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Henry Jenkins. Fanfic Symposium: Why do I Like Slash? Plain Answers from a Het Woman. Plain Answers from a Het Woman by Dark Twin Probably every female member of the huge worldwide community of slash fans of all fandoms has asked herself this question at some point, and so have I.

Fanfic Symposium: Why do I Like Slash? Plain Answers from a Het Woman

It didn’t happen immediately after I’d discovered the phenomenon of slash, but after merrily playing around in that world for a few months, both reading and writing, at some point I sat down and found myself wondering. I hadn’t actually noticed how much I liked slash, even ­ it was more that I noticed that I didn’t like m/f romance in fanfic (I still don’t), and that I disliked it precisely because it was all about love and sex when the original story of my favourite fandom wasn’t. That made sense to the canon-maniac in me ­ it seemed somehow disrespectful of the original author to throw her characters into bed together when she herself had obviously not planned for them to end up there (yet). Canon-mania and respect for the original author aside, it just wasn’t logical.

Fiction, fiction, fiction - Fic: The World on His Wrist - Prologue (BBC Sherlock)