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How Big Business is Stymying Makers' High-Res, Colorful Innovations | Wired Design. If you're waiting for desktop additive-manufacturing technology to move closer to professional-level results, be prepared to wait for a very long time. The past year was a breakout for desktop 3-D printing. MakerBot released two new models, Formlabs debuted the first prosumer 3-D printer to use high-accuracy stereolithography, and a slew of innovative, printed projects lifted awareness and desirability of additive manufacturing for the general public.

But the year ended with a legal hiccup. Formlabs will be dealing with a patent infringement lawsuit brought against them by 3D Systems, one of the biggest players in the industry. The hobbyist segment of the industry has been built on the back of expired patents, but as the Electronic Frontier Foundation has pointed out, many patents that will be required to advance the state of the art will not expire for years or even a decade. About Dizingof. Drones civils : ce que dit la loi en France. Si la loi autorise les drones de loisirs, de nombreuses conditions doivent toutefois être respectées. Numerama fait le point sur la législation française. Pour la première fois en France, un individu est poursuivi en justice pour avoir utilisé un drone civil sans l’autorisation des autorités compétentes le ministère public estimant qu’il s’agit d’une mise en danger de la vie d’autrui, passible d’une peine maximum d’un an d’emprisonnement et 15 000 euros d’amende.

L’occasion de faire le point sur la législation européenne et française. La réglementation sur les drones a été mise à jour début 2016. Consultez notre dossier pour tout savoir sur ce que l’on a droit de faire (ou pas) avec un drone. Interrogée par Numerama, l’Agence Européenne de la Sécurité Aérienne (EASA) nous indique que « les opérations civiles de Systèmes d’Aéronefs Pilotés à Distance (RPAS) sont légaux en Europe, à la fois pour des applications commerciales et non commerciales« . Lire. El futuro modelado a través de la impresión 3D. Tags: FabbingImpresión 3DOpen SourceSy-LabThingiverse Parece ser un tema de actualidad y es verdad que, a estas alturas, es previsible o por lo menos imaginable.

Las impresoras 3D personales permiten romper el monopolio de la producción de objetos garantizado hasta hoy por la posesión de las herramientas de producción. Potencialmente, son capaces de reproducir casi cualquier objeto existente. Además, es muy probable que los diseños creados por los participantes de comunidades acostumbradas a compartir se publiquen en plataformas como Thingiverse. Por lo tanto es previsible: atacarán. Esas preguntas, aunque tal vez sea bueno plantearlas con antelación, ponen de relieve el potencial conflictivo de la impresión 3D antes de que realmente se plantee. Así se puede proponer otra orientación a este debate, partiendo de esas premisas: - El derecho de las marcas, tal y como está hoy, asegura la protección de los diseños y de los productos.

El contexto La impresión 3D personal Las tecnologías. - As predicted, 3D Print scan/remix objects will... 3D Systems Files Patent Infringement Lawsuit Against Formlabs and Kickstarter. Nov.21, 2012 3D Systems Corporation (NYSE:DDD) announced Tuesday that it has brought suit in the Federal District Court of South Carolina, Rock Hill division, against Formlabs, Inc. of Cambridge, Massachusetts and Kickstarter, Inc. of New York, New York. 3D Systems said it is seeking injunctive relief and damages for infringement of one of its patents relating to the stereolithography process. (Image credit: Formlabs) 3D Systems' complaint asserts that the sale and use of the Form 1 3D printers sold by Formlabs and Kickstarter infringe a U.S. patent relating to stereolithography.

Formlabs sold the Form 1 3D printers to backers of its Kickstarter campaign in September and October 2012. "3D Systems invented and pioneered the 3D printing technology of stereolithography and has many active patents covering various aspects of the stereolithography process," said Andrew Johnson, General Counsel of 3D Systems. Source: RTT news. An Important Question on the Open Source Hardware Mark | An open letter to the open source hardware community from OSHWA, the Open Source Hardware Association, The current leadership of the Open Source Initiative (OSI, has brought to our attention that they feel the Open Source Hardware ‘gear’ logo infringes on their trademark.

