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Did I Stutter? Golden Rule. IMBA Troll. Stephen Fry wishes you a very Merry Mithras! Bill Nye Boo'd In Texas For Saying The Moon Reflects The Sun. Bill Nye, the harmless children's edu-tainer known as "The Science Guy," managed to offend a select group of adults in Waco, Texas at a presentation, when he suggested that the moon does not emit light, but instead reflects the light of the sun. As even most elementary-school graduates know, the moon reflects the light of the sun but produces no light of its own.

But don't tell that to the good people of Waco, who were "visibly angered by what some perceived as irreverence," according to the Waco Tribune. Nye was in town to participate in McLennan Community College's Distinguished Lecture Series. He gave two lectures on such unfunny and adult topics as global warming, Mars exploration, and energy consumption. But nothing got people as riled as when he brought up Genesis 1:16, which reads: "God made two great lights -- the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars. " At this point, several people in the audience stormed out in fury. Gay Homophobe. ZOMGitsCriss's Channel. Phil’s Greatest Atheist/Agnostic Songs of All Time.

Divine Protection Video. 559.jpg (JPEG Image, 850x557 pixels) FOX News Facebook Page on 9/11 Cross Generates Death Threats Against Atheists « No God Blog. Religion No Excuse For Not Doing Your Job. It seems like these religious nuts never learn. Now we have another example of someone who wants to use his religion as an excuse for his failure to properly perform his job duties. In the past, we have had some pharmacists trying to use their religion in this way, but remarkably it's a bus driver this time. Who knew driving a bus could make god angry? The Capital Area Rural Transportation System (CARTS) operates buses near Austin, Texas. The fired driver claims to be a minister (although probably not a very good one since he can't make a living doing it) and says his religion would not allow him to take the customer to Planned Parenthood because she might have been going there to get an abortion.

Last Wednesday the ex-employee, Edwin Graning, filed suit in U.S. What a ridiculous statement! If this guy wanted to be a bus driver, he should have done his job and transported passengers to whatever location they desired. Religion is not a good excuse to fail to do a job you agreed to do. 5iCeG.jpg (JPEG Image, 800x423 pixels)

Monica: Atheism is a religion like... 1741723.gif (GIF Image, 1415x2000 pixels) God The Sinner. God doesn’t punish people for not believing in him. He doesn’t send people to hell they choose to live in hell on earth and then recreate it for themselves when they die. Because He is a merciful, kind, and loving He gives us freedom to do as we will. He could coerce us to believe in him and he doesn’t. However he does let the universe punish the wicked for their evil. God doesn’t punish people for believing in a different God. 80% of earth’s population believes in a divine source. God never asked for us to pay our congregations lots of money.

If you think worship is about pride than you do not even have a clue as to what worship is; or is all about. God spent six days working; six not seven. Westboro Baptist church is not a Christian Church. So you have failed to prove in any way your theory that God has broken the so called seven deadly sins. And to the person who mentioned genocide and slavery in the bible; I am so sick of hearing that pathetic argument. Ann Druyan, talking about her husband, Carl Sagan - Monicks: Unleashed. Biblesoftwarelicence.png (PNG Image, 580x322 pixels) _l0qihvfywy1qb0g7zo1_500. American Secularism. Here in Mississippi and on the national level, "secularism" has all but replaced Communism as the favorite boogeyman of the far right. It does not seem to matter that the United States is one of the few nations that has a secular constitution or that this was once a celebrated accomplishment. Nor does it seem to matter that the primary function of a secular constitution is the protection of religious freedom.

Many of the loudest voices on the far right want you to believe that secularism is somehow evil. There is an explanation for this, but it is one about which we do not hear enough. Our secular Constitution prevents the government from interfering with the right of individuals to practice their chosen religions. It explicitly prohibits the establishment of an official or state religion, thereby honoring the many diverse religious traditions one finds across America today. Unfortunately, our secular ideals have eroded over the decades. H/T to Terry Sanderson at. God is Man-Made - Here you will find brights, atheist, free thinkers, agnostic and rationalist websites. Textbook disclaimer stickers. This post is for people tracking the bizarre ethical slide of The Consortium for Plant Biotechnology Research, Inc.

