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If We Meet Aliens: What to Do? During the Starship Congress last week in Dallas, Texas, discussions focused on the myriad of topics associated with humans pushing into space and, ultimately, becoming an interstellar civilization. It quickly became apparent that if you think on a large enough scale, over a vast enough time frame, pushing humanity deeper into the galaxy is not a sci-fi notion, it’s an evolutionary imperative. But let us assume for a minute that we will overcome the huge technological challenges of propelling starships to neighboring star systems and begin a new age of galactic colonization. Let us also assume that the profound question “Are we alone?” Will be answered. We will have clawed our way to the stars to find that life is simply a chemical complication and, given the correct conditions, biology is possible anywhere.

As we come face-to-face with our extraterrestrial neighbors, what would — indeed, what should — we do? Ethical Concerns 13 Ways to Hunt Intelligent Aliens Open to Interpretation. Quite Possibly the most Eye Opening Six Minutes Ever on Film. How Selfies Are Ruining Your Relationships. Thinking about uploading that totally awesome bathroom-mirror selfie? Think again. A new study from three business schools in Britain suggests that sharing too many photos of yourself isn’t just narcissistic, it can alienate you from the people who see them too.

“Increased frequency of sharing photographs of the self, regardless of the type of target sharing the photographs, is related to a decrease in intimacy,” concludes the joint study conducted by the University of Birmingham, the University of Edinburgh, and Heriot-Watt University. In other words, people who constantly share photos of themselves generally tend to have more shallow personal relationships. Admittedly, this won’t come as a huge surprise to regular Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram users, but now there’s data to support our nagging suspicions. Luckily for those among us who already have spent years perfecting the art of the selfie, the study isn’t all bad news. Mosa'aberising's photosets on Flickr. "A 20-year-old model photographed as if she were 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 & 60 years old." What makes a hamburger and other cooked meat so enticing to humans? We’ve long known why ice cream and chocolate appeal so much to our taste buds: It’s that blissful mixture of sugar and fat.

But what’s so special about bacon and steak that, for most people, it trumps the growing pile of scientific data on meat’s detrimental health effects? The answer, according to scientists, lies in meat’s unique mixture of fat and umami (more about this taste later), spiced up in a process called the Maillard reaction — the browning that happens when we cook a piece of meat.

“These are powerful stimuli to humans,” says Paul Breslin, a nutritional sciences professor at Rutgers University. As much as 95 percent of what we think of as meat’s taste is actually its aroma, according to a Barb Stuckey, author of “Taste: Surprising Stories and Science About Why Food Tastes Good.” And the lack of strong scents is one reason why raw meat is not very appealing. Even animals seem to agree: If mice could cook, many would turn up their noses at raw meat. Craving fat. Where next for a post-Morsi Egypt? By Daniel Alan Kennedy The 2011 revolution in Egypt raised hopes that democratic institutions would replace Hosni Mubarak’s dictatorship. The recent removal of President Morsi by the Egyptian military and the violence on the streets that followed has instead left Egypt facing an uncertain future. Jeremy Bowen, BBC Middle East Editor and renowned Egyptian journalist Yosri Fouda met at the Frontline Club on 12 August to attempt to shed some light on recent events and on Egypt’s political future.

Yosri Fouda (Left) and Jeremy Bowen (Right). Photo Wotienke Vermeer Fouda explained that the Muslim Brotherhood, whom many had seen as the most well-organised political faction in Egypt had overreached, causing their administration to quickly lose popularity: Fouda also claimed that while the Army had chosen to remove Morsi following massive street protests, it was not done out of pure economic self-interest, as many had claimed, noting that: 11 Ways to Cheat Veganism.

Deciding to go vegan can be a pretty tough transition, but with these crafty pointers, your animal-loving self can cheat the ism. Choosing to bow out from the gastronomic, animal-eating world is never an easy decision. Whether it is for spirituality, saving the animals—and their teats—or just experiencing something new, getting used to eating like a vegan can be a challenging task.

As any cook knows, making a meal without things like butter, eggs, cream and other kitchen essentials is torture. Add a lack of umami to the equation (the savory flavor often provided by meat) and even a seasoned chef would throw in the towel. To ease the pains of an animal-free diet, I have gathered together some of my favorite vegan-friendly cure-alls for the health conscious culinaire. These eleven items will make your life easier, your meals tastier, and your non-vegan guests happier while keeping your conscience crystal clear. If you’re thinking about becoming a vegan, stock your kitchen with these items. This is why you aren't sleeping right. All Hail Histomap: 4,000 Years of History in a Single Poster. Flavorwire Names The Millions the #1 Website for Literature Lovers. The Millions. Talking About the "Integratron" with Joanne Karl - Awakening Code Radio.