The open source hardware logo was chosen by the community and has become a de facto standard over the past year and a half. As the founding board members of OSHWA, we feel that it is not our right nor our place to decide this issue for the community without further input. This “founding” OSHWA board was elected by the OSHWA organizers simply to do the hard work of the bootstrapping the organization: to get a bank account, to fill out IRS paperwork, to clear other organizing hurdles, and (finally) to establish membership so that we can legally vote in board members by future membership. We would like to work on behalf of the community. 1) License the open source hardware ‘gear’ logo from OSI. Clive Thompson on 3-D Printing's Legal Morass | Wired Design. Photo illustration: Andrew B.

Myers Last winter, Thomas Valenty bought a MakerBot — an inexpensive 3-D printer that lets you quickly create plastic objects. His brother had some Imperial Guards from the tabletop game Warhammer, so Valenty decided to design a couple of his own Warhammer-style figurines: a two-legged war mecha and a tank. He tweaked the designs for a week until he was happy. “I put a lot of work into them,” he says. Until the lawyers showed up. Games Workshop, the UK-based firm that makes Warhammer, noticed Valenty’s work and sent Thingiverse a takedown notice, citing the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. “The DMCA knocked the wind out of me,” he wrote in an e-mail to me. When I first heard about 3-D printers, I figured the trend wouldn’t go mainstream for decades, if ever. Observers predict that in a few years we’ll see printers that integrate scanning capability — so your kid can toss in a Warhammer figurine, hit Copy, and get a new one.

I hope he’s successful. Open Source hardware - does it work? | Joren De Wachter. Open Source hardware is the next step in the development of “open” licenses;A review of the most important OS hardware licenses show them to be a combination of known techniques, like creative commons, and “covenant not to sue” for patents or design rights;Their validity and enforceability seem somewhat weaker than the software Open Source licenses, mainly because, paradoxically, there is a fundamental freedom to copy hardware (unlike software);it makes sense for Open Source hardware licenses to focus on patents and design rights.

Open Source hardware is starting to be mentioned from time to time. Unlike Open Source software, which is now well established, it is still relatively unknown. One of the best-known examples of Open Source hardware is the Arduino board. The Arduino board is a single board microcontroller. It was once described to me as “the hardware core of a robot-brain”, which explains it well enough. With an Arduino board, you can direct hardware. Again, this is enforceable. Disruptions: The 3-D Printing Free-For-All. Open Source Initiative OSI - The BSD License:Licensing. The following is a BSD 2-Clause license template. To generate your own license, change the values of OWNER and YEAR from their original values as given here, and substitute your own.

Note: see also the BSD-3-Clause license. This prelude is not part of the license. <OWNER> = Regents of the University of California <YEAR> = 1998 In the original BSD license, both occurrences of the phrase "COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS" in the disclaimer read "REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS". Here is the license template: Copyright (c) <YEAR>, <OWNER> All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. 2. 3-D printing: the Napster of manufacturing. Editor's Note: Peter Hanna is an associate at the law firm Jenner & Block. This post is part of the Global Innovation Showcase created by the New America Foundation and the Global Public Square. It is adapted from a piece that appeared on Ars Technica on April 5, 2011 By Peter Hanna – Special to CNN Who really printed the impossible triangle? The Penrose Triangle is an optical illusion–a drawing of a triangle that is impossible to actually make without resorting to hidden openings or gimmicky twists.

Within a couple of weeks of Schwanitz’s “discovery,” another 3D modeler named Artur Tchoukanov watched the video and figured out how to recreate the shape. Schwanitz demanded that Thingiverse remove Tchoukanov’s design because it allegedly infringed Schwanitz’s copyright. Though still in its infancy, 3D printing technology promises to democratize creation the same way the Gutenberg Press democratized knowledge. Gutenberg didn’t have to worry much about intellectual property laws. An International Standard for Open (Source) Hardware. The following guest post is by Jürgen Neumann, from the Open Source Hardware and Design Alliance. Jürgen will be joining us at OKCon 2011 as part of a panel on Open Hardware and Open Standards As the free open source paradigm is shifting towards open everything, there are still a few obstacles to completely shift it into the physical world.

