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Creating a Basic Meteorite Smart Package - Vintyge Inc. Blog. Something that has come out extremely recently is a new JavaScript platform name Meteor.

Creating a Basic Meteorite Smart Package - Vintyge Inc. Blog

You may have heard of it and that's probably because they have a development budget of over $11 million. They are on par with Apache and some of those other large, open-source development agencies. What's truly cool about Meteor is that it is free. You can pick up a copy and check out some of their examples here: Meteor makes it very easy and very quick to create a full web app. Beer. Wings. Smart Packages. Dictionary of Technical Terms for Aerospace Use - A. Way of putting files in static/public via package.js · Issue #939 · meteor/meteor. Run Meteor Apps Anywhere with Demeteorizer. Meteor is an ambitious project that aims to reduce the amount of time it takes to write and deploy high-quality apps.

Run Meteor Apps Anywhere with Demeteorizer

I would compare it to Rails if I weren’t afraid of the response I would get to saying something like that, so let’s just call it a set of tools and a JavaScript framework. Onmodulus/demeteorizer. Keep a node.js server up with Forever. One of the great benefits of using node.js is the reduction in dependencies needed to run a production web application.

Keep a node.js server up with Forever

By using the 'http' module we can run a stand-alone web server in node.js without the need for a separate server like Apache or nginx. The caveat of not having to use these servers is that their concerns are now the concerns of the node.js application developer. The concern that we will discuss in this article is that of fault tolerance, or how to automatically restart your server when it crashes or enters an invalid state. Before we dive into how to use Forever, lets setup the 'hello world' web server that we will later run with Forever.

The above code starts a web server that will respond to all requests with 'hello, i know nodejitsu' . $ node simple-server.js > hello world running on port 8000. Running Meteor on Your Own Server. Global classes with Meteor >0.6.0 and CoffeeScript. Running meteor in a cluster and real-time changes. How to deploy meteorjs project to digital ocean.

Where can we host Meteor/Meteorite applications. Angularjs and Meteor "Session" reactivity, is there a way. Using Blade with Meteor · bminer/node-blade Wiki. Special thanks to mlohr for this wiki page.

Using Blade with Meteor · bminer/node-blade Wiki

Blade vs. Handlebars The Blade smart package takes a slightly different approach from the Handlebars package. In Handlebars, you can define files, and within files are various tags: head, body, and the special template tag. You can have <body> tags in multiple files, and the content is concatenated and served with the initial page load. AngularJS Best Practices: I’ve Been Doing It Wrong! Part 1 of 3. Bminer/node-blade. Olanod/ng-meteor. Meteor.js JavaScript Framework: Why Meteor Rocks! Exclusive offer: get 50% off this eBook here Getting Started with Meteor.js JavaScript Framework — Save 50% Develop modern web applications in Meteor, one of the hottest new JavaScript platforms with this book and ebook. by Isaac Strack | February 2013 | Open Source Web Development.

Meteor.js JavaScript Framework: Why Meteor Rocks!

Meteor. Beer. Wings. Smart Packages. Atmosphere's smart packages are installed and managed by the Meteorite command line tool.

Beer. Wings. Smart Packages.

Visit Meteorite's home page to learn more. Guidelines First off a couple soft rules, give us a shout if you have any questions on this... Publish packages that you use in your apps. We want packages that are well loved by their creators/curators. EventedMind - Screencasts on Meteor and modern Web development. Kievechua/flame-on. Linepos/linepos. Meteor_angularjs/examples/todos at master · alex-okrushko/Meteor_angularjs. Possibilities (Mike Bannister) Bevanhunt/meteor-angular-leaderboard. Lvbreda/Meteor_angularjs. Kristianmandrup/Meteor_angularjs. Dirkk0/angularjs-meets-meteorjs. Submit Data to Meteor on Click or Keypress. Laika - testing framework for meteor. Laika is a feature rich testing framework for meteor.

Laika - testing framework for meteor

With laika you can simply write tests that interact with both server and client(s). Installation and Setup First install laika from npm sudo npm install -g laika (you might need to install XCode Command Line Tools if you are on Mac) Download and install phantomJS You need to start a separate mongodb server mongod Write your first test with laika By default laika uses tdd style for the test. You need to place tests in tests folder in your meteor app. Our simple app Our simple meteor application has a collection shared in both the client and server. Posts = new Meteor.Collection('posts'); Let’s write our first test.

We have defined a Posts test suite Within that we’ve a test named ‘in the server’ note that we’ve created our tests with test() method Then we evaluate some code block in the server Result will be send via an emit Now we can listen to the event in tests You can think server as an event emitter between the server and the test. Test Driven Development with Meteor. If you’ve followed the tech scene recently, Meteor won’t be anything new to you.

Test Driven Development with Meteor

We hear lots of good news about Meteor every week. If you haven’t heard of it before, Meteor is a revolutionary JavaScript framework that allows you to create realtime single page web applications very quickly. It’s an OpenSource project, but unlike other projects, it has serious funding to keep up the rapid development. Xolvio/real-time-development-with-meteor. AppFog - PaaS for public and private clouds. Stefano Diem Benatti : Meteor Package API Example. Context In the past few days i was playing around with meteor framework, and was trying to install aloha editor.

Stefano Diem Benatti : Meteor Package API Example

I realized that there was already an atmosphere package called aloha-meteor which allowed me to install it with meteorite: mrt add aloha-meteor. The problem was that for some reason no translation files were included in this package, and i wanted to use it in pt-BR. So i forked the package and started doing some modifications, but got stuck pretty soon because i needed to use meteor's package api ( which is currently private ), and couldn't find its documentation anywhere. Package.json: an interactive guide. How to build a Meteor package. Npm link: developing your own npm modules without tears. You've started creating your own npm modules, giving code back to the open source community and getting it debugged and improved for free in the bargain.

npm link: developing your own npm modules without tears

It's fun and easy. But it's also a hassle, publishing your module over and over just to use the latest version in your own project. In this article I'll explain how to use "npm link" to develop npm modules without pain in tandem with the projects that inspired them - and how to avoid doing it all with root privileges.

Creating npm modules: being famous and awesome isn't hard Just about everybody in the Node community is developing and releasing npm modules for everyone else to use. Philcockfield/meteor-private-package. Complete NPM integration for Meteor - MeteorHacks. Npm support for Meteor comes to the light from version 0.6.0. But it gives complete NPM access to packages only. If you need to use npm modules like redis, aws-sdk, colors, winston in your app, you are out of luck. Of course, you can wrap npm modules in a package or use if it is available on atmosphere, but that’s kind a hard. Here comes the solution. Prototyping With Meteor. Meteor is far more than a quick prototyping tool, but it sure is great for prototyping.

In this tutorial, we'll walk through the process of turning a simple HTML wireframe into a functional application in a surprisingly simple number of steps. We'll be creating a simple wireframe of a chatroom application. The process we are trying to demonstrate is starting with a pure HTML/CSS wireframe, done in Meteor for convenience, which can then very easily be transformed into a real application, thanks to the ease of Meteor development. Animations in Meteor: state of the game. Note: dear readers from the future! At the time of writing the released meteor version is 0.3.7; as Meteor is a rapidly changing framework, it is likely this post is out of date! UPDATE: David Greenspan posted some detailed info about the heuristics that meteor uses to update DOM nodes. The important takeaway: you can achieve animations the ‘meteor way’ if you set an id on your DOM nodes (or a name on form elements).