌for‌ ‌growth.‌ ‌ With‌ ‌the‌ ‌global‌ ‌AR‌ ‌market‌ ‌in‌ ‌2019,‌ ‌representing‌ ‌$849‌ ‌Million,‌ ‌the‌ ‌numbers‌ ‌predict‌ ‌a‌ ‌compound‌ ‌annual‌ ‌growth‌ ‌rate‌ ‌of‌ ‌27.6%‌ ‌between‌ ‌2020‌ ‌and‌ ‌2026.‌ ‌ Mirroring‌ ‌these‌ ‌figures,‌‌ ‌‌Deloitte‌‌ ‌estimates‌ ‌that‌ ‌in‌ ‌order‌ ‌to‌ ‌boost‌ ‌engagement‌ ‌and‌ ‌conversions,‌ ‌88%‌ ‌of‌ mid-sized‌ ‌companies‌ ‌are‌ ‌implementing‌ ‌AR‌ ‌into‌ ‌their‌ ‌upcoming‌ ‌marketing‌ ‌strategies.‌ ‌ Statistics‌ ‌You‌ ‌Need‌ ‌To‌ ‌Know‌ ‌About‌ ‌AR‌ ‌ Example‌ ‌Uses‌ ‌of‌ ‌AR:‌ ‌ Video Production Services Singapore, Animated Video Production Company, Ads Video Production. App Development, Interactive App development, VR APP Development Companies. Even More AR-Powered Shopping Experiences.

The global pandemic accelerated everything virtually and forced a lot of industries to move towards the future, including retail.

Even More AR-Powered Shopping Experiences

Embracing new technologies is key for businesses to be able to stay competitive and operate in the ‘new normal’ – a trend that is expected to continue even after the pandemic is over. Augmented reality (AR) apps have been on the rise providing consumers the opportunity to try the products before they buy. From furniture to luxury fashion, AR has become an essential technology for retailers. 51% of consumers say that they are more likely to shop online if the store provides such technology to assess products. Retailers are using augmented reality technology to help enhance the digital shopping experience through virtual storefronts.

Experiential Retail Agency Singapore, Experiential Learning. With continuously emerging new technologies, the way we shop is changing rapidly.

Experiential Retail Agency Singapore, Experiential Learning

Today we can buy whatever we want with just a click of a button or a tap on our phones’ screen. This trend also changes the way retail stores operate. Retail Design, Retail Design Company Singapore – Untitled Project. Experiential Design Company Singapore, Brand Activations. Why Use Out of Home Advertising? by untitledprojectsgseo. Future of Ecommerce Personalization. The coronavirus pandemic changed the eCommerce landscape drastically.

Future of Ecommerce Personalization

The sector needed to quickly adapt and embrace changes according to the monumental shift in reality. But apart from the industry changes that were forced from the pandemic, other trends need to be taken into account. For example, a recent report concluded by Accenture stated that 75% of consumers are more inclined to buy from brands that offer personalized online experiences. When it comes to eCommerce, emerging technologies are what is driving the industry towards new horizons. And since 54% of consumers say that they prefer physical stores because they can not fully visualize products in online stores, augmented reality (AR) can be essential to enhance the customer experience. Companies need to embrace new technologies such as AR as it is expected that the ‘new normal’ will continue to be the norm for some time even after the pandemic is over.

The Power of AR in Retail. Surprisingly enough, only 9% of the $3 trillion spent in commerce annually is spent online. Therefore, offline brand awareness and customer loyalty are more important than ever, something that augmented reality (AR) tools could completely revolutionize. According to Gartner, “by 2020, 100 million consumers will shop in AR online and in-store,” and around 75% of customers already expect retailers to offer an AR experience. 2D & 3D Animation Production Company Singapore, Animation studio. 360 Content Productions Company, 360 VR/AR Productions, 360 Filming & Studio – Untitled Project.

Experiential Design Company Singapore, Brand Activations. The Power of AR in Retail. App Development, Interactive App development, VR APP Development Companies. Experiential Retail Agency Singapore, Experiential Learning. Experiential Marketing, Omnichannel Shopping Strategy. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, retailers are reporting some of the most significant online sales ever. Consumers being held up at home, many stores shut down temporarily, and with social distancing rules, a lot more people started shopping online for clothes, groceries, and workout gear. But the trend is likely to go away once the pandemic is over. After the lockdown period, people will be eager to go outside when it is safe and do in-person shopping. And even with the growth in online shopping, brick-and-mortar shops will still continue to be the first choice for the most significant part of consumers.