(CPBR). As you probably know from my earlier posts, CPBR sends out a yearly invitation to plant biotechnology researchers to submit grant proposals. Part of the emailed PDF has instructions on how to make a scientific poster, and a big part of that section was created by copying/pasting text from my page on the topic (but with no quotation marks and no attribution). Because I happen to have an official copyright registration on my poster design page, the PDF is in violation of U.S. copyright law. So, in addition to being able to sue CPBR rather easily, I can can also use the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) to send Notifications of Copyright Infringement (NOCIs) to have the CPBR document (PDF and any paper copies) destroyed. So here’s what I’ve done. I’ve asked every member university to delete the PDF when received from CPBR. . — Schumacher, D. 1989. Mandatory Army survey says atheists are unfit to be soldiers | Rock Beyond Belief. I’m a bit furious about a mandatory survey that I just took.

The survey, Soldier Fitness Tracker (SFT), measures individual soldier’s competency in four areas: Emotional, Social, Family, and Spiritual. As a foxhole atheist, I was a little annoyed at first, but I’ve learned that I’ve really got to pick my battles on some issues. This quickly turned into one of those issues. According to the SFT, I’m unfit to serve in the U.S. Army because I’m a non-believer. It gets worse, but before I share the rest of my results, I’ll briefly touch on how these scores were calculated.

The four categories were tested across several pages of questions. The next question was “I feel connected to a being that is greater than me.” Here’s what the survey says about me: - A red bar means that you face some significant challenges in this area. The screen before this had a blurb “Do we have permission to use your data anonymously in an aggregated manner? -SGT Justin Griffith Fort Bragg, NC. BibleContradictions-ReasonProject.png (PNG Image, 3327x4418 pixels) - Scaled (14%) 88c92a42ac4b41fb_8424f0a95a24f177_o. Boston Legal smackdowns religion | Bligbi.

Top 10 Myths About Evolution – with Downloadable PDF | Atheism Resource. Email If you have been looking for a simple, easy to follow quick guide to evolution… we’ve got it. Our friends at the Skeptics Society gave us permission to reprint this. Below is the text. Learn it. Original Text: 1 If Humans Came From Apes, Why Aren’t Apes Evolving Into Humans? Humans, apes, and monkeys are only distant evolutionary “cousins.” 2 There Are Too Many Gaps in the Fossil Record for Evolution to Be True In fact, there are lots of intermediate fossils. 3 If Evolution Happened Gradually Over Millions of Years Why Doesn’t the Fossil Record Show Gradual Change? Sudden changes in the fossil record are not missing evidence of gradualism; they are extant evidence of punctuation. 4 No One Has Ever Seen Evolution Happen Evolution is a historical science confirmed by the fact that so many independent lines of evidence converge to this single conclusion. 5 Science Claims That Evolution Happens by Random Chance Natural selection is not “random” nor does it operate by “chance.”

You Are Going To Hell If You.... Truth Saves - index. God is an Epic Troll: The Best of the Advice God Meme | Ranker - A World of Lists. Why Can't I Own a Canadian? October 2002 Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a radio personality who dispenses advice to people who call in to her radio show. Recently, she said that, as an observant Orthodox Jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to Leviticus 18:22 and cannot be condoned under any circumstance. The following is an open letter to Dr. Dear Dr. Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord - Lev.1:9. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness - Lev.15:19- 24. Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations.

I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. My uncle has a farm. SAB, Absurdities. Absurdity -All: Genesis - Revelation -Genesis - Deuteronomy -Joshua - 2 Chronicles -Ezra - Isaiah -Jeremiah - Daniel -Hosea - Micah -Nahum - Malachi -Matthew - John -Acts - Ephesians -Colossians - Hebrews -James - Revelation About the Absurdities Dwindling in Unbelief: Absurdity.