Most importantly, the sustainable sharing of the design through a resilient copy-left like license such as GPL or CC can not be transfered towards the devices as such, as those licenses are based on copyright, which can not be applied to things. The equivalent would be patents, but until today there is no clear path for a patent for the public domain. And besides that, the process of patenting can be very time consuming and expensive. Invention patents supposedly appeared in Venice in the seventeenth century. But today’s practice of patents has almost turned this notion completely upside down. You are very welcome to join! See the OKCon programme here.

The TAPR Open Hardware License. The TAPR Open Hardware License is TAPR's contribution to the community of Open Hardware developers. TAPR grants permission for anyone to use the OHL as the license for their hardware project, provided only that it is used in unaltered form. Download the TAPR Open Hardware License: About the OHL The TAPR Open Hardware License ("OHL") provides a framework for hardware projects that is similar to the one used for Open Source software.

This isn't as straight-forward as it seems because legal concepts that work well for software (such as copyright and copyleft) don't neatly fit when dealing with hardware products and the documentation used to create them. Here is a description, taken from the OHL's Preamble, of how the Open Hardware License works and how to use it: Open Hardware is a thing - a physical artifact, either electrical or mechanical - whose design information is available to, and usable by, the public in a way that allows anyone to make, modify, distribute, and use that thing.

Credits. It Will Be Awesome if They Don't Screw it Up: 3D Printing... The next Napster? Copyright questions as 3D printing comes of age. The Penrose Triangle is as elegant as it is impossible—much like M.C. Escher’s drawings, it presents a two-dimensional illusion that the eye interprets as three-dimensional. The task of effectively creating this illusion in three dimensions, without resorting to hidden openings or gimmicky twists, seemed daunting until a Netherlands-based designer named Ulrich Schwanitz succeeded in printing the object recently. But Schwanitz, who posted a YouTube video of his design achievement in action, wouldn’t share his secret with the world. Instead, he made his “impossible triangle” available for purchase through Shapeways, a company that fabricates custom 3D designs, for $70. Within weeks of Schwanitz’s “discovery,” however, a 3D modeler (and former Shapeways intern) named Artur Tchoukanov watched the video and figured out how to recreate the shape.

He then uploaded instructions to Thingiverse, an open-source repository of 3D models and content. A disruptor like no other. 3D printing's first copyright complaint goes away, but things are just getting started. More news on the first-ever DMCA threat for violating a copyright in a 3D object -- Ulrich Schwanitz has rescinded his complaint and will release his shape into the public domain today. Here's a summary for those of you who missed it: last week, Ulrich Schwanitz figured out how to print the "impossible" Penrose Triangle," a well-known optical illusion. He released a video of the shape and challenged others to see how it might have been done. 3D modeller Artur Tchoukanov promptly figured it out, designed a 3D shape that accomplished the same thing, and uploaded his shape's specifications to Thingiverse, a repository for 3D designs. Then I came along and missed the fact that there was a challenge underway, and erroneously credited Artur Tchoukanov with creating the shape.

Schwanitz sent me some emails asking for correction, but they arrived while I was away from the Internet at a conference, so it was a few hours until I updated. All in all: fun times. Expect them to get weirder. Press Release. Geneva, 7 July 2011. Four months after launching the alpha version, CERN1 has today issued version 1.1 of the Open Hardware Licence (OHL), a legal framework to facilitate knowledge exchange across the electronic design community. In the spirit of knowledge and technology dissemination, the CERN OHL was created to govern the use, copying, modification and distribution of hardware design documentation, and the manufacture and distribution of products.

Hardware design documentation includes schematic diagrams, designs, circuit or circuit-board layouts, mechanical drawings, flow charts and descriptive texts, as well as other explanatory material. Version 1.0 of the CERN OHL was published in March 2011 on the Open Hardware Repository (OHR), the creation of electronic designers working in experimental-physics laboratories who felt the need to enable knowledge-exchange across a wide community and in line with the ideals of "open science" being fostered by organizations such as CERN.