It is expected that in 2021 more than 80% of all sales will still happen inside physical stores, and even though e-retail sales will continue to grow, they will account for only 22% of all sales by 2023. Social Commerce Companies in Singapore, Augmented Reality in E-commerce. Also known as social shopping, social commerce uses social media to sell products (like purchasing something advertised on Instagram without ever needing to leave the app). It represented a global market of about $89.4 billion in 2020. Social Commerce VS E-Commerce Currently, the leading market for many industries, E-commerce, derives directly from the seller’s website. But social commerce, coming in at a close second, allows sales to happen through both social media channels and seller’s websites, transferring the online shopping process to channels where potential customers already spend a large amount of time.

Why Social Commerce? Experiential Design Company Singapore, Brand Activations. 3D Projection Mapping Company Singapore, Interactive & Events Projection Mapping. Augmented reality. How AR is Driving the Future of Customer Experience. As modern consumer trends continue to evolve, consumers are showing increasing interest in doing and experiencing things rather than simply purchasing products. What this means for retailers is a constant need to come up with new ways to guide and engage consumers at every step of the consumer journey. One of the ways retailers can overcome this challenge is by blending innovative technology with the customer experience they offer. More than just a tool to enhance customer experience, technology is also being harnessed by retail brands to improve product personalization and help them stand out from their competition.

One such innovative technology quickly gaining steam in retail is Augmented Reality. What is Extended Reality? Extended Reality (XR) extends the reality we live in. Used as an umbrella term to describe all the immersive technologies that link the physical and virtual worlds, XR changes the way we see and interact with the world around us. To better understand what it involves, let’s take a closer look at the three immersive technologies that currently make up the backbone of Extended Reality. Augmented Reality: Through a combination of digital 3D overlays and real-time production, AR augments and seamlessly enhances the physical world around us, blurring the lines between what’s real and what’s digital.

Virtual Reality: VR fully immerses users into interactive simulated environments through a blend of wearable technology and 360° digital content. 2D & 3D Animation Production Company Singapore, Animation studio. 360 Content Productions Company, 360 VR/AR Productions, 360 Filming & Studio – Untitled Project. Pin on 3D Animation Services. Pin on 3D Animation Services. Blog virtual eventproduction. Mobile app development, App development, Augmented reality. What Makes an Immersive Experience? An immersive experience, by definition, is an experience that engages and involves participants in a way that make them feel as if they’re a part of it. It the creation of an environment that surrounds you and offers a way to experience the impossible.

The concept of immersive experiences, however, is far from new and businesses worldwide have been using them for years to better engage their audiences. What is Extended Reality? Pin on 3D Animation Services. Pin on VR Production Service. You are signed out Sign in to get the best experience. App Development, Interactive App development, VR APP Development Companies. Retail Design, Retail Design Company Singapore – Untitled Project. Pin on Advertising Agency. Experience Centers Are Transforming B2B Marketing.

The days of boring business meetings and bland sales pitches are numbered. Today’s business customers are more in line with tech than ever and can easily find anything they want at the best prices. How AR is Driving the Future of Customer Experience. 3D Projection Mapping Company Singapore, Interactive & Events Projection Mapping. 360 Content Productions Company, 360 VR/AR Productions, 360 Filming & Studio – Untitled Project. 2D & 3D Animation Production Company Singapore, Animation studio. Digital transformation. 5 Reasons Why You Should Hire A Full Stack Development Company. Experience Centers Are Transforming B2B Marketing. 360 Content Productions Company, 360 VR/AR Productions, 360 Filming & Studio – Untitled Project.

3D Projection Mapping Company Singapore, Interactive & Events Projection Mapping. 360 Content Productions Company, 360 VR/AR Productions, 360 Filming & Studio – Untitled Project. Advantages of Working with an Advertising Agency. Growing your business should be at the top of your list of priorities as a business owner, however, the importance of advertising tends to be overshadowed by other aspects of running a business.

