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Open Web Analytics. 7 Alternatives to Google Analytics. Since its launch in 2005 Google Analytics has become almost unassailable in the world of website analytics, with 57% of the world’s 10,000 most popular websites using the popular site statistics suite. SEOMoz – Start ranking better! Prior to the arrival of Google Analytics, the choices were largely between the inferior data of ‘server stats’ packages, lightweight 3rd party services or paying several hundred dollars a month for an enterprise level solution.

Google Analytics brought powerful, accurate analytics to the masses and as site owners we lapped it up. Tools such as Google Analytics give us the data to make smarter decisions about our websites and our businesses. Whether we are looking to increase traffic, improve conversions, conceive content ideas or do any of a myriad of other tasks, our analytics suite will often be the starting point.

However Analytics ! Why wouldn’t you use Google Analytics? Google Analytics is undoubtedly a strong product. The Ubiquitous Google Complexity 1. 2. Project Management Software, Project Planning Software, Time Tracking Software: Wrike. Souvenez-vous de tout | Evernote Corporation.

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