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Wiki software

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DMOZ Groupware: Wiki. WikiIndex. List of wikis. This page contains a list of notable websites that use a wiki model. These websites will sometimes use different software in order to provide the best content management system for their users' needs, but they all share the same basic editing and viewing website model.

§Table[edit] §See also[edit] §References[edit] §External links[edit] Compare them all. TWiki - the Open Source Enterprise Wiki and Web Application Platform. WebHome < Home < Foswiki. TWikiDrawPlugin. Vector drawing editor and clickable maps for diagrams and workflows Overview This plugin encapsulates the TWikiDraw Java Applet first developed by TWiki:Main.PeterThoeny from the original JHotDraw. JHotDraw is a simple drawing editor that supports drawing in a style similar to that found in MS Powerpoint and MS Word.

Various shaped figures can be placed in the drawing and text annotations joined to them. Unique to TWikiDrawPlugin, a drawing can also have a "map" which makes figures in the drawing sensitive to the mouse cursor. A map is automatically added to an image when a URL is attached to any of the figures. How you edit a drawing depends on whether the drawing has a map and the setting of the "EDIT_BUTTON" option. Browser support for Java 1.1 or later required. Syntax Rules Write the command %DRAWING{name}% anywhere in a TWiki topic. Example: %DRAWING{workflow}% Tools The tools on the left create or manipulate figures. Handles Commands Attributes Plugin Settings Example Drawing Edit Plugin Info.