While some may argue that they’re simply too busy to spend time advertising, others might simply not know how to go about doing it – and this is where advertising agencies play an important role. Retail Design by Untitled Project SG in 2020. Augmented Reality, AR company, AR kit, Facebook AR, Augmented Reality Company in Singapore – Untitled Project. Retail Design, Retail Design Company Singapore – Untitled Project. Blog experential retail. The Rise of Interactive Tables in Experiential Design - Untitled Project. It’s no secret that consumers demand experiences over simple products and services. In an age where customer experience is key to the success of practically any business, brands are constantly having to adapt and come up with newer and more creative approaches to appease their audiences and one-up the competition.

Take the retail industry as an example. Drawing inspiration from their online counterparts, leading brick-and-mortar retailers are incorporating the advantages offered by both online and offline sales to craft innovative and unique experiences that redefine experiential retail as we know it. One such way retailers are achieving this is through interactive tables. What are Interactive Tables? First appearing in exhibition and experience centers, interactive tables are essentially surfaces that display interactive content. Touch Tables in Retail Design Benefits of Retail Touch Tables Table Projection Mapping. What Are Virtual Events and Are They Here to Stay? - Untitled Project. The main issue faced by event organizers in an arguably oversaturated market is how to make their in-person events stand out from the rest. From experimenting with unique concepts, venues, and layouts to futuristic sonic droids, brands and event planners are constantly pushing the boundaries to create the most impactful and memorable events possible.

With all efforts focused on hosting unique events, few could have anticipated the devastating impact of the recent coronavirus pandemic and the changes industry professionals would be forced to make. Experiential Design Company Singapore, Brand Activations. Video Production Services Singapore, Animated Video Production Company, Ads Video Production - Untitled Project. Why Use Out of Home Advertising? - Untitled Project. Whether out working, shopping, or socializing, people are spending more time out and about, and reaching out of them has always proved somewhat of a challenge for brands.

Out of home advertising has long been a reliable solution to this common issue and has played a significant part in the consumer purchase journey for decades. From billboards to bus shelters, we’ve all seen OOH ads at some point. What Makes an Immersive Experience? - Untitled Project. 2D & 3D Animation Production Company Singapore, Animation studio. 360 Content Productions Company, 360 VR/AR Productions, 360 Filming & Studio – Untitled Project. Why Use Out of Home Advertising? - Untitled Project. What is Digital Transformation? - Untitled Project. The phrase “digital transformation” is something that’s thrown around a lot these days.

Businesses across the globe in both private and public sectors seem to be constantly increasing digital spend and launching digital transformation projects, but what exactly is it? In plain English, digital transformation involves the integration of digital solutions and the application of technology in business. 3D Projection Mapping Company Singapore, Interactive & Events Projection Mapping. What Are Virtual Events and Are They Here to Stay? - Untitled Project. Augmented Reality Wayfinding: The Future of Indoor Navigation - Untitled Project. With the earliest examples of modern-day signage tracing back to ancient Rome, we’re no strangers to using signs to help us navigate large buildings and areas. Nevertheless, the conventional wayfinding systems we grew up with and became accustomed to are far from perfect. Video Production Services Singapore, Animated Video Production Company, Ads Video Production - Untitled Project. The Rise of Interactive Tables in Experiential Design - Untitled Project.

App Development, Interactive App development, VR APP Development Companies - Untitled Project. Advantages of Working with an Advertising Agency. 2D & 3D Animation Production Company Singapore, Animation studio. 3 Reasons to Integrate OOH Advertising into Your Marketing Efforts. Retail Design, Retail Design Company Singapore – Untitled Project. 3 Reasons to Integrate OOH Advertising into Your Marketing Efforts. 3D Projection Mapping Company Singapore, Interactive & Events Projection Mapping.

Retail Design, Retail Design Company Singapore – Untitled Project. WebAR: Reinventing Augmented Reality Retail. 360 Content Productions Company, 360 VR/AR Productions, 360 Filming & Studio – Untitled Project. What Are They and How Do They Work? 2D & 3D Animation Production Company Singapore, Animation studio. The Importance of User Experience Design by untitledprojectsgseo. What Are They and How Do They Work? What Are They and How Do They Work? WebAR: Reinventing Augmented Reality Retail - Untitled Project. 3 Reasons to Integrate OOH Advertising into Your Marketing Efforts - Untitled Project.

Differences Between B2B and B2C Marketing + Untitled Project x Certis Cisco Case Study - Untitled Project. The Importance of User Experience Design. 3 Reasons Social Media Marketing Matters for Businesses. Advantages of Working with an Advertising Agency - Untitled Project.