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Event:2013 Global Forum on Development - From Video Broadcast of 2013 GFD Watch the Video Broadcast of 2013 GFD, click here. About The global economic landscape has changed, and with it, the understanding of what development and poverty are all about. Economic growth in developing and emerging countries has improved lives of many poor people and led to the emergence of a middle class. Yet, many people who have escaped absolute poverty would still be counted as poor when based on different - relative and country specific – thresholds of poverty. This edition of the 2013 Global Forum on Development (GFD), Innovative Approaches to Poverty Reduction, Social Cohesion and Progress in the post-2015 world, is designed to promote better understanding of the shifting dynamics of poverty and what they mean for the design and implementation of poverty reduction policies by governments, international organisations and others in the post-2015 world.

Preparing for the Post-2015 World Participants and Outcome Agenda and Speakers.


Meditation. Population. Mental Enhancements. The perfecting of one's self is the fundamental base of all progress and all moral development. Confucius Transhumanists are interested in metaprogramming, rewriting the programs of our minds so that we become more efficient, dynamic, positive - you name it. The good news is that most methods are quite simple, the bad news is that they require continuing use - it is not possible to just read about them, they must be used to become truly effective. There is plenty of snake oil out there, and it is important to carefully test claims, not just accept the hype because it sounds so good. Memetics and a dose of sceptical thinking can be helpful for this.

Most metaprogramming is based on our own inherent powers of change and our will to ch ange, the rest is just gimmicks to make it work better, appear more convincing or sell lots of audiotapes. Sections General Mental Transformation Short Term Short term mental transformation, i.e. optimizing the minds we currently have. BigDreams. Nucleus Inc.