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Unoia Tech is a leading and top-rated IT company provides iPhone and Android application development services. We also provide SEO and web development services.

Top 3 Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs a Website in 2020. Customers have learned how to be savvy by researching online.

Top 3 Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs a Website in 2020

Around 75% of the audience will judge the credibility of a business based on your website and its design. This reason alone makes it essential to own a modern, up-to-date, and user-friendly website accompanied with a custom domain. A website gives a representation of an open business even when there is a lot of uncertainty in the markets. Online sales have been on the rise even before the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, the pandemic has given a bigger boost to online sales. Sounds untrue, but websites are far more reasonable than the traditional methods of advertising.

What Does A Great Landing Page Look Like in 2020? A landing page brings traffic to your website, improvises your search engine marketing, and sets up your brand.

What Does A Great Landing Page Look Like in 2020?

Landing pages lead the customer towards a particular goal – to buy your product or service. A landing page encourages them to take the action you set for them. It is the right medium for conversion and constructing a good customer base. If you have a landing page, you are supporting your business goals – promotion of products, pitching to new customers, and earning more revenue. Everything You Need To Know About On-Demand Service Apps. Top 4 Tips to Improve Website Design and Performance. Software as a Service (SaaS): Explained in 9 Simple Steps.

Usability Testing: What is It and Why Does It Matter? Both quantitative and qualitative data can be collected from a usability test.

Usability Testing: What is It and Why Does It Matter?

Quantitative data includes parameters like time taken to complete a particular task, success rate, etc. Qualitative data is gathered from demographic data (age, gender, income, device, location, etc.), and pre-test, post-task and post-test questionnaires. Say all 5 participants completed Task 1 (search for a music artist) and Task 2 (play a music track), 4 of them completed Task 3 (look for a particular music album) and only 2 of them were able to complete Task 4 (purchase a track). None of them was able to find and use the bulk download feature for downloading multiple tracks. 3 participants had trouble completing Task 4 which shows the purchase/payment function can be simplified. A post-task questionnaire helps in gathering qualitative data. The data shows half of the users were satisfied with the overall website experience. How Instagram Influencers Can Benefit From a Website.

Some of the ways instagram influencers can benefit from a website are: As an Instagram influencer limiting your content only to your Instagram and other social media platforms limits your audience to only the users of those platforms.

How Instagram Influencers Can Benefit From a Website

With a website, you have the ability to showcase your brand and share it with potential collaborators. All that with a better sense of freedom and security. As an influencer, your channel name becomes your brand name. It is by that name people recognize you and follow you. A good way to increase the monetization of your brand is through creating merchandise that reflects the name of your brand. If you’re, say a fitness coach, another source of income for you could be live training sessions with your clients. Website Design. Subscription Model and Micro-SaaS: All You Need To Know. Software as a Service or SaaS is a modern software delivery method that allows software or app to be accessed from any device with an internet connection and a web browser.

Subscription Model and Micro-SaaS: All You Need To Know

Customers and businesses using saas rely on a third-party vendor who hosts the application in the cloud instead of installing it as on-premise software. The vendor is responsible for maintaining the server, code, and database. Users pay a monthly or yearly subscription fee to access this software. Here’s a list of common SaaS examples: Salesforce remains at the forefront of the cloud computing revolution which it has helped create. G Suite is a suite of cloud computing, productivity, and collaboration tools, software, and products developed by Google Cloud. While these services are free to use for consumers, G Suite adds enterprise features such as custom email addresses, unlimited cloud storage as well as 24/7 phone and email support. Top Features to Consider For an Online Tutoring Website. 10 Micro-SaaS ideas for 2020. Online Businesses you can Start in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis. Usability Testing: What is it and Why does it Matter?

Sketch, Wireframe, Mockup and Prototype – What’s the difference? Effects of digital marketing on buyer`s behavior. UnoiaTech - Digital Advertising Agency. How Voice Search Will Dominate The SEO In 2020. UnoiaTech - Digital Advertising Agency. UnoiaTech - A Digital Agency Based In Mohali. UnoiaTech - Best IT Company. UnoiaTech - Best IT Company. View 800% 400% 200% 150% 125% 100% 75% 50% Full Width Full Height Full Page Download as...

UnoiaTech - Best IT Company

Include... Search Results No terms available Load Annotations Select an annotations set to edit Select annotations for review My Annotations Annotations for Review Save Annotations Save as: Prizm Content Connect v10.5.1030.3590 Prizm Content Connect v10.5.1030.3590. The Ideal Mobile App Development Process. HOW TO HIRE AN SEO AGENCY IN 2018. New Trends in iOS App Development for Developers 2018.

Factors That Decide Whether Your App Was Successful Or Not. Effective Local SEO Strategies For Moving Company Websites. By Harsumeet Singh UnoiaTech Seo is not the first thing that comes to mind for small business owners when they make their marketing strategies.

Effective Local SEO Strategies For Moving Company Websites

How to Hire an SEO Agency in 2018. New Trends in iOS App Development for Developers 2018. Nowadays ios apps are more in demand.

New Trends in iOS App Development for Developers 2018

There are many new things launched by ios app development companies. Almost new technologies applied first by the Apple in iPhone and iPad. For e.g. iBeacon is the device which is considering as IoT for making more better apps and user ease. Apple is always looking to provide their users something new and keep it simple and secure. Here in this blog, we are sharing some New Trends in iOS App Development for Developers 2018. iBeacon Technology is on demand iBeacon is one proprietary of Apple but that doesn’t mean Android devices and other media cannot see this beacon as well.